can of worms

We lie to the ninja about 'Cole beating kai's high score','Jay spicing Cole's food up','Zane trying to fix Jay's robot' and 'kai putting Zane's clothes in the wash with his'.Wu reveals what we did as we laugh.The ninja got mad about it and said "YOU BOTH DID THIS."I laugh as I nod my head then say "before you guys do anything Wu said we can." The ninja look at Wu as He says "This is your next lesson,I wanted to show you the destructive power of rumors and that jumping to conclusions can only lead to trouble.Did you ever think to find out if the accusations were true?" Cole replies "uh,no offence,sensei,but let me jump to this conclusion:Today's lesson is lame." Jay agrees and says "Yeah.why can't you teach us to paralyze your enemy with one finger?or find out if a man is lying by the twitch of his nose?" "Because not all lessons are about fighting.And I misplaced my lesson book." Kai looks at us and see I'm holding a book. He takes it and says "You mean this lesson book?"He shows the others.Lloyd says " it was the perfect plan,until you had to show up and mess everything up." I use my powers to open the door and say " yeah Lloyd's plans are perfect," I think "uh well sometimes they are."

Nya calls us to bridge so I use my powers to let us out the room. Nya says "Last we heard of Pythor,he stole the map of the debs from Lloyd." "Or did he," I respond leaning on a wall holding a map.I say "I stole it from Lloyd because I didn't trust Pythor with Lloyd.Before you ask Lloyd it was at the school,I swapped it with a picture I drew of fake tombs.I drew one on
in the sea and the other in a volcano.The other tombs are where we found them."I say as everyone looks at me.I burn the map infront of them and say "I know where the tombs are." I get up and throw a green knife and black one at the map right were the tombs are "there you go." I soon feel a force grab my arm then knock me out.The force shows itself to be Pythor.He grabs me and leaves the ship.

I wake up to see me in a metal cage with my dragon.I get pulled out by Pythor as he says "tell me where they are really y/n or your dragon gets it." I look at tornada with tears in my eyes and say "I'm sorry tornada I have to do it to protect you."I show him the way to the tombs.After I showed Pythor the
Venomari tomb the ninja show up. Pythor takes me and tornada hiding us.I get tornada out as we fly up and camouflage.I try play my flute risking us being exposed.I help the ninja away as the samurai tracks Pythor and knocks the ninja out. I'm not affected by it so I take the boys and get to the bounty.I soon fall asleep when we land so my dragon turns to a devourer serpentine(like one of the serpentine but has dragon horns and wing)and puts me to bed.I wake up at dinner/tea thanks to Lloyd.

We eat dinner as the ninja describe the samurai.I secretly know who he or well she is.I get annoyed a secretly get a curebiter to crawl to Kai.The ninja were trying to attack it but I stop them and say "this is a curebiter part of the devourers their bites can stop any serpentine bite like a venomari spit.I used 2 on your parents Jay remember they were turning into snakes." Jay remembers and thanks me.I hold it on my arm and go behind Kai and let it bite him.He yells "owww was that the only way," I reply "nope it just makes go away quicker." I take my food and leave with the curebiter.I sit outside and eat my food.I finish and then try change the weather to rainy because I found out I can control the air and weather.I hear the alarm go off so Tornada runs to me jumping off the bounty and letting me on.We quickly fly to the location.I turn to a devourer and put on a hood.We arrive at where they are meeting and tornada turns to a serpentine and invisible.(the devourers have a thing called hive mind but with this they can speak to each other through thoughts.) We hear Pythor speaking "friends,enemies and enemies who pretend to be friends." The serpentine laugh do I do to. He continues "I welcome you. And what is with the constrictai and their vice-like grip? Let it go,already." We laugh again "Heh,but in all seriousness,the reason I called this gathering is because the good people of Ninjago imprisoned us in those insidious tombs and I want to return them the favour." We all cheer. We hear people saying stuff about the serpentine so I say nothing as I look at the ninja saying lies.I see the ninja getting put in holes. I say in my mind to tornada "help the ninja now." She did as I asked and got Zane and ran revealing herself.She hid zane and turned invisible. She runs to the others still invisible as I think " get the ninja to safety and make the serpentine hate each other." She obeys and frees the ninja as a hypnobrai.Then runs and attacks the snakes as a flangpire,runs again and attacks as a vemonari,runs again as a constrictai while I carefully grab the ninja and take them to safety. Tornada runs and turn invisible and escaped.The ninja talk about one of each kind helped them for some reason to Wu and Nya.I walk and say "haven't you heard their a 6 serpentine in total.One being a serpentine with all the others powers aswell as other unknown powers like shape shifting." The ninja look at me as I take some food then leave.Lloyd shows up saying about him fixing Zane's clothes and also pranking Cole.I breathe and smile saying "thx again tornada the ninja have no idea about us." She says"yeah  lets try keep it that way." I nod my head and finish eating and so practice again.
