The green ninja

I play my flute while the serpentine are guarding me and Lloyd aswell as Tornada. I see the serpentine guarding us are sleeping so I get out and free Tornada but before I can free Lloyd my mouth get covered in an unvemon fabric mask.I look behind me to see Pythor drag me away to a vengestone cage.I take the fabric off and try use it on the cage but fail. I get freed hours later with vengestone cuffs on. Pythor finds the 3rd fang blade then a huge snake says " I am a volcanic viper guardian of the fang blade only those who are worthy can get it." I get pushed infront on Pythor as he says " she should be worthy."

I look at the guardian as they use the lava to get lloyd away and to keep them away from me.I say " plz help midnight has 3/5 fang blades.Plz help me and my soulmate Lloyd Garmadon." The ninja show up confused as I get given the fang blade.Lava appears scaring the serpentine.The ninja get worried.The guardian says " you humans and oni why have you come to my home." Wu responds "we came to get the 3rd fang blade and the 2 kids you have." The guardian then says "oh your master midnight's uncle wu I presume and he is Lloyd's father Garmadon." Wu says "yes we are."  The volcanic guardian says "I have a test for the fire one.I use my powers to move everyone out but Kai,me and Lloyd then blocking the way out.Kai sees the fang blade and Lloyd and me in the lava.The guardian says "choose what you want the blade or the kids. Kai tries going for the blade but soon released and went for me and Lloyd.The volcano erupts and Kai reaches his true potential and gets us out. I use my powers to grab the fang blade.

We get on the bounty safe.I hear Kai say " I knew when I had to make a choice.I wanted the fang blade so badly,to prove I was good enough to be the green ninja.But then I figured it out.All of my training to become the best ninja wasn't in preparation to become the green ninja.It was to protect him." I look at Lloyd with a sad look and says " Lloyd you must fight your father to save ninjago and Lloyd I'm sorry but I can't be with you in the future." I run to my room and collect my stuff. Lloyd sees what I'm doing and packs his stuff.He says " I am going to be evil no matter what." I smile after he said that.We leave of Tornada as the others try stop us."Will we be able to be together?" Lloyd asks.I respond "I'm unsure Lloyd.Maybe we can maybe not." I soon get tired and Lloyd could tell so he lays me back then says " You rest and I will keep you safe." I cuddle up to him and fall asleep. Lloyd says "Metal activate." Metal appears on our legs keep us safe.

Hours later,Lloyd says " Metal deactivate." The metal goes off our legs and Lloyd gets off then gets me off.He brings me into the house that me and morro made and lies me in bed.I wake up and go to the kitchen to see Lloyd and Midnight.I talk to them.I am more happy that Lloyd is being evil because I can be with him without having to run away alot.I cuddle Lloyd again but this time it was shorter.
