Personal Imagine: Chandler Bing and Jenna

Personal Imagine
-Chandler Bing & Jenna-
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You were all currently sat in Monica's apartment having some lunch which Monica had insisted she cooked. "Wow Mon, another great dish," you complimented.
"Thanks Jenna," she grinned.
You glanced down at your watch and your eyes widened at the time. "Oh crap, I've got to go pick up those save the date cards from the printer for my sister," you stated as you stood up.
"Do you want me to come with you?" Your boyfriend, Chandler asked.
"No it's fine babe, I'll be back soon," you said before pressing a quick kiss to his lips," Bye guys."
You rushed down to your car and sped off down the road. You needed to drop the cards off to your sister by 2pm and it was currently 1:15pm. Suddenly, a large white van rapidly pulled out of a turning heading straight in your direction. You slammed on your brakes to try and avoid colliding with the van but it was no use. The van smashed into the drivers side of your car and sent you spinning across the road straight into an another car. Everything went black instantly.


Back at Monica's apartment, the group were oblivious to the disastrous event that had taken place. "Jenna's been gone a long time, she should be back by now," Chandler said, a look of concern on his face.
"She's probably just having a catch up with her sister, I'm sure she'll be back soon," Rachel assured him.
Just as she said that Chandler's phone began to ring. He picked it up thinking it might be you but he was met by the distraught voice of your sister.

"Chandler, it's Jenna, she's been in an accident, it doesn't look good, you need to get to the hospital."
"I'll be right there."

"Chandler what's going on?" Ross asked.
"It's Jenna, she's been in an accident, I need to get to the hospital," Chandler said as he rushed about trying to find his coat and keys.
"I'll drive you, everyone else can follow," Monica said.
Herself and Chandler hurried down to her car and drove off in the direction of the hospital. Neither Monica and Chandler spoke on the way to the hospital, neither of them knowing what to say. They arrived at the hospital within fifteen minutes and both of them rushed into the hospital. "Hi, my girlfriend Jenna Y/L/N was brought in here earlier," Chandler rushed out as he approached the reception.
The receptionist typed on her computer and directed him to his girlfriends room with a sympathetic smile. When himself and Monica got to your room, your parents and sister were already sat outside. He hugged your parents and your sister and sat outside the room with them. "When can we see her?" Chandler asked.
"She has to go to surgery, she's lost a lot of blood Chandler, the doctors say it isn't looking good, so I don't know when we'll see her," your dad said, trying to stifle his sobs.
Chandler felt tears rolling down his cheeks which led to broken sobs falling from his lips. Monica pulled him into a hug and he cried into her shirt. The rest of the group had arrived but waited in the visiting area to give your family some space. Chandler wanted Monica to stay as he didn't want to stay there alone. After what hours of wait, you came back from surgery and Chandler couldn't bare to look at your bruised and battered body. "I'll go and tell everyone she's out of surgery, come and get us if you need us," Monica said giving Chandler one last hug.
Chandler followed your family into your room and his heart broke when he saw you lying there. "It seems that Jenna has fell into a coma, we aren't sure how long it will be until she wakes up, it could be days, weeks, months but we do know that she will wake up at some point," the doctor explained.
"My poor baby," your mum cried falling into the seat next to your bed.
Chandler couldn't believe that you were in a coma. He didn't want to go even a day without hearing your sweet voice or hearing you laugh at his dumb, cheesy jokes. Your parents and sister left after a while to give Chandler some time alone with you which he was grateful for. He pulled his chair up beside your bed and took your hand in his. "Jenna, if you can hear me, just know that I love you and I'll be right here when you wake up," Chandler said softly," I'll never leave your side, I'll always be right here."


