Vaughn, D💎ckhead

   I remember this one time.. It was about this time of year and where we lived at the time, it would actually snow during Christmas. It's not when we were a happy family, because we never really were one, but it was when my mother was still living with us. After Jules had come home and during the fast steady track of self-destruction my mother was inflicting on herself.

   It was so cold out, my nose and cheeks went numb quickly just in the short time it took us to make our way across the long-stretched parking lot to the mall. Mom wanted to go shopping, figured it was a good idea to go in one of her partially drunken hazes. I think dad only agreed to go so they didn't fight, tired of the constant fighting that had gotten worst between them.

   Jules and I held hands as we stuck close to our parents, my mom muttering her fascination with something that caught her eye.

   It's still kind of a blur, but also something I remember quite clear. I remember looking over to the fountain. My eyes lingering to the Christmas themed set up as the big fat man dressed as Santa sat on his throne, kids lined up to visit him and tell him all their greedy little wishes.

"Hey. Hey! Look, it's Santa!" I beamed, excited to show off the giant man to my family. It's not like I really believed in Santa, I was past that age, never really believing him or much of anything else growing up. Not like, because of religion, but because of my mother. She made it hard to really believe in anything. But my father, usually doing stuff with Jules and me for holidays. So, when I saw the big man, my child brain thought it would have been fun to point him out to dad and Jules.

Only.. I never got the chance too.

   I felt the panic hit immediately, none of them in front of me like they had just been moments ago. Nor was I holding my sister's hand any longer. It wasn't long, not nearly as long as that night my mother had left me home alone, but it was enough.

   The time and space around me seeming to slow down and my little heart began to beat so fast I thought it was going to burst. My blood feeling cold while still pumping in my veins.. Like my internal body heat had suddenly been switched from hot to cold. The fear of being left alone in the middle of the huge scary, people filled mall terrified the absolute fuck out of me. It felt like an eternity before my father came running back for me.

   My father noticed the way I froze, the tears in my eyes but was too scared to react, just frozen, even more so as my mother finally made her way behind him with Jules. Her tripping a step as she was still partly intoxicated. My father comforted me quietly, asking if I was alright before turning back to my mother, telling her he that it was time to leave.

   She was pissy, and took it out on me, mostly verbally, for the following week. Jules didn't seem to notice, just thought it was one of those oh so normal little freak out I'd have.

My mother.. such a spiteful bitch.

"Merry Christmas, Fez."

"Ay, Merr' Christmas, kid. Yo, why ain't we seen you today? Got any big plans with yo dad and sis?" I hummed half boredly over the phone, shrugging despite him not being able to see it.

"Nah, nothing much. Dad actually went out for a little bit, said he was meeting up with someone or something, I'm not sure. I just figured to give you and Ash a break. " He sucks his teeth at me.

"Man, we ain't sick of you yet, kid. Luckily for you 'ion think we'll get sick of yous neither." I smiled sadly to myself, sighing as I laid out more on my bed.

"Besides, I think Ash misses you." He whispered into the phone. I felt my brow twitch, sitting up as I pulled the phone away in reaction.

"What is it with you people?!" I could hear him laugh over the phone, noticing Jules slowly peak around the corner from in her room. I almost laughed, falling back on the bed.

"I'm ju-" He started. He still talked but sounded muffled and inaudible.

"Uhhh.. Hello?" I asked. Click. I gasped at the phone, a look of anger and shock taking place as Fezco had the audacity to hang up on me.

"You bitch!" I swiped into the phone, going to yell at Fezco before my phone dings, letting me know I had a message. New number. The fuck..

'Oh so fez gets a merry christmas and then yall be talkin shit. Shits fucked up ma' I squinted my eyes, not being able to help but smile as I sit up on my bed.

'I was gonna have him say merry christmas to u 2 and who said anything about talkin shit??'

'He whispered into the phone, and its u hes talkin 2 I know yall aint trading grandmas cookie recipes!' I rolled my eyes, laughing out quietly as I rolled onto my stomach to get comfier.

'ur stupid.' I sent first.

'Besides dont you know grandmas cookies recipes are sacred' I added.

'ur stupid! and who the fuck thinks so highly of fucking cookies anyways'

'you've never had homemade cookies have you?' I was joking at first, before thinking maybe he really hasn't had homemade cookies before. The two of them living on quick and easy meals.

'I dont need to answer that.' I giggled out some, rolling my eyes at him. I pushed myself some on the bed, inch worming my way till I was hung over the side of the bed partially.

'I think u just did there sunshine' I smiled contently, propping a leg up on my knee, bouncing it in the air freely and absentmindedly.

'Listen princess if you know whats good for you youll stop calling me that.' I gave an irked smile, brow twitching at his new pet name. I mean, it's only fair but I'm not gonna like it any, besides, just encourages me to call him Sunshine even more.

