how to build a dragon

I wake up in the cage because of a hunter(Daddy-no-legs).I growl at the him with one of my eyes dark red.I spit at him once he says "welcome back to the dead's end." The spit desolves part of the legs.The others wake up saying that he heard Nya. I ignore him and cuddle Lloyd as Lloyd strokes my hair.I look to the back to see the poor air dragon being dragged along.We then hear kids cheering.I could tell Moonlight was upset because she never had friends who weren't family anywhere.I then go to Moonlight and cuddle her making her abit happy.We both missed the others and hoped they would help us.

I spit of the metal and free me and Moonlight.We try free the dragon but Iron Barron stops us.Moonlight then gets on the dragon and tries braking off the chains.The hunters try take her off the dragon but she says "let me go.Raaaa." I throw them away and then say "she never had a none family friend before,the only friends she had were her family." Iron barron then says "fine she can play with the kids we have here." I say "I will watch her and we promise we won't hurt the kids." He let's her play with the kids.She helps them practice how to hurt a dragon and she willingly was always the dragon.She did also help the kids be able to tame a dragon and get close to one.

At night we see the ninja's plan working but not in the way they expected.It made the real firstbourne show up.The ninja fight the hunters while I try free the air dragon.I manage to tame it then it leaves.We then go after the earth dragon and free it.Midnight shows up and tells the mother of all the  dragons to leave before the hunters get her.
She listens and leaves.We get away from the hunters.