Two months had passed since the accident. No one, not even he doctors, were sure of when you were going to wake up. Chandler spent as much time as he could by your side and had only recently started going back to work. The whole consistently visited you and talked to you but nothing seemed to help the situation. Today was like any other day. Chandler was sat by your bed, holding your hand tightly and your mum was holding you other hand. "Oh my goodness, she squeezed my hand," your mum said suddenly.
"What? Are you serious?" Chandler said jumping out his seat.
"Yes, she just squeezed my hand, go get a doctor, quick," your mum demanded.
Chandler ran off down the corridor looking for a doctor and when he found one, he told them that they thought you were going to wake up. When he got back to the room, Chandler sat back in his seat and held your hand once again. Your eyes slowly began to open and you kept gently squeezing Chandler and your mums hands. Once your eyes had adjusted to the light, you began to panic. You were unaware of your surroundings and the people near you. "Who are you all? Where am I? What's going on?" You rambled.
"Hi Sweetheart, I'm Doctor Carter, you were in a car accident and you are now in the hospital, can you tell me your name?" Doctor Carter asked.
As much as you tried to remember, you couldn't remember your name. "I'm sorry, I...I... can't remember, I don't remember anything," you cried.
"Hey hey hey, it's okay," you mum soothed.
"Who are you?" You asked as you snatched your hand away from your mum.
The doctor asked everyone to step outside for a moment so she could explain the situation. "Okay so, it seems like Jenna is suffering from long term memory loss. At this moment in time it is uncertain as to whether this will be permanent or not but the most you can do for her right now is introduce yourselves and tell her about her life," the doctor explained.
Chandler's heart fell at the doctors words. The love of his life wouldn't know who he was. Your family and Chandler went back into your room with the doctor following behind them. "Who are you all? Are you doctors too?" You asked.
"This is your mum, dad, sister and boyfriend," the doctor said," and your name is Jenna."
You look around the room, unable to recognise any of the faces staring back at you. After your parents and sister had spoken to you they left Chandler alone so he could speak to you. "Hi Jenna, I'm Chandler, I'm your boyfriend," he introduced.
"Boyfriend?" You asked," how long have we been together?"
"It was three years last week," he explained.
"How long have I been in the hospital for?" You questioned, afraid of the answer.
Chandler didn't know if telling you the truth would be a good idea but ultimately he knew you would find out at some point. "About two months," he mumbled
You gasped and felt yourself welling up. "I've been here for two months, I've been asleep for two months?" You asked as tears fell down your cheeks.
"You were in a coma for two months," Chandler confirmed.
You didn't know how to react to the statement. You couldn't believe that you had missed two months of your life. The next few days were hard for you. You constantly tried to remember everyone but you still failed to remember your life. Chandler was currently at yours and his apartment with the test of the group. "What am I supposed to do guys, she doesn't remember me or anyone, the doctor said there's a chance her memory loss is permanent," he said.
"Take her some photos of you and her, use them to help you explain your part in her life," Rachel said.
"I guess that could help," Chandler muttered.
"If you give them to me, I can copy them and make a scrapbook, that way she can keep it and look through it if she wants to," Monica said.
"That'd be great Mon, thank you," Chandler said with a small smile.
Two days later, Chandler was at the hospital with a scrapbook in hand. "Hi Jenna," he greeted.
"Hi, Chandler isn't it?" You replied. 
"Yeah that's right," he grinned.
"I'm trying to re learn everyone's names, I'm glad I've got one right," you smiled," What's that you've got?"
"It's a scrapbook Monica made, she's one of our friends who came to visit the other day with the others," he explained," its pictures of me and you, I thought today I could talk you through our relationship if you are okay with that?"
"Yeah that would be great, thank you," you grinned.
He pulled a chair up next to your bed and placed the scrapbook half on the bed and half resting on his arm. The first photo in the scrapbook was from your first date. You were both sat in a booth at a restaurant. "We went to Monica's restaurant for our first date because you always said how much you liked her food, the rest of the group sat a few tables away because they wanted to see how I acted on a date. It was also the week Joey got a camera so he came over and took a photo of us and I was just glad that you found his weirdness funny and not creepy," Chandler explained.
You let out a small giggle at his words which made him smile. The next photo was of you two at a party. Chandler's had an arm around your waist and you were smiling up at him adoringly. "This was from your birthday. It was a month after our first date and since you settled into the group pretty well, Monica, Rachel and Phoebe decided to throw you a party. This was the night that I asked you to be my girlfriend and thankfully you said yes."
The next photo made you laugh without even hearing the story. "Why are we covered in food?" You chuckled.
"This was thanksgiving, we all attempted to help Monica cook but it ended up in a food fight and you got covered head to toe in turkey juice," Chandler said as he tried to contain his laughter.
"Oh my goodness, we must be a right bunch of loonies," you giggled.
"It was also the first time we said I love you," Chandler admitted.
"Really?" You whispered.
"Yeah, it kind of slipped out when we were joking around but you said it back so it was all okay," Chandler explained.
Chandler spent the rest of the night explaining the photos to you and most of them made you laugh massively. He left the scrapbook with you and you spent the next few days continuously flipping through it. A week later Chandler came back to the hospital with the group in tow. "Hello again," he grinned.
"Hey Chandler, hi guys," you smiled," Chandler can you come here for a second."
Chandler nodded and made his way over to you. You reached up and pulled him close to you and pressed your lips to his. When you pulled back Chandler was extremely startled. "I remember you Chandler," you mumbled.
"What? How?" He asked.
"I don't remember everything and I don't know if I ever will but I remember our first date and how you knocked that glass of water on the floor because you were so nervous and how Joey tried to commando crawl to the table so he could take the photo in secret, I remember at my birthday party when you took me out onto the balcony and asked me to be your girlfriend and how that night we shared our first night together, and when we first said I love you and how we shared a turkey and flour tasting kiss afterwards, I remember a fair bit Chandler and I promise I will always try to remember everything but I feel things for you and I want to try to reconnect with you and get back to the place we were before the accident," you spoke.
By the end of it happy tears were rolling down both yours and Chandler's cheeks. "Can I... can I kiss you?" Chandler stuttered.
You nodded and Chandler leaned in. Your lips moulded together perfectly and you could deny that it gave you butterflies. "I love you Jenna, I always will," he grinned.
He pecked your lips once more and then let the group talk to you. He looked at you sat there smiling and couldn't help but smile himself. You didn't fully remember him but he knew that you wouldn't ever give yo on him.
