Personal imagine: Ross Geller & Andrew

Personal imagine:
- Ross Geller & Andrew -
Requests are currently open so feel free to request any imagines that you would like to read and you can also request personal imagines.

Today was yours and Ross' five year anniversary. You had spent five incredible years with Ross and you hoped that he would spend many more years by your side. Ross has been absent all day saying that he had a huge surprise planned for you. You had spent most of the day lounging around your shared apartment, desperate to know what this surprise was. At around 8pm, you got a message from Monica telling you to meet her at the coffee house. You were confused as to why but went anyway. When you reached the coffee house all the lights were off which made you wonder why Monica had invited you to a place that is closed. You pushed the door and to your surprise it opened. As soon as you entered a mass of fairy lights lit up the coffee house to reveal your friends sat on the usual sofa and your boyfriend stood by the counter with a nervous smile plastered on his face. "Hey handsome," he grinned walking towards you.
"Babe what's going on?" You asked glancing at your friends who were staring at the two of you intently.
He took your hands in his and gazed into your eyes. "Andrew, I have been in love with you for five years and I plan to love you for as long as I live. You have made my life so much more exciting and I've enjoyed every second I've spent with you and I want to spend every second of the rest of my life with you," Ross gushed.
He let go of your hands momentarily to pull something out of his pocket. He got down on one knee and opened his hand to reveal a red velvet box. He slowly opened the box and sat inside was a beautiful diamond ring. "Andrew, will you marry me?" Ross asked.
"Yes, yes, of course I'll marry you," you gushed through tears.
Ross slipped the ring on to your finger, stood up and pressed his lips to yours. Your friends cheered which made you smile into the kiss. "We're going to be family, I'm gonna be your sister," Monica grinned pulling you into a hug.
"I say champagne is in order," Rachel said.
Gunther walked out from the back with a tray of champagne glasses and handed one to each of you and then, at your request, took one for himself. "Here's to Ross and Andrew," Joey said raising his glass.
"To Ross and Andrew," the rest of the group chorused.
Ross placed his arm around your shoulder and kissed you gently. After a few hours you left the coffee house and thanked Gunther for keeping it open late for you. You and Ross headed back to your shared apartment to celebrate your engagement in private. When you entered the apartment you pushed Ross up against the door and pushed your lips against his. He put his hands on your waist and pulled you closer to him. "I love you so much Andrew," Ross said pulling away slightly.
"I love you too Geller," you grinned," How did I get so lucky to end up with a guy like you."
"I think the same thing every day," Ross grinned pressing his lips back against yours. He walked you to the bedroom, his lips still pressed against yours. You ripped his shirt from his body and threw it across the room still keeping your lips attached. He threw you onto the bed and I guess you can figure out what happened next .....

You groaned and glanced at the clock. 7am.
"Who on earth is knocking on the door and this time," you mumbled into Ross' chest.
You hoped that whoever was at the door would go away but they did. You rolled out of bed and opened the door, only to be knocked out of the way by Monica who was carrying a mass of folders. "We have a lot to discuss for the wedding, I stayed up all night putting together each individual folder," Monica rambled.
"Mom, it's seven in the morning, go home," you mumbled.
"But look, I colour coded everything, organised it alphabetically and in terms of expense," she said excitedly.
Ross emerged from the bedroom rubbing his eyes. "What's all the racket, it's too early," he groaned.
"Your sister has brought us wedding folders, and guess what, they're colour coded and everything," you said with fake excitement.
Ross wrapped his arms around you from behind and rested his chin on your shoulder. "Mon, we love you but it's too early for this," Ross stated.
"Oh okay," she said, her voice tinted with disappointment," I'll just leave these here and let you read them yourself."
And with that she left the apartment. "We don't have to start planning right away, Monica just gets over excited about anything that involves organisation," Ross grinned kissing your head.
You spun round in his arms and circled yours around his neck. "This is our first day as an engaged couple, I'd rather spend it in bed than reading through some complicated folders," you said.
"I couldn't agree more."
You made your way back into the bedroom and lay in Ross' arms. "I can't wait to wake up to your face every morning for the rest of of my life," you grinned pressing a kiss to his lips.
"Me either."
