two lies and one truth

(We end up getting followed by alot more hunters.)

We look out for the hunters.I hear Kai and Jay arguing so I take a sword and cut a cactus near them.I say "Now you both shut up." I walk away as Lloyd plays with my hair. I calm down and end up calming down to the point where my full form shows.Lloyd stops so my full form goes away.I walk to Cole and Wu as they are talking about Wu lying.We then see the hunters so we try ride off.The hunters try attack us so Moonlight gets scared making a bubble go around all the hunters.I hold Moonlight and try calm her down.She ends up falling asleep in my arms.We run into an ice dragon and it flies after us.We go into some canyons to try lose the dragon.We see the dragon get put down by Faith. I look at it then ride back to free it.It flies away.I go after the others to see a hunter on the vehicle Wu and Cole are on.I shoot at the hunter helping Wu and Cole.We get to safety.I see Moonlight wake up so I ask "What way young Master?" She point to where we are going and says "Map to firstbourne home." We understood now.

We arrive at the barrier between the oni's land and the hunter's.Shadow and Mystery walk out past the barrier and says "We can't sense anything but each other." Me,Lloyd, Midnight and Moonlight go in as Midnight says "yeah it's the truth we can't sense any other oni not even powerful ones." Faith says"Dangerous enough that when Iron barron and his bravest crossed this line to get the dragon blade,He was teh only one to return." Midnight looks at Faith with a very confused look.Midnight thinks"But I have went past that line multiple times and I never once seen an Oni same with my mum.She went to this realm 5 times a month.She started coming here since she was 16 (2 years after she met the devourers) since the serpentine war happened in ninjago." Faith continues " Oni have a dark magic about them,a destruction magic." Moonlight says "That is true Brother and Mystery have it aswell is Midnight when she is in Oni form." "They are like nightfall,consuming darkness." We agree what she said about the oni is true. She asks if it is that way so Moonlight says "I am sorry Uncle but he lied about knowing the location of the armour he only knows where the map is Miss Faith lady.I do know where amour is but I wish to not say because you guys may get forced to say." Faith was shocked that Wu lied about it.Moonlight closes her eyes and then opens them but they were more lighter.She pointed into the Oni land.

We leave into the oni land.We get to an oni stronghold.We go in leaving the ninja and Faith.It is revealed the oni haven't lived here for centuries.I walk around the place and feel something calling for me so I follow it to see 3 kids.Midnight walks to us and says "Dark?Eclipse?Luna? Little sisters and Little brother." Moonlight and Shadow runs into a hug while I watch with Lloyd.I haven't seen them this upset since...they lost their parents.They pull me in making me happier.They show us a huge vehicle they made.We walk to the others hiding Luna,Dark and Eclipse.We see they found the map.I go back and drive the vehicle to the ninja.
