pause and effect

The boys make a plan while me,Tyme and Crono just chill.Kai and Nya soon show up so we stand closer to the team. I say " Me and my allies are staying with Kai and Nya incase we get attack." Lloyd agrees with the plan. A few moments later Tyme says " call devourer group 6r to get the time blade Y/n it is coming any minute now." I nod and call devourer group 6r and I send them the location of where the time blade should be." I then call Mystery and Lola to help Lloyd get Wu while we stay with stay with Kai and Nya.(Mystery and Lola help Lloyd get Wu.Lola tries to reverse the power of the time blade and successfully does. They see Wu is still weak.Mystery and Lloyd fight the Commanders while Lola unties Wu and carries him away fast.)

Me,Kai,Nya,Tyme and Crono get to a blacksmith shop.I look at it as Kai walks off.I say to Nya " he wasn't going to go find Krux and Acronix he was going after you parents." I then run after him with Tyme and Crono following after then Nya. Kai brakes into the blacksmith shop and tries attacking his father.I run ahead protecting his father.I yell " STOP THIS PLEASE." He pushes me away making me hit the metal as he continues fighting his father.I get up and pull his hood off.He uses his fire on his father. His dad was shocked as I say " Kai stop this he isn't a traitor." Kai doesn't listen though. Nya,Tyme and Crono run in.Nya yells " Kai! No!" He responds " He's a traitor!" His father was confused. Nya says " He's still our father." Crono stops Kai by freezing time for him. I pull off my hood Tyme and Crono do the same. I yell " KAI STOP THIS THEY ARE DOING THIS TO PROTECT YOU AND NYA!" Crono lets him go as he is confused.I say " I've heard a lot about you both from Midday and David Devourer aswell and Shadow and Midnight." Kai and Nya's mum shows up and they explain why they were forced to work for Krux and Acronix.Tyme says " bad news guys Krux and Acronix have the 3rd time blade." I look say " we need to go before they show up and make you both go after the time blade." Before we could escape Krux and Acronix show up. I look at them with Tyme and Crono behind me. I see them talking then Wu gets pushed in and they continue talking.We agree we will get the time blade to help Wu.We go on their ship and fly to the location of the 4th time blade them not remembering they need all 5 siblings of time to activate the time machine.
