true potential

We scare some bin people.Then we go after Harumi.We attack the police.I walk into the room and say " hey rumi sorry we took so long we had to pick someone up." I move away so she can see Garmadon.Mystery says " we are lucky we were almost done with the ceremony." Lloyd says "Yep your lucky."Cops come in and I say " kneel before Lord Garmadon."I free Harumi then we leave with us destroying the police station(for fun and also because of a fight).

We go to kryptarium prison to free the prisoners and to take over the place.The warden tries to make a deal with us but I say " I think we will stay here and the only people leaving are you guys.I use my powers to blow all the guard and the warden away.Harumi says "The ninja will be coming.Make preparations." I nod and start braking the floors and put traps there making it nearly impossible to get in or out not unless your a serpentine or an oni.I go back and bow to Garmadon and say " My lord I have set up traps that the ninja won't expect.We do training with Garmadon.He beats alot of the gang(Sons Of Garmadon).I make him face my hardest robot to beat.I smirk as he works up a sweat.He soon beats it I was not surprised.I send Lloyd in to go against Garmadon.I was not really surprised he beat Lloyd. Harumi talks to Garmadon about reaching his true potential.

The ninja come in to try face Garmadon but are met with Me,Lloyd and Mystery watching them fighting Garmadon.They lose and retreat.We laugh as they left.Lloyd walks up to Garmadon and says "I am happy I chose to work with you father." He pats Lloyd's head and says "I am proud that after all this time you didn't become good like those ninja." We smile and I say "Now everyone in ninjago knows that you should be their Emperor and Prince." Garmadon smirks and responds "yes they do know who their new Emperor and Prince is and their future Princesses." He puts one of his hands under my head.I smile as he ment me and Harumi.
