{32} Batman And Catwoman

3rd Person POV

Scott and Melissa already came up with a plan, now it needs to be set in motion.

Javier was talking about his work, but Kyra was distracted as she looked at Stiles talking to some blonde.

Kyra didn't want to admit that she was jealous, but she was.

Javier asked, "Like father, like daughter."

Kyra turned back around and asked, "What you'd say?"

"Cole used to do the same thing. He would take a glance looking at Skylar, but just end up staring." Javier said

Kyra asked, "Who are you?"

"A friend of your dad's. I know you're Kyra." Javier said as he looked at her

"How?" Kyra asked

Javier replied, "We met before back in France, I believe, it was a long time ago. And when you asked if we met before, I knew it was you."

"Wait, how old are you if you are a friend of my dad?" Kyra asked

Javier replied, "I was already a vampire when I first met your dad. In human years, I'm about 30, I believe."

"You look really mature for your age." Kyra said

"I turned into a vampire when I was in my early 20's. I knew your dad because our parents were close family friends." Javier said then continued, "I knew that his daughter, was a vampire. I just couldn't believe, that I got a chance to see you again."

Kyra asked, "When we first met, how old was I?"

"In human years or vampire years?" Javier asked

"I was already a vampire when I went to France, so vampire years." Kyra replied

"17. And in vampire years, I was 24. It's hard to explain age, for us vampires." Javier replied

Kyra said, "True, why are you here in Beacon Hills?"

"To check up on the broken family, that you have." Javier said

"Wow, aren't you a gentleman?" Kyra asked sarcastically

"I try to be." Javier replied then he continued, "I'm serious though, ever since your father, died. I felt like I needed to know you. I needed to know that you were safe. When, your father told you that he had to leave for a couple of days. He came to see me."

"Why?" Kyra asked

Javier replied, "Because I'm the only person that your dad knows in Beacon Hills who wouldn't betray him."

"You updated him, didn't you? About everything and everyone in Beacon Hills?" Kyra asked

Javier replied, "Mostly about your mother. And your sister."

"That's why he wouldn't tell me." Kyra replied

Javier said, "It was his way of protecting you."

"He was always protecting me. Now, it's my job to protect Kyla." Kyra said

Javier asked, "Where is Kyla anyway?"

"About a month ago, we talked, and she told me that she was going on some romantic getaway with her boyfriend." Kyra replied

Javier asked, "Isaac Lahey?"

She nodded her head in reply then Javier said, "You know, you should talk to Stiles."

"How much do you know about me? Honestly, you sound more like a stalker than a guardian angel." Kyra pointed out

"More than you think. Less than you know." Javier said

Kyra said, "That's very vague."

Melissa then came up to them and said, "Kyla, have you seen Scott?"

"No, why?" Kyra asked

"He's been looking everywhere for you." Melissa replied

Kyra asked, "Where is he?"

"At the balcony. Upstairs, two doors to your right." Melissa said

Kyra told Javier that she'll be right back. Kyra wondered what the hell Scott wanted to know.

She carefully walked upstairs holding her dress up.

Kyra went to the room two doors to the right with a wide view of the South side of Beacon Hills.

She slowly walks forward to the rail as she looked around the area. She had this eye of seeing the beauty in landscape and design. Kyra has always admired that ever since, she left Beacon Hills and discovered a new way to live.

Kyra took a deep breath then she heard someone say, "Hey, Kyra. I'm sorry about what happened earlier. I didn't mean to put you in that amount of pressure. I'm trying. Whatever it is, that we are going through, we'll survive. I know because I love you."

Kyra looked down holding the railing and saw Stiles pacing left and right as he was talking to myself.

Kyra smiled as Stiles said, "No, Stiles. That sounds something Scott would say, you gotta think original. What would Batman do?"

Kyra asked, "Isn't it what would Stiles do?"

Stiles referred himself in the 3rd person saying, "Stiles has no idea what to do. Stiles is probably losing his mind right now, since clearly an angel from above is talking to him."

Kyra chuckled then said, "I've been told, I've been quite the angel. More like a dark angel, to be exact."

"I'm sorry but the only dark angel, I know, is the girl of my dreams." Stiles replied

Kyra smiled then said, "Look up, Batman."

Stiles turned around looking at her, then he asked, "How long have you been there?"

"Since you've started to talk to yourself and to an angel." Kyra replied smiling

Stiles replied, "Well, yea. I know, when I see one, remember?"

"Yet, there is only one dark angel." Kyra added

Stiles replied, "Because she stands out from all of the other angels."

Kyra said, "Stiles, about earlier-"

Stiles stopped her and said, "Kyra, it was my fault. I should've not pressured you in that way, I'm sorry."

"I'm sorry too. Stiles, I'm scared." Kyra admitted

Stiles asked, "Why are you scared?"

"Scared that history is going to repeat itself." Kyra replied as she looked down at him

Stiles sighed then said, "I'm not going to let that happen, like ever. That was your parents. This is us. Me and you. I'm not letting anyone or anything break us apart because I love you and there's no one else that I would love more than I love you. I love you, Kyra, so what does that tell you?"

"I could show you more than I could tell you. Why don't you get your cute little ass, up here and find out?" Kyra asked then Stiles immediately ran back inside

Kyra chuckled as she smiled looking up at the sky saying, "Thanks, dad."

She heard Stiles's heartbeat coming closer. Kyra turned around then the door opened revealing Stiles.

They both walked forward meeting halfway then they kissed more passionately than they have ever before with Stiles holding her cheeks and Kyra's hands on both of his sides.

They both pulled back slowly trying to catch their breath. They both opened their eyes, slowly just admiring each of their eyes.

Kyra and Stiles both smiled then Kyra asked, "What are we now?"

"The same thing, we've always been. Batman and Catwoman." Stiles replied

Kyra smiled and said, "Good answer."

Kyra put her hands back on his cheeks kissing him once again.

Stiles smiled as they kissed, causing Kyra to blush.

Kyra is the happiest girl in the world. As for Stiles, he's always been the happiest man in the world ever since he found the girl of his dreams, standing right in front of him.
