Personal Imagine: Joey Tribbiani and Addison

Personal Imagine
-Joey Tribbiani and Addison -
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You hurried into the coffee house that was nestled in the quiet street, desperately trying to get out of the rain. You shrugged your coat off and hung it on the coat rack, hoping that it'll dry off before you leave later. Today had been the worst day of your entire life. You had just officially moved to New York but things hadn't exactly gone to plan. You were meant to be staying at an old friends apartment until you got settled in the city but her apartment flooded so she had to move back to her parents, leaving you without a place to stay. You were a writer and you'd had a few short stories published but nothing major so that barely brought in any income. You had secured a job at the New York Times so that you could afford to stay in the city but the main reason you moved to New York was so that you could pursue your dream and find inspiration for your novel that you hoped to one day get published. You headed over to the counter and ordered yourself a coffee, hoping to warm up a bit. Just as you got handed your coffee, someone tapped you on the shoulder, taking you by surprise. "Hey, how you doing," the guy smirked.
You couldn't believe that this guy had just walked up to you and tried to hit on you. You slammed the coffee mug down on the counter and stared the guy in the eye. "Honestly, I'm not too great. I've just moved to New York, I don't know a single person, I'm effectively homeless because the place I was staying is no longer available so now I have to fork out for a crappy hotel, I start my new job tomorrow and to top it all off I just got completely soaked in the rain," you rambled.
You could tell that you had taken the guy by surprise. He was looking at you with wide eyes, not really saying anything. "Geez, now I feel bad for hitting on you," the guy muttered," Well I'm Joey, now you have your first friend in the city."
He gave you a genuine smile which made your sour mood fall slightly. "Hi, I'm Addison, but you can call me Addi," you introduced, smiling brightly at him.
"Why don't you come over and meet my friends, at least then you know some people in the city if you ever need any assistance," Joey suggested.
"Sure why not, I mean you could all be a group of serial killers but what have I got to loose," you joked, making Joey chuckled.
You picked up your coffee and Joey led you over to his group of friends who were all deep in conversation. They didn't notice the two of you standing there until Joey cleared his throat. "Guys, this is Addison, she's just moved here. She doesn't know anyone in the city and has no where to go so I said she could hang with us," Joey explained.
Everyone introduced themselves and they all seemed very warm and friendly. One guy, Chandler you think, made an inappropriate joke but it still made you laugh nonetheless. "So how come you have no where to go?" Monica asked.
You explained everything to the group, who all felt extremely sorry for you. "That's awful, I'm so sorry," Rachel said, giving you a sympathetic smile.
"Hey, why don't you come a stay with me for while, I have a spare room and I've been looking for a roommate for a while since Chandler moved out," Joey said.
"Seriously? You don't even know me. I don't even know you," you responded.
"Like you said before, what have you got to loose," Joey said.
"Okay, okay, I'd really appreciate it. Thank you Joey," you grinned.
"No worries, can't let a beautiful girl like you live on the streets now can I," he smirked.
"Will he ever stop trying to hit on me," you whispered to Monica.
"Oh god no, it'll never stop," Monica replied, making you sigh.
You were ever so grateful to Joey. He'd managed to turn your incredibly awful day into a really great one. He had introduced you to five amazing people and also given you a place to stay. He truly showed that there are some nice people in this world.
The first month you spent with the group was great. You grew close to everyone in the group, especially Joey. Yourself and Joey spent a lot of time together, mainly because you were roommates. After that first day in the coffee house, he never flirted with you again and was very respectful of you and your privacy. You couldn't deny that you had begun to have feelings for your charming roommate but you didn't want to tell him and   jeopardise the great friendship that you had with him. "Addi, can you hurry up, we need to go over to Monica and Chandlers," Joey called from outside your bedroom," the pizza is on its way."
"Joey, you don't have to wait for me, their place is across the hall," you chuckled.
"I know but I'm being gentlemanly," Joey replied, making you laugh.
"You being a gentleman, now that's something you don't see everyday," you teased as you walked out of your bedroom.
"Shut up," Joey responded, ruffling your hair.
"Joey, you've messed up my hair," you whined.
"You still look beautiful, even if you hair looks like it's been dragged through a bush," Joey grinned.
