Personal Imagine: Ross Geller & Katie

Personal Imagine
-Ross Geller & Katie-
Requests are currently closed due to having many requests currently. They will reopen in September once I have completed the current requests. You can send me your requests still but they won't be started until September.

Recently, yourself and Ross got in to a relationship. It started off as purely sexual but it didn't take long for you both to realise that you had feelings for each other. You both decided that it should be kept a secret since you didn't want to hurt Rachel's feelings and because you didn't want the group to be invested in your relationship. You were currently at your apartment with Ross, both of you laying in your bed after a stressful day at work. You were lay on his chest and his hand was playing with the ends of you hair. "We really need a weekend away," you said.
"I know but it's not that simple. We have to make up a lie about where we're going and you know Monica can smell a lie from a mile away," Ross replied.
"Well we'll just have to come up with really believable lies then, if we go to somewhere like Vermont we won't have to only have dates inside our apartments," you said, hoping to persuade him.
"I'll think about it, it's just a bit risky and we don't want to get caught," he replied.
The next day you were at Monica and Rachel's helping Monica make lunch for everyone. A few minutes later the three boys along with Phoebe came through the door. "Hey guys, lunch is almost ready," Monica said.
They all sat down around the TV and fell into easy conversation. "I'm just going to nip to the bathroom, I'll be a minute," Monica said before disappearing off into the bathroom.
Ross noticed and made his way over to you. "This weekend me and you are going to Atlantic City," he whispered.
"Wait really?" You asked excitedly.
"You were right, we do need a weekend away so I booked us a hotel far enough away from New York," Ross said.
You gave him a bright smile but didn't have he chance to reply since Monica had emerged from the bathroom. "I think we should all go out to dinner this weekend, we haven't done much as a group in a while," Rachel suggested.
"Sounds good to me," Chandler agreed.
"I'm sorry guys, I have to go to my companies offices in New Jersey for some huge meeting," you lied.
"I've got to go to Pittsburgh for a conference," Ross said.
"I guess it'll just be the four of us then," Rachel pouted.
Your weekend with Ross was extremely romantic and you wished that you could spend more time with him romantically in New York. Back at Ross' apartment, he and Joey were hanging out, discussing Ross' 'conference'. "It was a pretty good trip, I even got to see Donald Trump waiting for an elevator," Ross said," I'll go grab us some beers, you fire up the TV."
As soon as Ross got into the kitchen, his phone rang. Joey picked it up and spoke to the person on the other line. When Ross reentered the living room he was confused by the smirk that was sat on Joey's face. "Everything okay?" He asked, handing Joey his beer.
"The hotel you stayed at just called, apparently someone left an eyelash curler in your room," Joey smirked.
"Yes that was mine," Ross blurted out.
A confused look spread across Joey's face. "I figured that you'd hooked up with some girl and she'd left it there," Joey responded.
"Yes, that would have made more sense," Ross mumbled.
"Look I'm going to ask you this one time, and whatever you say I'll believe you, were you or were you not on a gay cruise?" Joey questioned.
"No Joey I wasn't on a gay cruise," Ross replied, quite offended.
Later that evening, you were all once again back at Monica's, waiting for Phoebe to arrive so you could order some pizza. "Hey," Phoebe greeted as she wandered through the door," Katie I heard you saw Donald Trump whilst you were in New Jersey."
"Yeah I saw him waiting for an elevator," you replied," Oh Rach, can I borrow your eyelash curler for tomorrow, I looked in my makeup bag this morning and it's missing?"
Joey looked between you and Ross, his eyes massively wide. Ross quickly realised that Joey knew he has been with you all weekend and prayed he wouldn't say anything. "Oh, Oh, oooo," Joey yelled pointing at both you and Ross.
"Joey can I speak to you for a minute?" Ross asked as he pulled Joey into Monica's room, gesturing for you to follow.
Joey and Ross fell onto the bed whilst you hurriedly shut the door. "Yes, Yes," Ross muttered.
Joey sat up with a shocked look on his face. "You and you?" He asked, still in shock.
"Yes but you can't tell anyone, nobody knows," you said.
"How, when?" He questioned.
"It happened a month or so ago, it wasn't a relationship to begin with, but it has progressed into something a bit more serious," Ross explained.
"So are you guys are officially together?" He asked.
"Yes we are," Ross said wrapping an arm around your shoulder.
He leant down and pressed a kiss to your lips. "Ew, I don't need to see that," Joey complained covering his eyes.

