season 2-Darkness shall rise

I meet Lloyd at the devourer tomb and we walk to where the other serpentine are.We spy on the serpentine then we see Garmadon show himself.I stop Lloyd from going to Garmadon.We hear him convince the serpentine that him can lead them.I walk out and say "Hello Garmadon.How have you been?" I bow as Garmadon turns to me.He asks "why are you here Y/n?" I say "we want revenge on the ninja because they didn't save your sister and brother-in-law." He says in confusion "we?" Lloyd walks out from where we were hiding and says "yes we." He looks in confusion at Lloyd.Lloyd walks up to him and says "I missed you dad." I get jealous andLloyd could tell so he hugged me then kissed my cheek.He says "better now?" I nod.Lloyd turns to his father and says "I don't want to be a good green ninja.I want to be with you dad.I want to be like you." Garmadon hugs him as I say "Nothing you say will convince him to be good after all if he is evil I will work against him anyway." He sighs and says "fine son and Y/n you both can work with me." He could see a smile appear on our faces.

The snakes agree to working with Garmadon.He turns the broken bounty into the black bounty.Me and Lloyd was amazed by it.We get on the black bounty.I go to mine and Lloyd's room and put our stuff we took back where we had them.I luckily Glued to furniture to the floor in every room.Lloyd and I go to our room because I try train Lloyd to fight and use his powers.I call for Tornada and we leave.We go somewhere I can train Lloyd's abilities.I call shadow to bring the siblings of the ninja to us. They show up. Flare and Spark show up and try teach him how to use fire,then lexie and Chip try teach him how to use electricity.Roxie teaches him earth and Crystal teaches him ice.He then gets told to fight against me.We fight and he uses his powers to beat me.I say "I'm impressed Lloyd.That was a great fight.Like Wu would say 'the student has become the master' but now how you tame a dragon with oni blood in you." Grace one of our dragons(who is very hard to tame) shows up.I teach Lloyd what to do to train a dragon.He tries to tame the dragon and successfully does so after around 1 and 1/2. I smile and they say " we are done you can leave now." They leave as we do to.

We go get a house for Lloyd. Shadow, Moonlight,Mystery and Midnight go with us because we are only kids.We get the a hero suite before the ninja.The ninja show up to our place and sees me and Lloyd their with 3 others they don't know.I notice the ninja and use my air powers to get them out.They had confusion on their faces.I remember the code for the door and so I lock the door.We pay the rent(because we 1.are working with Garmadon and 2.The shadow kingdom have like 1,000 Million a month.) Me and Lloyd play video games for abit.I notice Scales so I secretly grab my distress flute.Scales brakes in so I play the flute until I can't breathe.Shadow and Midnight soon manage to grab Scales and knock him out.I thank them then start breathing alot trying to regain my breath.I grab my phone and call Cole.I say "Cole do me a favour and put the phone of speaker." He does confused. I continue "You snakes really think Lloyd would be alone.Let me say something to you guys I knew he would come so I came prepared." I get Lloyd to hold the phone as I play a sacred flute making the ninja able to defeat the serpentine. "Was that helpful ninja.Oh and Me and Lloyd are working with his father." They thank me then yell in shock "WHAT!" I hang up and put Scales in prison. I return to Lloyd and say " Your father will be worried so we should go back to him but Shadow,Midnight,Moonlight and Mystery stay here ok." They agree so me and Lloyd leave on Tornada.(Tyme and Crono are leading the devourers with Darcy and Diana as seconds in charge.) We get to Garmadon  as the weapons turn into one.After that we explain to Garmadon where we were and what happened.
