{5} Batman, It's Catwoman

The Next Day----->Kyra's POV

I was currently in the boy's locker room wearing my lacrosse uniform with the number, 31.

Why am I wearing my lacrosse uniform? You'll find out, sooner or later.

Earlier today, after Stiles left his house, I was sitting on his couch as Kyla texted me saying that she was going back to school, so right now, I don't look like Kyla at all since I'm wearing my blue contacts, pretending to be someone else.

I was standing in front of my locker near the door as I checked my phone, it was Kyla saying that she's in the lacrosse field sitting on the bleachers. I replied, ok, I'll see you soon.

I put my phone in my locker then I put my hair up in a high pony-tail then I put my helmet over my head.

I turned my head and saw a familiar plaid shirt walk in with his best friend.

I got my lacrosse stick out my locker as I used my vampire hearing as Scott said, "Alright, fine but I think I'm more in control now especially since now things are good with Allison."

Stiles replied, "I'm aware that things are good with Allison."

Scott said making me roll my eyes, "Things are good like really good."

Stiles responded, "Alright, I get it, just please, shut the hell up before I have the urge to kill myself."

Scott asked, "Are things really good between you and Kyra? I know, she's staying at your place right?"

"Yea but, it's not like you and Allison, but we're okay. We're not making out or anything." Stiles replied

Scott said, "You know if you feel something for her, just ask her out, see how the date goes."

Stiles responded, "Yea, I know, it's just that's the thing, I don't know what I feel for her. All I know, is that I don't see her get hurt because of me."

Scott sighed then said changing the subject, "You have anything better than handcuffs, this time."

"Yea, much better. And besides I have it since this is going to be Kyra's backup plan for Kyla, since you know, Kyla is a hybrid." Stiles said then he put down his backpack.

I closed my locker then I turned my head towards Stiles and Scott as I heard chains coming down from Stiles's locker.

I slowly walked over to them as everyone was looking at Stiles.

Coach walked over to them and said, "Part of me wants to ask, the other part says knowing will be more disturbing than I could ever imagine, so I'm going to walk away."

Coach walked away then Stiles said as I walked behind them, "It's good. Wise choice, Coach."

I said, "Wow, your girlfriend likes it rough, huh?"

Stiles turned around then he said awkwardly, "Umm, I don't have a girlfriend."

"Well, I guess we're both single." I said then I took off my helmet as I said, "The helmet is making me hot, don't you think?"

I held my helmet by my side then I heard some of the boys whisper and whistle.

I rolled my eyes then I said holding out my hand, "I'm Michelle Valdez, you're Stiles right?"

"Holy shit." Stiles said then continued as he was whispering, "Kyra, what the hell are you doing here, wearing a lacrosse uniform and wearing blue contacts?"

"Who's Kyra?" I asked then said, "Didn't you hear? I'm a transfer student who's dad used to be friends to Coach, then recently past away. And I'm good at lacrosse."

I smirked then whispered as Stiles and Scott made a confuse face, "Batman, it's Catwoman. Look, just don't get mad, I just really wanted to join lacrosse."

Stiles said, "How.....How are you-?"

I replied, "Here, pretending to be somebody else? It's simple really, I was compelling Coach; if I could be in the team since there was an opening spot, along with that I got my own jersey, with the number I want. And these contacts, I used them when I lived in Canada, you'd be surprised by how many disguises I had back then."

Then I put my helmet down next to the chains, as I bent down helping out Scott as he was just staring at me.

I turned my head looking at him then I said, "Relax, dog, I'm only doing this to join lacrosse and who knows, something could happen and you don't have backup. Remember, our talk, Scott? All I'm doing is looking out for you and for Stiles."

"Always looking out for me, huh?" Stiles said as he got down next to me

"Always." I replied then I smelled a werewolf, and it wasn't Scott or Derek.

I looked around as did Scott then I said/whispered, "Scott, please tell me you smell another you in here?"

"Another what?" Stiles whispered/asked as I turned my head looking at Scott who's eyes went yellow.

"There's one in here, right now." Scott said then I said as I got up, "Stiles, there's another werewolf in the lacrosse team. See you boys on the field."

I put on my helmet then walked out into the lacrosse field.


Stiles and Scott came to where I sat then Scott said, "You know, your sister is here right?"

"And?" I said as I retied my shoelaces

"You don't care if she sees you?" Scott asked, I replied as I looked up at him, "Scott, chill, alright? Kyla and I have been talking and it's fine. Just act normal please before I punch you in the face."

I said as I looked at Stiles, "What's up Batman?"

Stiles said, "What's up Catwoman?"

Then I said as I looked at both of them, "Look, boys, I don't have time to chit-chat, one, there is another werewolf, that I don't even know about." I paused then I said, "Wait a second, I think I know who it is."

