Not a Birthday Present I'd Want

     Turns out, Cassie puked.. while they were all in the hot tub. Suze bringing her upstairs to get her cleaned up. I painfully helped, figured to give Lexi a break. Her already flustered beyond comprehension with her sister's bullshit for the night.

   Lexi only had a minute to tell me some of what happened, getting more towels for everyone before running back downstairs. Since then, things have gotten kinda quiet. The music long since then being turned down. The night mellowing out, obvious the whole thing with Cassie must have worn everyone out.

   That's when pounding could be heard at the front door. I was curious, naturally. My already restless body getting more agitated as I laid on the couch wondering who it was. My mind lingering with possibilities. The slight paranoia it was my father or sister, somehow one of them figuring out I was staying here.


Fuck it

    I got up from the couch, staring at the door before finally getting up. I made my way out into the hall, seeing Rue coming out of Suze's room. This not adding up in my brain right. Wondering why she was in there. She looked bad. Even worse than I felt. Making me think her detox was much more severe than mine.

"Marina? Why are you-" Her speech slow and unsteady. Not sure I should admit I may or may not have been told about Elliot coming clean about everything.. I don't know.. Maybe I was kinda hoping to have been caught. But they didn't get to me in time. I was already gone before Elliot even got home.

"Figured to give Elliot a break for a while." I lied. Her shaking her head, it clear she was getting fidgety.

"He's a little bitch.." I sighed heavily, eyes heavy as I rested on the wall behind me.

"How bad was it?" She rested on the wall beside me, clutching her stomach and hunched over.

"It was.. It was pretty fucking bad. Your sister fucking ambushed me. Earlier.. Fucking told my mom and everything.. Flushed eeeverything... Guess we're both on the run now." She fake laughs, straightening herself back up. Her head rolling almost lifelessly as she slowly resumed her way for the stairs.

"And I'm assuming I was mentioned?" She nodded, a dull nod, me returning said dull nod. Knowing I was indeed fucked.


"Yep." I watched as Rue made her way for the stairs, stopping short as she rounded the corner.

"Ah, fuck. It'll never fuckin' end." I felt my body freeze, instantly thinking it was Jules or something. Figuring I'd have to leave my last save heaven. Rue making herself comfy on the top of the stairs as she sits. I stood where I was by the closet, almost by the stairs.

"This can't make you feel good, Rue. Livin' like this. Lyin' to the people you love, bein' mean to the people you love. This can't make you feel good about yourself." I shook my head, to myself as I heard Leslie's words. Her words being close to what I'd imagine my father's lecture sounding like.

"I don't care. Just fuckin' leave me alone, please." I frowned in my spot, resting against the wall more to suppose myself as I continued to listen to Rue's mother try and reason to her.

"I know you're in pain." I couldn't help but feel my face scrunch up, my own pain suddenly being more noticeable.

"You have no fucking idea, mom." I could almost cry, feeling Rue's pain mix in with mine as she sat feet in front of me. Me not being able to comfort her because the others would then see me.

"Let's get back into the car and let me take you to the hospital." Leslie continues.

"I can't get clean. I can't do that shit forever." Rue tried to hold her voice steady, the pain just more evident than ever.

".. You don't have to. Just.. take it one day at a time." I was surprised by the new voice, that one being Cassie's. She sounded a lot more sober and functioning than she did earlier. The fact her voice rang out, I'm also guessing the others were indeed all around. Not just Leslie.

"Hey, Cass?" Rue asks, breathlessly.

"Yeah?" Cassie asks back, almost sweetly.

"I have a quick question for you." Rue breathes out.


"How long have you been fucking Nate Jacobs?" I could almost laugh.. Silently doing so all I rolled back and forth dazily on the wall behind me.

     Cassie gives out a nervous laugh, me only picturing the looks that were being thrown around the room after that little secret came out. Of course, I made a face too, an amused but shocked look on my face. Oh shiiiit..

"Wh-what, what, what are you talking about?" Cassie poorly tries.

"How long have you been fucking Nate?" Rue repeats.

"I'm not. What? I'm not." Cassie tries, again, just as poorly. 

"What are you talking about?" Oooooohh... Maddy's voice suddenly sounds out.

