radio free ninjago

We get hunted down.I use my powers to protect Moonlight while the others think of a plan.Shadow says "screw it I want fun." Shadow jumps down and turns to his oni form and attacks the hunters while helping me protect his sister Moonlight.I say "thx shadow but you do realise they will not want to end you." He responds "I want to protect my sister because she is the only one who can get that dragon armour their annoying boss so wishes to possess." I say "well true." We attack more hunters.

They crowd cheer for a heavy metal making me worried.I pick up Moonlight as the others (-Wu and Cole) get down showing their full forms.(Midnight oni with dragon wings,tail and horns.Mystery powerful oni and Lloyd well normal form just using his powers.) Heavy metal shows up so we move closer to the ninja.We see the ninja attack the heavy metal guy but their powers get obsorbed by the guy's sword.I hold Moonlight while the others protect me and her.We see the Heavy metal guy put his sword in the ground giving me the chance to get it.I turn invisible and go after the sword.I get half way when the sword reveals me.I try grab the sword but the heavy metal guy grabs me and chains me up.I managed to slip out the chain and run back.The ninja get caught so the we get to where the crowd is and quickly run away.

We spy on the hunters and see they are going to attract dragons using the powers of the ninjas.We end up getting to them carefully.We make a plan(plan:I turn into a shape shift into be a dragon and attacks the hunters with Shadow,Mystery and Midnight in their oni forms.While Lloyd and Moonlight get the ninja free.) We do the plan and the hunters get attacked by the oni.I attack them to leaving Lloyd and Moonlight try to free the ninja.Sadly the hunters found Lloyd and Moonlight and caught the ninja with them.I attack them trying to free the ninja,Lloyd and Moonlight. I get caught and reveal myself to be a part oni.My eyes turn a dark red as I attack the hunters.Darkness starts to form around me.Moonlight managed to get out.She pulls up her sleeve letting me bite him.I have a bit of blood then fall unconscious.The hunters put me,Lloyd and Moonlight in the same cage the ninja are in.They end up catching an actual air dragon.(Shadow,Midnight and Mystery are making a plan and they got away.)
