Mike Hannigan {Ex-boyfriend ~ part 2}

-Mike Hannigan and Y/N-
Synopsis: A year after their breakup, Mike and Y/N run into each other again but under unexpected circumstances.
(This will follow a different storyline between Phoebe and Mike to the one in the show)

Please go and follow my Instagram page for this account: thunderandrain96

You paced around your bedroom, dialling Phoebe's number for what felt like the millionth time. Once again, she ignored you call making you groan in frustration. It hadn't even been 24 hours since the kiss between you and Mike but you were desperate to apologise to Phoebe. You gave up on trying to call her and decided to head over to her apartment. You threw on your coat and walked the few block to Phoebe's apartment building, debating what you were going to say on the way. Thankfully, just as you approached the building someone was leaving so you managed to slip in without having the ring the buzzer. You climbed the stairs to Phoebe's floor, mentally preparing yourself for the conversation the two of you were about to have. When you reached Phoebe's apartment, you took a deep breath and knocked on the door. When Phoebe opened the door, a frown fell on her face and you could tell you were the last person you wanted to see. "What do you want?" She hissed.
"I just want to explain, please," you responded, an apologetic expression spreading across your face.
"Fine, come in," She said, stepping aside so you could enter her apartment.
When you got inside you were more than shocked to see Mike sitting on her sofa. "Y/N? What are you doing here?" Mike asked, equally as shocked.
"I've come to explain things to Phoebe, what are you doing here?" You questioned.
"I was about to do the exact same thing," he replied.
You sat down on the other end of the sofa to Mike, feeling incredibly awkward. You didn't know how to start the conversation since you didn't want to say something and make the situation worse for yourself, Mike or Phoebe. "I'm not hearing much explaining going on," Phoebe snapped, making you even more nervous.
"Mike and I used to be together. He was the guy I broke up with a year ago, you know when we all became friends," you said.
"Wait, he's the guy you dated for three years, the guy who you claimed was the love of your life?" Phoebe asked.
"Yeah he is," you muttered.
"Wow, well that definitely makes this whole situation better," Phoebe said, sarcasm lacing her words.
"Look Phoebe, we hadn't seen each other in a year, it was a shock to see him, the kiss was an accident in the spur of the moment, I can assure you it meant nothing," you lied.
Truth was, the kiss meant everything to you but you couldn't ruin Phoebe's relationship. She seemed so happy with Mike and you knew you couldn't be honest about your feelings. "Really? It meant nothing?" Phoebe asked.
"It meant nothing, right Mike?" You responded, turning to face Mike who looked incredibly hurt by your words, which broke your heart.
"Yeah, it didn't mean a thing," he mumbled.
"I don't want to fall out with you Y/N, so as long as you both promise me it will never happen again, we can move on from this and pretend it never happened," Phoebe said, making you breath a sigh of relief.
"I promise Phoebe, we both do, right Mike?" You replied.
Mike nodded. Your words had stung him harshly. The last thing you wanted was to hurt him but you knew you and him couldn't be together. You wanted nothing more than to be back in his arms but you could ruin what could possibly be a great relationship between him and Phoebe. "I'll head out and give you both some time together, I'll see you later," you said standing up from the sofa.
"Bye Y/N, thanks for coming and explaining things to me, I appreciate it," Phoebe said, pulling you into a quick hug.
You gave her a small smile and then glanced in Mike's direction but he was refusing to look at you. The last thing you wanted to do was to say something to him that would upset him but Phoebe was far too important to you and you couldn't risk hurting her anymore then you had. You trudged back to your apartment, feeling pretty crappy since you had basically butchered any chance of you and Mike ever being together. When you reached your apartment you were shocked to see Monica and Rachel sat against the door. "Y/N hey," Monica grinned, pushing herself off the floor, Rachel following her actions.
"Hey guys, what are you doing here?" You asked, unlocking your front door and heading inside.
"We wanted to see if you're okay, last night wasn't the greatest," Rachel answered, closing the door behind her and Monica.
"I'm fine, I went to see Phoebe, she and I are fine and so are her and Mike, nothing to worry about," you explained.
You dropped down onto the sofa, letting out a sigh as you did so. Rachel and Monica could see that something was wrong with you, they knew you too well to believe that you were 'fine'. The two of them sat on either side of you on the sofa, leaning on your shoulders. "You don't have to lie to us Y/N, we know how much Mike meant to you," Monica said.
"I have to be okay Mon, Mike's not mine anymore, he wants to be with Phoebe," you answered, your heart break a little bit more with each word.
"Oh sweetie, I know this isn't an ideal situation but we'll be here to help you through it," Rachel said with a sympathetic smile.
The two girls stayed with you for the rest of the day, doing everything they could to try and cheer you up. Despite your objections and your insistence of being alone, the two of them said they would stay over at your apartment. At about 10pm you retired to your bedroom since you were feeling a little bit upset and didn't have the energy to deal with your friends sympathy for much longer. Monica and Rachel hugged you tightly before disappearing into your spare room. As you lay in bed, you could help but let your mind wander to the thought of Mike. Seeing him made you realise how much you actually missed him. You had suppressed all of your feelings for him in an attempt to stop the pain you felt after your breakup but he was the first man you'd ever truly loved and you knew that getting over him wouldn't be as easy as just pretending like you didn't have any feelings left for him. Unfortunately, you needed to continue to pretend like you didn't love Mike because the last thing you'd want to do is to ruin Phoebe's chances of happiness. You could see how much she liked Mike and you would hate yourself if you were the reason that things didn't work between the two of them.  You pushed the thought of Mike out of your head and tried your best to fall asleep, mainly so that you didn't have to think about seeing Phoebe and Mike together. Just as you felt yourself drifting off to sleep, a loud knock at your front door woke you up. You groaned and unwillingly dragged yourself out of your bed. You trudged to the front door, baffled as to who would be at your front door since you didn't buzz anyone in. You opened the door, shocked to see who was on the other side. "Mike? What are you doing here?" You asked, confused as to why he was here.
"Did that kiss really mean nothing to you?" He said, taking you by surprise.
"Seriously Mike?"
"Yes seriously, did it really mean nothing to you?" He repeated, pushing his way into your apartment.
You were unsure how to answer his question. You knew that if you told him you meant it, it would mean the end of him and Phoebe but you knew that if you said it meant nothing it would be the end of you and him and the start of him and Phoebe. "Mike..." you began.
"I broke up with Phoebe. I can tell that Phoebe is the reason you're struggling to answer so hopefully this helps you tell me how you really feel," Mike interrupted.
"Wait what?" You responded as you stared at him in complete shock.
"What you said at Phoebe's really hurt and she knew it. Once you'd left she noticed that I was pretty upset. She told me I'd be foolish to stay with her when I'm in love with you," Mike explained.
It took a few moments for Mike's words to really sink in. Phoebe had given up on the relationship so that the two of you could be together and you had never felt so in debt to someone than you did to Phoebe right now. You walked towards Mike and placed your hand softly on his cheek. "It meant everything to me," you whispered.
You leant your forehead against his before he passionately connected your lips. He tightly wrapped his arms around your waist, pulling you flat against his chest so that not even a piece of paper could fit between the two of you. You threaded your fingers through his hair, deepening the kiss as you did so.