The next person to find out was Phoebe. She was staying at your place for a while since there was a leaky pipe in her apartment. You were lay in your room, on the phone to Ross discussing the next time you were going to see each other. Phoebe picked up the phone, wanting to call Monica but got a nasty surprise instead. "I can't wait to be with you, I'll sneak over after I've had lunch with Phoebe, I'll tell her I'm doing laundry or something," she heard your voice say.
"Laundry huh, is that my new nickname?" She heard a voice she recognised as Ross' say.
"You know what your nickname is Mr Big...".
She put the phone back down, not wanting to hear anymore. She couldn't believe that you and Ross were sneaking around together. When you emerged from your room you saw Phoebe sat on the sofa, a puzzled look on her face. "Everything okay Phoebs?" You asked as you sat next to her.
"Why didn't you tell me that you're dating Ross?" She questioned.
"Who told you that?" You asked, confused as to how she knew about it.
"I just picked up the phone and heard your lovely conversation with your secret lover," she explained, a look of disgust on her face.
"I'm sorry I didn't tell you Phoebe, we didn't want to tell anyone, Joey already knows but no one else does so please keep it yourself," you pleaded.
"Of course I'll keep it a secret but you'll have to tell Rachel at some point, I mean I'm pretty sure she still loves Ross," she said.
"Thanks Phoebe, we'll tell her soon, we just aren't sure how."

Chandler and Monica were the next two to find out. You and Ross were engaged in a steamy make out session in your apartment. You were straddling his lap with your arms hung loosely around his neck. He had his hands placed on hips, holding you in place. "Maybe we should move this to the bedroom," Ross mumbled against you lips.
You nodded and allowed him to pick you up, with your legs wrapped around his waist. "Oh my god," you heard a voice say.
You and Ross both turned your heads and saw Monica and Chandler stood by your front door. Ross dropped you to the floor and adjusted his clothes. "Hey guys," you said causally.
"What on earth is going on here?" Monica asked.
"Ross and I are together," you admitted," this isn't just a random hook up."
You didn't think that you should lie to Monica since she is Ross' sister and thankfully Ross didn't seem bothered that you'd told the truth. "Wow I really didn't see this coming," Chandler responded.
"Look Rachel doesn't know yet but Joey and Phoebe do, so can you just keep it to yourselves until we can figure out how to tell her?" Ross asked.
"Yeah we will, we'll go now so you two can finish whatever you were doing," Monica said before herself and Chandler disappeared out of your apartment.
You looked up at Ross who was smiling down at you. "I'm glad everyone knows, it means I don't have to hide the fact that I want to be with you," Ross grinned.
He leant down and captured your lips in his. "I think we need to finish what we started," he smirked.
He picked you up and you immediately wrapped your legs around his waist. "I'm so lucky to have you," you whispered.
"I'm lucky to have you too Katie."

The day Rachel found out was a very awkward day. You were all at the coffee house, as per usual, having a catch up and a gossip. "Crap, I have to go meet my mum, I'll see you all later," you stated as you stood up.
Without thinking, you bent down to kiss Ross goodbye, completely forgetting that Rachel still didn't know. When you pulled away you saw everyone looking at you with wide eyes. When you realised what you'd done, you quickly stepped away from Ross and coughed awkwardly. "What was that?" Rachel asked.
"What was what?" You asked, trying to play dumb.
"That kiss, is something going on with you two?" Rachel questioned, a hurt look resting on her face.
You looked to Ross, hoping that he would explain everything to her but he was sat silently unsure of what to do. "Me and Ross are together and have been for a while, we just weren't sure how to tell anyone, especially you," you explained.
"Did you all know?" She asked the group.
They all nodded sheepishly which made an angry chuckle leave Rachel's mouth. "I can't believe this, you all knew and didn't tell me?" She snapped.
"Rachel, none of us wanted to hurt you which is why we asked them to keep it a secret," Ross said.
She stood up from her seat and dusted off her pants. "I need some fresh air," she announced before storming out.
"Rachel wait please," you pleaded but she has already left the coffee house.
"It'll be okay, she'll come around," Ross said before he pressed a kiss to your hand.
"I hope so," you replied," I need to go, I'll see you guys later."
Ross pulled you back by your hand before you could leave. "I love you Katie," he grinned.
"I love you too."
"I didn't realise you guys were in love, that's so cute," Phoebe gushed.
"Yeah, I guess we are," you said, a massive smile resting on your face.
