the oni and the dragon

We land on the sea.I hear the Ninja talking to Harumi.I practice controlling the mist while Mystery practices her oni powers on some rocks and Lloyd is using his green powers.I manage to create my own mist. While the ninja are talking about how to find a member of the Sons Of Garmadon. I go fly on Tornada with Mystery and Lloyd.Me and Lloyd look around for the mask until Mystery says "I remember father telling me about there being oni temples around Ninjago maybe we should look there after all it is an oni mask we are looking for." I look at her sigh then Lloyd says "understand Mystery but we need to inform the quiet one about it first plus there around hundreds of oni temples in ninjago how would we find the right one." She doesn't speak then says "I understand Young Garmadon and Whispering Mistress." I say " good answer darkside." We put on our disguises and spy on the ninja. I hide until Cole and Zane left.I turn invisible (to oxygen)and secretly record the story of the oni and dragon.

Once they stop talking I show my self in my disguise and say " you forgot the child with both darkness and Light. Midday daughter to the first spinjizu master." They look at me as I continue " this is Midday's prospective. Once she saw the darkness took over one of her brothers so she ran fearing her brothers would force her to choose a side like her father.She soon found and fell in love with the son of the Great Devourer he didn't want to be like his father so him and his followers ran away becoming the devourers their leaders love was their kinds enemy's family kind...Humans.She unlike her family's kind was a human with half her face oni she also had dragon wings,tail and horns.They soon had kids the oldest Shadow half snake half oni then Midnight part oni,dragon and snake aswell as human she had both her father's powers aswell as her mother's.Moonlight was a part oni, dragon human and finally the youngest  twins Dark and Eclipse part dragon, human, snake.There is a prophecy about the oldest 3 having to fight with Mystery and Y/n against the chosen one." I finish and look at a picture of Lloyd I have.Kai says "Lloyd?" I nod then leave.

We arrive on the ship and Kai explains the Sons Of Garmadon are going to try release Garmadon.I chill in Ninjago.I then see the guy in a helmet with red visor on is fighting Kai so I get in my member outfit(with a voice changer under the mask.)I go in my Sons Of Garmadon air jet.I say in a tuff male " need a hand Mr E ?" He grabs my hand and put him in the jet with 'snake jaguar'/Zane helping me get Mr E away.I was confused why he was working with us.
I let Snake jaguar on the jet then leave the ninja.I get to the where I got Mystery to put Mr E's motorcycle.I go on my motorcycle that has Young Garmadon on but before I do I make the air jet go on autopilot and go to the base.I ride with Ultra Violet,Mr E and Snake Jaguar,Darkside and Young Garmadon to the big man.
