Personal Imagine: Chandler Bing and Katelyn

Personal Imagine
-Chandler Bing & Katelyn-
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Today is the day that you're marrying you're boyfriend of four years, Chandler. You were extremely nervous but this wasn't because you didn't know if marrying Chandler was the right thing, it's because of an awful experience from the past that was still haunting you. At the age of 21, you were all set to marry your childhood sweetheart. Just as you were about to walk down the aisle, your mother came to tell you that he had left, and not alone. He had left the church with your best friend whom he had been having an affair with for around a month. You were absolutely devastated and that experience had scarred you for life. You were currently sat alone in the back room and after asking for a bit of time to yourself. You needed to calm your nerves and the best way to do that was to be alone without anyone talking to you. You got up from the sofa and walked towards the mirror. You ran your hands gently down the sides of your dress, admiring the intricate lace detailing.

"C'mon Katelyn, there's no need to nervous, Chandler won't hurt you," you mumbled.
A knock on the door tore you from your own thoughts and made the nerves you had lessened come racing back. The door opened and your mum poked her head round the door. "Hey sweetheart, can I come in?" She asked.
You nodded and she came into the room, closing the door behind her. "You look beautiful darling," she grinned.
"Thank you," you said, only a small smile making its way onto your face.
"Katelyn, you no reason to be nervous or worried, Chandler loves you more than anything in the world, you can trust that he won't hurt you," your mum assured you.
Before you could respond the door opened and you dad wandered in. "It's time," he announced.
You took one last look in the mirror and took a deep breath. Your mum gave you a hug and then left to go into the venue. You took your dads arm and made you way to the place where you were hopefully going to get married. You stood behind the closed doors, waiting for your cue. When the music started to play, you began to panic. "He isn't going to leave you sweetheart, you have no need to worry," you dad said.
The doors opened and you began to walk down the aisle with your dad by your side. You made eye contact with Chandler and he has the biggest smile on his face. Seeing him smiling made all of your nerves disappear. At the end of the isle, your dad kissed your cheek and handed you over to Chandler. "You look incredible," Chandler whispered, causing a blush to rise on your cheeks.
Joey, who was officiating you wedding, began to talk but you zoned out slightly due to being distracted by the bright smile resting on Chandler's face. That simple smile gave you confidence in knowing that he wouldn't hurt you. "Katelyn would you like to read your vows now?" Joey asked.
You nodded. Rachel handed you the speech you'd written but you quickly crumpled it up and passed it back to Rachel. This gesture confused everyone but you'd rather speak from the heart than from a piece of paper. "Chandler, when I met you I was broken. I'd been abandoned at the alter and it deeply ruined my trust. But you taught me how to love again, to trust again. You never fail to make me smile and laugh, and you give me a strong sense of happiness that I'd never felt before. Thank you for loving me, taking care of me and for making me feel safe. I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you. I love you Chandler, and I doubt that will ever change."
"Katelyn, when I first met you, I knew that I felt something for you. I tried for weeks to convince you to go on a date with me and you always told me you were scared to get hurt. Then you finally decided to go on a date with me and that was one of the happiest moments in my life. You are the most beautiful, kind hearted and funniest girl I have met and I am so lucky to be able to spend the rest of my life with you by my side. I promise that I will never hurt you, I will never make you feel unhappy, and I will never give you a reason not to trust me or feel safe with me. I'll always love you, and I never plan on letting you go."
A few tears had escaped and were slowly rolling down your cheeks.  Chandler reached forward and wiped the tears away gently. "Guys that was beautiful," Joey cried," Can we have the rings please."
Rachel handed you Chandler's ring and Ross handed Chandler your ring. "Katelyn do you take Chandler to be your lawfully wedded husband?" Joey asked.
"I do," you replied, whilst slipping the ring onto Chandler's ring finger.
"Chandler do you take Katelyn to be your lawfully wedded wife?"
"I do," Chandler grinned.
He slipped the ring on your finger and then placed a soft kiss to your hand. "It gives me great pleasure to pronounce you husband and wife, you may kiss the bride."
Chandler gently cupped your cheek and pressed his lips to yours. Everyone stood up and clapped and cheered. The two of you headed back down the isle, grinning from ear to ear. When you got out of the door, Chandler softly pushed you against the wall and captured you lips in his. You wrapped your arms around his neck and his hands rested on your hips. Your lips moulded together perfectly and the sparks you felt the first time you kissed him continued to intensify. "Wow wow wow, save it for the honeymoon guys," Joey grumbled.
You pecked Chandler's lips and headed to a separate room where you had to wait for everyone to get into the reception room. "I know today would have been nerve racking for you, but I would never have done what he did to you, never, I love you more than anything and I promise that I will never hurt you like he did," Chandler said.
"I love you so much Chandler Bing."
"And I love you more than life itself  Katelyn."