"Well, who is it?" Stiles asked then I said, "Derek gave Jackson the bite, but Jackson's body is rejecting it. Jackson could be the other werewolf. But, I'm just assuming which means we need a backup plan, just in case."

"You have a plan?" Scott asked then I said, "I usually have a plan to begin with, Scott. Anyway, the plan is that we have to sniff the person during practice."

"We?" Scott asked then I replied, "Yea, me and you are going to have to sniff our teammates."

I handed him the goalie stick then I said, "Scott, you are goalie and don't worry I'll play defense. We take turns sniffing people, so it won't look weirder than it already is. You go first, I'll go after. Take turns, alright?"

I stood up in front of them then I said as I looked at Stiles, "Who knows, maybe I could sniff and be on top of you, Stiles?"

I winked at Stiles then Coach blew the whistle then he said, "Let's go! Line it up!"

I patted Scott and Stiles on their shoulders then said, "Here we go."

I walked where the defense was supposed to be.

Scott went to his goal area then I turned looking at him giving him a nod signaling that it's go time.

Coach blew the whistle then he past the ball to the first player. I moved to the side as Scott ran tackling the first guy.

Once he came back, I said, "I could do so much better."

"Oh, really?" Scott asked then I said then the Coach blew the whistle, "Wanna bet?"

I turned back around and saw that it was Matt. I ran towards him then I flipped him over by his legs. He went down then I came in front of his face sniffing him.

Matt said, "You like to play rough with me, huh, honey?"

"Sorry to break it to you honey, but you're not Stiles, so I wouldn't play rough with you." I said then I got up after I winked at Stiles and walked over to Scott then I said, "Told ya."

"That was weak, grandma." Scott said then I said, "Like you could do better, cub."

"Watch me." Scott said then I said, "I would rather be blind."

Then Coach blew the whistle, making Scott run again attacking the next player.

I saw Coach walk up to Stiles then he said as he grabbed Stiles's helmet and while I was using my vampire hearing, "Stilinski, what the hell is wrong with your friend?"

Stiles replied, "He's failing two classes, he's a little socially awkward, and if you look closely his jawline is kind of uneven."

I looked at Scott and said, "I never noticed that before."

I turned my head back around and then Coach blew the whistle. I ran towards Danny. I tossed him as I held him to the ground.

I sniffed him then he said, "Armani. It's my aftershave. Armani."

"It's nice, Danny." I said then Danny replied, "You look familiar."

I responded, "Yea, I get that a lot."

I got up then Coach said, "That's my girl, not going easy on you boys!"

I saw Jackson next, then I said, "Scott, I got Jackson, take the next one."

"Okay." Scott replied then Jackson said as I looked at Jackson getting ready, "Coach, my shoulder is hurting, I'm going to set this one out."

Jackson walked away making me roll my eyes, then I said turning my head at Scott, "Take this one, his scent smells like you."

Scott and I looked at who's next, Isaac, then Scott and I made eye-contact with each other.

I gave him the nod then Coach blew the whistle.

As I tilted my head looking at Isaac, Scott ran towards Isaac. They flew into each other. Then I saw Scott's eyes turn yellow.

Then the whistle blew, turning their eyes back to normal.

I looked over and saw the police coming in; why are they here?

I walked over to Scott and Stiles as Scott said, "His father is dead. He was murdered."

Then I looked at Kyla as one of the police officers came up to her.

Kyla's Outfit:

I used my vampire hearing at their conversation.

Kyla asked, "Yea, that's me. Did I do something wrong, officer?"

The police officer replied, "Kyla, you need to come to the station with us, you could call your mother there."

Kyla nodded her head then she got up holding her journal and wearing her backpack.

Kyla and the police officer walked over to where Isaac was.

Then I took off my helmet and threw it down to the ground as they were walking away.

I said, "Oh, hell no."

I was about to walk away then Scott grabbed my wrist and Stiles made his way in front of me blocking me from walking ahead.

I said, "Scott, let me go before I rip your heart out."

Scott let go of my wrist then I said, "Thank you."

I walked forward then Stiles blocked me.

I said, "Stiles, let me through."

"Nope, no can do." Stiles said then I asked, "Oh really why?"

"Because I'm helping you from doing something stupid." Stiles responded

I replied, "Stiles, my sister is going to the police station for something she didn't even do."

"In case you forgot, you have a restraining order." Stiles said

I replied as I crossed my arms, "Stiles, I don't care. And in case you forgot, they are going to be put in a holding cell overnight, remember, just like what happened to me. And what's worse is that it is a full moon tonight and they are both werewolves. You think it's going to end up being a happy sleepover, it's not."

I looked behind Stiles, and saw that they were all gone.

I looked at Stiles and shook my head. Then I picked up my helmet and walked away from them.