When you felt short of breath, you pulled away, resting your forehead against Mike's once again. "I forgot how much I missed kissing you," Mike mumbled, making you smile.
"I've missed you so much Mike, more than you'd ever know," you responded, pressing a small kiss to his lips.
"Oh my god this is so cute," you heard a voice squeal.
"Shut up Rachel, they'll know we're listening," Monica scolded.
Mike raised his eyebrows at you but you couldn't help but giggle at your friends antics. You detached yourself from Mike and made your way over to the spare room. You pushed open the door to reveal Monica and Rachel smiling sheepishly at you. "We'll head off now, don't won't to intrude on you reunion," Monica said grabbing hers and Rachel's bags before briskly leaving your apartment.
You chuckled at your two friends and headed back over to Mike, wrapping your arms loosely around his shoulders. "Do you fancy staying over tonight?" You asked, wiggling your eyebrows suggestively, making him chuckle.
"How could I say no to that," he grinned.
You locked your front door and then pulled Mike into your bedroom, feeling grateful to be back in Mike's arms once again.

*The next morning*
When you woke up the next morning, the space beside you was empty. It made you panic to begin with, thinking that you'd either dreamt everything or that he freaked out and left. However, the negative thoughts vanished when you heard the clatter of pans coming from your kitchen. You slipped out of bed, and walked as quietly as you could towards Mike who was cooking something that smelt delicious. You snuck up behind him and wrapped your arms around his waist, pressing a kiss to his exposed shoulder. "Mmm, something smells good," you mumbled, pressing another kiss just below his neck.
You hopped up on to the counter, near to where Mike was cooking. He handed you a cup of coffee and you graciously thanked him. Seeing Mike cooking you breakfast brought back many memories from your relationship. He always used to get up earlier on Saturday mornings to make you pancakes. It became a tradition to have pancakes on Saturdays and it was actually one of things you missed from your relationship. Thinking back on those Saturday mornings that you shared brought a smile to your face. "What are you smiling about?" Mike asked, a smile also resting on his face.
"Just thinking about us," you replied, sipping your coffee.
He plated up the pancakes that he'd made and then stood between your legs, you instinctively wrapping your legs around his waist. "So, how do you feel about giving me and you another go?" He questioned, placing his hands on your thighs.
"There's nothing I want more than to be with you," you replied, placing your hand on the side of his head.
"I love you Y/N, I don't think I ever stopped."
You leant towards Mike and pressed your lips softly to his.

It was a much gentler and more romantic kiss than the one you'd shared the night before. Mike pulled away first, a big smile resting on his face. "Come on, let's go and eat these pancakes before they go cold," he said.
Before you got off the counter, you spent a few moments staring at the man wandering about your kitchen, grateful to have him back in your life. Despite it all being under difficult circumstances, you were glad to be back with the love of your life.
