Personal imagine: Joey Tribbiani & Dorien

Personal imagine:
-Joey Tribbiani & Dorien-
Requests are currently open so feel free to request any imagines that you would like to read and you can also request personal imagines.

After 14 hours of excruciatingly painful labour you had just given birth to a beautiful baby boy. Surprisingly, Joey had been incredibly helpful in the delivery room and made giving birth about 5 per cent easier. You were currently watching Joey cradle your baby on the seat next to you and the sight made a bright smile sit on your face. A soft knock on the door to your hospital room diverted your gaze away from Joey and your son. "Hi guys, can we come in?" Monica asked, poking her head round the door.
"Of course," you grinned.
The group filed into the room and smiled at the sight of your baby. "We're so proud of you Dorien, this couldn't of been easy but at least all the pain and stress lead to this handsome little man," Rachel said running her pinky finger across your sons tiny hand.
"Can I hold him?" Monica asked.
"Of course," you grinned.
Joey carefully placed your son in Monica's arms and she smiled widely at the sight of your sleeping baby. "Guys he's gorgeous, I'm so happy for the both of you," she whispered.
"He gets his looks from his mum," Joey replied, winking at you.
"Well aren't you the most precious thing," Monica mumbled in a baby voice, gently rocking your son.
For the next half an hour each of your friends held the baby and complimented him on his looks and cuteness. Your son was eventually passed back to you and you cradled him into your chest. Joey sat down on the bed next to you and slipped his arm around you waist, pressing a kiss to your head. "So does he have a name yet?" Phoebe asked," I propose Phoebo, it's an up and coming name and your baby definitely looks like a Phoebo."
You chuckled at your friend's choice of name, as did the rest of the group. "As much as I love that suggestion Phoebe, I don't think he can pull it off," you giggled.
"Yeah you're probably right, what about Joey Jr?" Phoebe suggested.
"I'm down for that," Joey responded grinning at you.
"In your dreams Tribbiani," you chuckled.
"What about Charlie?" Monica said.
"Maybe Alfie?" Rachel chimed in.
"Jack?" Ross added.
"Come on guys, the obvious choice is Chandler," Chandler spoke.
Everyone raised their eyebrows at Chandler and he frowned at the response. "It's a good name guys," he defended.
"How about Lorenzo?" Joey suggested.
You thought about it for a moment as you gazed at your son. "I love it," you grinned.
You looked up at Joey who then proceeded to press a quick kiss to your lips. "Well everyone, I'd like to introduce to our son, Lorenzo Tribbinai," Joey said softly holding his sons hand.
A happy tear rolled down your cheek and you saw Joey's face turn from happy to concerned when he noticed. "Hey, Hey, Hey, why are you crying?" He asked wiping away the tear.
"I just can't believe we have a son, it makes me so happy," you mumbled smiling down at your son who was still fast asleep in your arms.
The group left soon after you decided your sons name so you could have some time alone. "How about you try to sleep for a while, I'll look after Lorenzo," Joey suggested.
You nodded and gently handed Lorenzo over to Joey. Joey leant down and kissed your cheek and then you found yourself drifting off into a well needed sleep.

***********Three days later**********

You had been home for a day or so now, and you couldn't be happier. Joey was the perfect father, attending to the baby all the time so that you could get some rest. The group was currently round and yours and Joey's apartment with presents for the baby. "I know we're a bit late with the gifts but we just wanted to give you guys some time alone to adjust to having a baby in the home," Monica explained.
You smiled gratefully at your friends, thankful that they didn't overcrowd you when you came home. They did hang a banner on the door but other than that, they gave you your space. You and Josh began to open the gifts you had been given and you loved every one of them. Monica and Chandler had given you a blue baby grow with little ducks on and and blue dummy to match. Rachel had given you a beautiful silver rattle that of course was just decorative. Ross had bought the baby a dinosaur top and a dinosaur baby grow. Finally, Phoebe had bought Lorenzo a little blue blanket and of course she also wrote a song that could be his bedtime lullaby. "Thank you for the gifts guys, we really appreciate it," Joey said.
After a couple of hours of chatting and eating, the group left since they noticed you and Joey looking a little tired. You walked into your bedroom and over to the Moses basket where your son was currently sleeping. Joey wrapped his arms around your waist from behind and rested his chin on your shoulder. "Thank you for giving me a son, I promise I'll be the best father possible," Joey whispered, not wanting to wake up the baby.
"You will be an amazing father Joey, I love you so much," you gushed placing your hands on top of his.
"I love you too Dorien," he grinned.
You tilted your head to look at the man you were in love with and couldn't help but smile. Joey leant down and pressed his lips to yours. You looked back down at Lorenzo and saw his big brow eyes staring up at you. "Hi beautiful boy," you whispered.