'Is that a threat or a dare?' I bit my lip, rolling over once again on to my stomach, legs up behind me, swaying side to side freely.

'you really wanna find out?' I felt my face turn red, squealing out as I kicked my legs down on to the bed repeatedly, head down in my folded arms.

"What the fuck is your malfunction!? Damn, girl, sitting in here giggling and squealing like a little school bitch!" I bit my lip, looking up at Jules quickly, seeing her in the doorway of my bed looking amused but partially annoyed.

"Nothing." I say, almost too quickly. She hums unbelievingly, making her way to me. I tried hiding the phone away from her, her trying to reach for it more.

"No- No Jules, stop it. It's nothi- Nobody. Can yo-" She rolls away from me, phone in hand as she laughs out surprised at the text she was reading between Ash and I.

"Marina! Naughty, naughty. I didn't know you actually flirt!" I cringed at this, shaking my head as I hide my face.

"I would hardly classify that as flirting... I don't even know what I'm supposed to say or do!" I suddenly found myself ranting.

"Uh.. maybe not keep him waiting?" I look over confused, shocked remembering I hadn't texted him back. But that dropped as I see him calling me, her face containing the evilest smirk in existence.

"I could, uh.. stay. Ya know, offer my wise wor-" I stared bug eye, getting up from the bed quickly as I make my way for her quickly.

"No, no, no! Goodbye!" I go to push her out of the room, her pretending to suddenly weigh a thousand pounds, her legs becoming like jelly.

"I.. I can't. Gem. Legs, not... working!" I growled, the vibrations of the phone sending me into a frenzy.

"Jules, get out! He's gonna hang up!" I shoved her out of the room, her looking back, trying not to smile as she looks sad and offended.

"Where's the love?!-" I shut the door on her, hearing her laugh quietly on the other side.

"I'm here!" I yelled into the phone, facepalming myself for sounding so.. I can't even say it out loud. Seriously, I just-- I cringe just thinking about it.

"Evry'thin good, ma?" I hear his raspy chuckle ring out, smiling at just the sound of it.

"Yeah just.." I heard a small creak behind me.

"Just, dealing with- A pest problem!" I yelled, throwing a fist at the door. I heard her screech out, laughing as I hear her run back to her room. I hear his infectious laugh over the line, exhaling at the work out of having previously fought Jules out of the room.

"So yous dumbass really thought we needed a break from yo ass?" I smile, a small chuckle coming out with it.

"I mean, yous right but, I don't know. Guess I kinda got used to see'en you ev'ryday." I chewed on my cheek, tugging on a piece of my hair as I rested on the floor in front of the door.

"Aw, don't tell me your going soft on me O'Neil?" I teased.

"Nah, usually you be the one talkin' to Fez, now I'm stuck actually talkin' to him." I laugh incredulously at him a bit.

"I literally spend more time in the cooler with you." I pointed, which wasn't entirely true. I mean, honestly it just depends on the day, it's about the same amount of time doing both, I talk to Fez all the time, but I also sit in the cooler with Ash all the time too.

"Yeah, but it ain't like we always talkin' so it don't count though." I hum softly.

"I mean.. it counts to me." I closed my eyes at my boldness, shaking my head to myself as I got up, making my way for my bed instead. The ground no longer being comfy. It was silent for a minute.

"Aww, don't tell me your going soft.. Vough, Voon. How the fuck you say your last name?" I rolled my eyes at him, him continuing to purposely get my last name wrong.

"Vaughn, dickhead. And no, I'm not. Excuse me for counting our lovely banter time as one of my favorite past times. " I giggled out tauntingly.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever, Vaughn." He used a mock voice for my last name, only causing me to laugh out some more. It growing quiet for a second as all that could be hearing was my giggles that slowly died down.

"Merry Christmas, Ash." I whispered back with sincerity.

"Merry Christmas, to you too, ma." I turned on my side, almost coddling the phone with both hands as I smiled into it warmly.

"I wish it snowed here." I mindlessly confessed.

"And deal with that shit weather? Nah, I don't think so, ma." I rolled around on the bed, I don't know why, but I was happy. I think what I really love most about Ash, was that he could make me easily forget my troubles and worries and stupid bullshit in the real world. With him, even when we do bicker back and forth sometimes, and stresses me the hell out sometimes, and drives me completely mad others, he can make me feel better without even having to try. Whether it's to distract me or just let me sit there in silence, rather it's intentional or not, he still makes me feel better. Even if I'm mad or annoyed.. he still makes me feel better. 

He's like my drug.

"But the snow is literally like.. really beautiful though." I insist. He let out a small, rasped chuckle.

"Snows not the only thing that's beautiful." I felt my heart skip a beat, pulling the phone way from my ear as I put a pillow over my face. I could literally just.. I could die in that moment and die happy. Content.