"Oh, I just- I, I saw her get in his truck, and then kiss him and drive off. That was like, what, like, uh,  like a month ago?" Rue rambles, carelessly asking Cassie for a confirmation on timing.

"Are you kidding me?" Maddy ask. It sounds like Cassie tries to get something out only freezing as she tries. My mind painfully reminds me of when I froze, not being able to say anything, say how I felt or anything to Ash that day. Who cares.. It's not like he actually cared anyways.

"Cass, that's like.. really bad." Kat says this time, causing Cassie to cry out some.

"You're fucking Nate? Are you kidding me?" Maddy demands for an answer, Cassie still struggling.

"No, I.. I don't even know why she would say that." Cassie's voice clear she was holding back tears.

"You're lying!"

"Yeah, can we just table this conversation?" Suze tries this time. Just who the fuck is down there? Pleeease tell me Jules isn't here.

"Okay, let's go-" Kat's voice suddenly cuts off

"No, no. You expect me to stand here next to my best friend who's been lying to me about fucking my ex- boyfriend. I'm literally gonna get violent." Maddy rage starts to build more, only picturing how deadly her looks to Cassie were.

"Okay, no. Let's just.. No, there is no need to get violent, okay, because we are having an intervention! Stop it!" Suze snaps at the girls, everyone's clattering and yelling dulling down for a brief moment. Everyone yelling over each other and everyone drawing each other out. Fucking interventions man.. 

"I'm begging you. Let's just get in the car." I hear Leslie speak in a soft voice, her sounding like she's closer to the stairs than before. Honestly, she was trying so hard to get Rue to go with her, it almost made me give in and give myself up..

"Mom, I can't." Rue says back.

"Oh, you're crying? You're fucking crying you fucking bitch?! You're the one who's hurt? You're the most self-centered, idiotic person I have ever fucking met! You fuck my ex and you're fucking crying?! Are you fucking kidding me?!" Maddy goes off on Cassie, all the while Kat tries to get her to stop. I could almost picture the shit show perfectly.

"Look. I'm sorry, but I don't give a shit who's fucking who, okay? If you're gonna keep talkin' about it, get out of the room! " Leslie barks at the girls. Her frustration clear.

"Yeah, absolutely. You're being an animal right now to my girl!" Suze yells.

"Do you wanna go on a walk?" Lexi throws in over the loud yelling, now it starting to get out of hand. The roaring and flares of emotions making everyone tense and on edge.

"I don't even know why you're believing her. She's a drug addict!" Cassie yells out over everyone.

"How long have you been fucking him? Be honest." Maddy throws at Cassie.

"Maddy, let's just do it later." Kat tried again quietly.

"Kat, shut the fuck up! How long have you been fucking him?!.. Rue?" It's quiet after Maddy went off once more. I'm assuming all attention is on Rue, her answer gonna piss Maddy off no matter what but obviously the longer the worse is it.

"Listen, let's just get into the car, okay?" I hear Leslie try softly once more. I wonder if dad is this worried..

"When was this?" It's quiet once more as Maddy pushes for an answer.

"Right after New Year's." Rue breathes out.

"You dumb fucking bitch! I'm gonna fuck you- Don't fuckin' run away from me, you stupid fucking bitch!" Maddy screams, the sound of rushed feet coming for the stairs sounding right with it. Soon enough it sounded like a herd of elephant's were stomping and trampling their way up the stairs.

    I panicked, throwing myself back into the closet, hoping the darkness of the room would be enough to hide me. Sure, it would be since, they obviously might be a little distracted at the moment.

    Everyone screaming at once was overwhelming, like, a lot. Making my head hurt but I couldn't focus on that. I knew why Rue confessed about seeing Cassie, and that was to use it as a distraction. Well, seems like she got one. Congratulations Rue.. though I guess that was pretty good.

    I watched the group of girls run past the closet, quickly making my way out after I heard a door slam somewhere in the other room. I got to the top of the stairs, drawing back as I seen Leslie in the doorway. She was talking to Suze, rushed before taking off quickly. I peeked back out when I didn't hear her voice once more, rushing down the stairs when I didn't see her.

"Where ya goin'?" I rushed out the door quickly, Suze turning around just in time to see me leave.

"To check something." I say simply, not slowly my pacing in the slightest.
