Super F💎ckin' Sketchy.

     I walk out into the living room, my steps slowing as I see Fezco and Faye standing there. Faye buttoning up Fezco's nice dress shirt. Suit hanging up behind Faye, a steamer off to the side. They both turned to me, putting me on spot as I wasn't sure what to say or do... Other than just leave. So that is tonight.. And he's dressing up for Lexi..

"Yous, uh, yous good there, Gem?" I kept looking between the two, feeling the "I'm sorry's" build but everything was caught in my throat.

"Sup' Mar'?" I looked over at Faye, her nose healed from the looks of it. No lasting damage. She was even fucking smiling. Only making me feel worse. Feeding into the guilt. How could she just.. smile at me like that? How can Fez even stand to look at me?

"I'm.. I.." I felt my anger rise, the humility and guilt making me feel bad, making me mad because I couldn't apologize for hurting them. I'm so fucking- Pathetic! I cringed away from my emotions, failing to look them in the eye for long.

"Good luck tonight, Fez." I looked at the floor, avoiding both their gazes for a moment as the door could be heard slamming in the other room, not noticing the footsteps that were already approaching behind me.

"Nah, you goin' too, Marina. I promised Lexi I'd bring yo ass there. Go steal clothes from Ash or some'em, man. Just be ready soon. We finna head out in a bit." I looked at him weirdly, almost confused, before turning as I heard the person behind me, distracted from the instructions Fez had just told me.

"Daaamn, what's good?"

"Yo, wassup, man? Yo, I'm, I'm actually a little busy. I'm gettin' ready to go out. So isn't Marina. Marina, get the fuck ready, bruh." I sucked my teeth at Fezco, him directing the last part at me more than the guy. 

"We goin' to a party? Where you goin'?" I slowly tracked back, ever so slowly making my way past the guy to go up the other stairs to go get clothes, but wanted to continue to eavesdrop. Thinking maybe this had to do with another drug deal since he was there at the last one.. That I had attended anyways.

     Plus, not to mention.. I thought the guy was being majorly fucking weird. The way he questioned Fezco.. I'm a nosy person, and far less experienced than this mothafucker, yet even I know how to be discreet when questioning.. Usually. This guy was just.. I don't know. His tone, his demeanor shifting when he asked, realizing we were going to be leaving soon. Then adding the way he was earlier at the front door, nah.. Something about this ain't right. Wonder if he's jonsing or something.. I don't know but either way he's acting super fuckin' sketchy.

"Don't worry about what I'm doin', man. Worry about yourself." I continued further back, hearing Fezco was walking away further too.

"Alright.. I'mma just chill then." My walking for the stairs slowed, stopping as I couldn't seem to shake this paranoid feeling I was having. Something's.. Something's not right.. I turned back, looking back over at him. He stood in the hall by the fake plants the boy's grandmother had put together back when she was functioning on her own. His hand, resting on the side, not really able to see because his body was blocking me from seeing from where I was. One would think he was using the wall to rest on, support himself but he didn't, he just.. rested his hand there. What.. the fuck- What in the actual fuck?? The fuck is this guy's problem?!

    I narrowed my eyes at him as I watched him cautiously. I quietly walked around the other wall, going down the hall that led to the kitchen or to the small stairs that led to the computer room. My view being cut off from the guy before I reentered on the other side, watching him from over there to get a wider view of the area.

    He makes his way into the living room, plopping down in the middle of the couch, facing the one that was against the wall. Faye turning around ever so slightly. Does she.. That is not a trusting face- I swear if this bitch knows something, I'll do more than just punch her and this time I won't feel bad about! He plays on his phone as he does so, reaching out and placing it on the coffee table, carefully pushing it up further. I know I was pretty mean to my phone but no body is that gentle with a fucking phone.

"Psst!" I step back a little bit, hiding myself some as Faye turns around, looking over to the guy. It's so weird she was looking at him with suspicion, but like she knew something already. What the fuck is going on?!

    He mouths stuff to her, none of which I could understand, her ever, and I mean, ever so lightly shaking her head to him. Not wanting to comply. Rolling her eyes and head, looking down the hall as she finally gives in.

"Faye! Come here." She slowly makes her way for him, looking down as he reaches back, gently placing a hand on the back of her thigh. My eyes widening as he mouths something to her, this time it being much clearer to comprehend. Him facing me now, and the two simple words he mouthed being more than easy to understand, I'm sure a blind squirrel could still understand what the fuck he just said. Be cool. Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck! Is he here because of the drugs? Is he here with Bruce and them.. or with the cops? Fuck! This is so not good- So not fucking good!

"Yo, Faye!" Fez's voice rings out throughout the house.


"Come 'ere for a split second."

"I'll be right there." I stare, heart racing as I think of something to do. Iiii could always re-brake his nose, shit must still be sensitive right? No.. No I don't think I can hurt him.. not with how he was with his phone-.. His phone.. You've gotta be fuckin' kidding me.. Can't I threaten him?.. Worst.. Worst comes to worst.. I could hurt him.. Then the other two wouldn't get in trouble.. Okay, okay wait, first things, first. Why? Why the fuck would he be working with the cops? The drugs? The whole store front business they got going on or.. Or Mouse.. So Ash really did- So he did kill him. Son of a bitch, Ash. What did you do!?

    It wasn't until then I noticed I zoned out, chest heaving and heart and thoughts racing as I tried to sort threw my thoughts. Only coming out of it as someone came up behind me, literally scaring the hell out of me. Being quiet as I turned quickly towards the person. Ash. He grabbed me by my arm, pulling me closer to him harshly.

"Do us both a favor and fucking listen for once, and go sit in the room. Shut up, and stay the fuck out of it." I snapped out of it quickly, Ash voice rasps out closely to my ear. He lets go, barely giving me time to process before lightly pushing me back, continuing onward. I felt a panic rise, reaching out quickly, fighting to stop him.

"No wait, Ash. Please, I think he's-" My hands grabbed out for one of his, something sharp stabbing and jabbing into my skin as I got a hold of his hand. I almost wince, but wasn't really focused on the pain in the moment, more so the fact he had a fucking knife to begin with.

"Just go, Marina. Leave." He pulls away from me harshly, continuing for the living room. I still stayed frozen as I now noticed a shimmer of light reflecting on something shiny in his hand. My heart dropping as he made no intentions of stopping. I walked closer, trying to get him to stop. He steps out into the living room, making me stop as I stay hidden partially in my spot to try and think.

Please don't be stupid Ash.. Please don't be fucking stupid.
