Personal Imagine: Joey Tribbiani & Kaycee

Personal Imagine
-Joey Tribbiani and Kaycee -
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You were the youngest Green sister and unfortunately you were the most spoilt. Being the youngest meant you got spoilt excessively and a lot more than your older sisters. You joined the group at the same time as Rachel since you had escaped with her and helped her get to Monica. Unlike your sister, you didn't give up on the luxuries in your life and continued to live off of your parents money. They had bought you a penthouse apartment in the city so you could be near your sister and supplied you with large amounts of money every month. The group continuously tried to get you to stop living off of your parents money but you wouldn't budge. Although you were spoilt, you were a nice girl. You weren't arrogant, you were just addicted to the luxurious lifestyle you had always lived. One thing you would never admit, is that you had a slight crush on Joey Tribbiani. He wasn't someone that your parents would approve of you dating and since you didn't want to risk loosing your income, you never acted on your feelings. He had always been sweet to you and even accompanied you on shopping trips to help you carry your bags. He'd become a very good friend and was always there to help you when you needed him. You grown very fond of him and him you. One day, after your parents had put your allowance into your account you had embarked on a shopping trip and decided to treat the girls to some new clothes. You grabbed a taxi to their building and struggled out of the taxi with the immense amount of bags that you had. "Wow wow wow let me help you," a familiar voice said.
You glanced to your left and saw Joey jogging up the pavement. He took a few of the bags from you and opened up the door to the building. "You know, you should really cut down on the shopping, you're gonna do your back in one of these days," Joey said, huffing as he carried the heavy bags up the stairs.
"Telling me to cut down on shopping is like telling you cut down on pizza," you stated.
"Okay now you're just being silly," Joey said, rolling his eyes.
"Besides, all of this is for Mon, Rach and Phoebe, I decided to treat them, whilst also buying myself a new pair of boots," you explained.
"How nice of you to spend your hard earned money on them Kaycee," Joey chuckled.
His words stung slightly but you laughed anyway. You knew that the group secretly judged you for living off of your parents money but you wished that they wouldn't hold it against you. "I just remembered that Monica and Rachel went out for lunch so do you want to wait at mine until they come home?" Joey asked.
"I'd love to, thanks Joey," you grinned.
You dropped the many bags around the counter in the little kitchen area and then dropped down into one of the recliners. "Shopping is so tiring," you groaned.
"Then just stop shopping," Joey suggested.
You glared at Joey causing him to let out a small laugh. One thing that always annoyed you is that the whole group always tried to get you to change and couldn't just leave you to live your life. Joey and Rachel are the main two that constantly bring up the fact that your over shop and should consider giving up.
"Maybe we should return these boots?" Joey said fishing out the black boots you had just bought.
"Don't you dare do anything to those boots Tribbiani, they cost me more than this apartment costs you," you warned getting up from the recliner.
"It would be shame if someone accidentally spilt beer on these suede boots wouldn't it," Joey teased.
"Joey don't you even think about it," you growled.
As you jumped up to grab the boots you tripped over the mass of shopping bags and if it wasn't for Joey you would have landed face first onto the floor. He had quickly grabbed onto your waist and steadied you. "See, this amount of shopping has no good benefits," Joey chuckled.
Your faces were extremely close to each other's and neither of you made an attempt to move away. "Shopping has many good benefits, for example, the bags made me fall into the arms of an extremely handsome guy," you mumbled.
Joey didn't respond but instead closed the gap between the two of you. He pressed his lips to yours in a short but sweet kiss. When he pulled away you looked up at him, biting your lip slightly. "You drive me insane Kaycee Green," Joey whispered.
A few weeks after that incredibly sweet moment, yourself and Joey began dating. He made his first job as your boyfriend to make you cut down on the shopping and try to make you make your own money. Deep down you knew you could never do that so you decided the best thing to do was to hide your bags from them all. Joey was round at your apartment a lot so it became quite difficult. Your wardrobes were massively overflowing with bags that you had to hide when the group came round. On one of the occasions when Joey was at your apartment you had just been shopping for some new 'interview outfits'. You had told Joey that you had just gone out for lunch with some friends since you knew he wouldn't be pleased if he found out you had been shopping. You were both lay on your bed, watching a film on your tv. You were lay in his chest, his fingers gently running through your hair. "You know, I'm so proud of you for giving up on the excessive shopping, I know it was hard for you but I'm really pleased that you've managed to cut it down," Joey said.
Instead of spouting some lie you just leant up and pecked his lips. "I'm gonna grab some water, do you want anything?" You asked.
"I'm good babe, thanks," Joey said, continuing to stare at the tv.
As you got off the bed, your foot caught on of the bags you had hidden under you bed causing you to fall over. You let out a little squeal which caught Joey's attention. "Kaycee you okay?" He asked really concerned.
As he got off the bed to come check on you, you quickly shoved the shopping bag back under the bed. Joey picked you up bridal style and sat you on the bed. "Are you hurt? Do you need me to get you anything?" He rambled.
"Joey I'm fine, it was just a little fall, but thanks for being concerned," you assured him.
That was one of the close calls you endured but all the lying came crashing though eventually. When the whole group was at your house, your secret was exposed. "Let's all go out, we always stay in now, lets go grab a drink somewhere," Rachel said.
"I'm down," Joey said, wrapping his arm around your shoulder.
"Me too," you grinned.
The others all nodded in agreement making Rachel grin. "Ooo, Kaycee, can I borrow that red strapless dress of yours?" Rachel asked.
"Of course," you replied, completely forgetting about the Bloomingdales bags you had just shoved in your wardrobe. As soon as you remembered you went to get up to try and beat Rachel to a wardrobe, but her voice shouting your name in an angry tone stopped you. Rachel came stomping into the living room area carrying as many bags as she could. She chucked them down at your feet, glaring at you. "How could lie to us and say you've given up this addiction, I was actually proud of you and then you throw it back in my face," Rachel sneered.
"Look I can explain..."
"I'd love to hear this explanation," Joey said, giving you an angry look.
"Look I'm sorry but I just couldn't stop, I tried to, I really did, but I just couldn't," you apologised.
"Give me your credit cards," Rachel said, extending her hand.
"Excuse me?" You asked.
"Give. Me. Your. Credit. Cards," Rachel said slowly in a very patronising tone.
"Why?" You questioned.
"Because I'm not letting this addiction carry on much longer," she snapped.
She spotted your purse on the side so she grabbed it and tipped the contents out onto the table. Joey stopped you from grabbing the cards and you had to watch as Rachel cut them all up. Once they were all cut up Joey let you go but you were furious. "I can't believe you just did that, you had no right," you shouted putting all your money back in your purse.
"I did it for your own good, you need to learn to live without daddy's money," Rachel said.
"I don't know how to survive on my own, you just got rid of my only source of safety, I can't believe you," you snapped.
"Hey hey hey, calm down," Joey soothed," we'll be here to help you every step of the way."
And indeed they did. Monica let you move in with her and Rachel and you shared Rachel's room. They helped you get a job and you were beyond grateful. Your relationship with Joey blossomed and eventually you moved in with him and Chandler and he always told you how proud he was of you for giving up your addiction.