You blushed at his compliment, like you always did when he said something nice to you. The two of you headed across the hall to meet the rest of the group. You had all decided to have a pizza night and Monica had also decided that she wanted to test out her new Pineapple parfait recipe on all of you. "Something smells good," you said, as you walked through the door.
"That would be the Pineapple parfait," Monica responded," I can't wait for you guys to try it."
Yourself and Joey sat down on the sofa. You sprawled you legs across his and leant your head in his shoulder. He placed on arm behind you on the sofa, and placed his other hand on your knee. On the other side of the room, Phoebe and Rachel were in awe of the cute friendship that the two of you had formed. "I reckon the two of them will be together by the end of the month," Rachel said.
"I agree, they look so cute together," Phoebe responded.
The pizza finally arrived and you all excitedly dug in. You all spent the evening laughing and joking around, enjoying each other's company. After the pizza, you were all pretty full but Monica convinced you all to try her pineapple parfait. She handed you all a small portion and the sight of more food made you sick. You reluctantly ate a spoonful of the dessert and thankfully it tasted nice enough that you were able to swallow it. "Wow, tastes good Mon," Ross complimented.
"Why thank you," Monica grinned.
As everyone was complimenting Monica, you felt your throat tighten. You began to panic a little since it was making you struggle to breath. Your tongue began to swell and fell heavy in your mouth and you breathing became extreme shallow. You placed your hands on your throat and found yourself gasping for air. "Oh my god Addi, are you okay?" Joey asked, running over to your side.
You failed to get any words out since you couldn't breath and this worried Joey immensely. He quickly called for an ambulance, the whole group completely baffled by what was going on. Suddenly, everything in your vision started to go blurry and then everything went black.


Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep. Your eyes slowly blinked open, struggling to adjust to the light. You could hear faint voices but their conversations weren't clear. You felt a tight grip on one of your hands but you were unsure of what it was.  After a short while you were finally aware of your surroundings and saw six people sat around the bed you were on. "Where... where am I?" You asked.
"You're in hospital Addi, you had an allergic reaction that caused you to stop breathing and you fell unconscious," Joey responded.
You quickly noticed he was the one who had the tight grip on your hand, so you squeezed his hand back, causing a smile to rest in his face. The doctor came in so everyone left to give you some to speak with her. "It seems that you are allergic to pineapple, you reacted to it pretty badly and it caused you to stop breathing, you're very lucky that your friends were there to help you," the doctor explained.
"Oh my god, I never knew I was allergic," you mumbled.
"Some people don't sweetheart, but at least you know to stay clear of pineapple in the future," the Doctor said.
After doing a quick checkup, the doctor left, leaving you alone with your thoughts. You knew that this allergic reaction could have killed you and it scared you immensely. A few stray tears fell down your face but you quickly wiped them away when the door opened. Joey walked in holding a stuffed teddy bear and a giant get well soon balloon. He left the balloon by the side of the bed and handed the cute teddy bear to you. "Oh Joey, thank you so much," you said, smiling brightly at him.
"Have you been crying?" Joey asked, concern written all over his face.
"Yeah kind of, this is all just really scary," you mumbled, feeling the tears well up in your eyes.
"Hey, hey, hey, it's okay, you're okay now, I'm never going to let this happen to you again," Joey soothed.
Joey moved next to you on the bed and wrapped his arms around you. You cried into his chest whilst he pressed gently kisses on the top of your head. "I nearly died Joey, I can't believe it," you cried.
"It was terrifying to see Addi, i don't know what I would have done if I'd have lost you," Joey replied," I can't imagine my life without you."
You leant away from Joey's chest slightly and looked up at him. You could see the worry spread across his face and it made your heart pound knowing he cared about you this much. Joey slowly leant down and pressed a gentle kiss to your lips. His lips lingered for a few seconds before pulling away. "I love you Addison, I never thought I'd fall in love but then you walked into my life and now I know that I don't want to spend another second without you," Joey gushed.
"I love you too Joey, so much," you responded.
You captured his lips in a sweet and loving kiss. It wasn't rushed and forced, it was natural and gentle. He pulled away and rested his forehead against yours. "Addi, will you be my girlfriend?" Joey asked.
"Hmmm I don't know," you teased.
"Oh shush," he chuckled before pressing his lips against yours once more.
"Of course I'll be your girlfriend Joey," you muttered against his lips. 
