

Slowly my eyes fluttered open to immediately face the ceiling. I rubbed my eyes as I slowly averted my gaze over to suddenly see Carrie and Yeah-yeah staring down at me.

I let out a shriek jumping up from the bed.
"What are you freaks doing!" I exclaimed, widening my eyes.

"The real question is what are you doing?" Yeah-yeah replied, crossing his arms.

"Yeah! It's Christmas Eve!" Carrie added, squealing from excitement.

I sighed looking around the room as I shifted my gaze down to the blanket over me.
"How'd you guys even get inside?" I questioned.

"Rose let us in" Carrie replied, with yeah-yeah nodding.

"Now c'mon! Get up lazy head!" She added, tugging at my arms as she pulled me up from the bed.


"Woah baby. Hottie alert!" I teased, cupping my hands over my mouth.

"Sheesh. Break me off a piece of that" I called, clapping my hands as I watched Carrie walk down the stairs.

I glanced over, immediately pressing my lips together to hold in a laugh once seeing Yeah-yeahs very unimpressed face.

"You're not funny" he grumbled, rolling his eyes at my comments.

"What-hey? I was just kidding?" I defended, nudging his arm.

"No you aren't. Quit hitting on my girlfriend! I'm telling Benny on you" he threatened, shaking his head as he pointed a finger at me.

"What- I..snitch!" I scoffed, pushing at his shoulder.

"Girlfriend stealer" he scoffed back, angrily pointing towards me.

"You really want to start? Fine. Chicken shit!" I called, crowing my arms as I spat.

"Dog face!" he shot back, placing his hands onto his hips as he stepped forward.

"Crap face!" I shouted, scoffing at the ridiculous name he just called me.

"Toad!" He shouted back.

"Chimp!" I shot, throwing my hands up as I stepped forward.

"Guys!" Carrie shouted, forcefully separating us away from each other.

"Can you two four years please not start with this!" She scolded, standing in the middle as she glanced back and forth.

"Actually. Never mind it's quite amusing, continue" she smiled, motioning us forward before crossing her arms.

I sent her a scoff, making her crack a small laugh once seeing yeah-yeahs and I's still, serious, unamused faces at her statement.

"I'm just kidding! Obviously kidding pfft" she scoffed, shaking her head as she waved us off.

She walked over towards yeah-yeah teasingly nudging his arm with a snicker.
"Oh yeah-yeah you don't got to be so jealous, you're my boyfriend relax"

Once they began to kiss I quickly covered my eyes. "Can you guys please stop doing that! How do you go from fighting to that?" I shouted, continuing too close my eyes.

"Oh please don't even act like you and Benny don't do the same thing to all of us!" Carrie defended, shaking her head once they pulled away.

"Yeah yeah you guys are always smooching!" Yeah-yeah added, pointing his finger at me.

"No we kiss. Not make out like what's going on here! There's a mega difference guys" I exclaimed, motioning to the two of them.

Both of their cheeks flushed as they glanced at each other, shaking their heads in denial.

"Whatever. Let's go" Carrie waved it off, grabbing onto my hand and pulling me away.


We all walked up the steps of the house together, with me practically shivering from how cold it was out.

Carrie rang the doorbell while we waited as I continued to fiddle around wanting desperately to go inside.

"Oh my you got bugs in your pants or something?" Carrie laughed, noticing my shaking.

"No, it's just way freezing out here!" I exclaimed, wrapping the coat around me tighter.

Suddenly the door opened with Natalia who smiled before letting us in.

"Oh sweet baby you're shivering?" Catherine exclaimed, immediately rushing over.

"Luis get her a blanket" she ordered over towards the boy who sat at the couch.

He walked over shaking his head with a laugh as he handed me a blanket.
"I've never seen you so pale" he laughed.

I rolled my eyes immediately wrapping the blanket around me before sitting down with the rest of the boys who sat around the couches.

Moments later Benny walked down the steps immediately rushing towards Catherine.

"Mom! Has the phone rang?" He questioned, quickly picking up the phone from the counter.

"No, why what call are you expecting?" She rose an eyebrow, laughing at his eagerness.

"It's not that I'm expecting a call it's just I haven't heard from Amora all day and I'm starting too get a little-

He immediately paused once he glanced over, noticing I was sat staring at him from the couch.

"Oh" he simply said, slowly placing the phone back down.

"Mhm..and you were saying what Benny?" Natalia questioned, titling her head as she tapped her chin.

He rolled his eyes at her before quickly walking over and tackling me into a hug.

"Benny? We were only two hours late. And that's because Carrie here decided to shop at the last second!" I exclaimed, pointing at her.

"Hey? That dress was not cute I had to do what I had to do!" Carrie scoffed, defending herself.

"Benny? Are you ok" I questioned, poking his head once seeing he still had his arms wrapped around me tightly.

"Sorry. I missed you" he sighed, finally letting go of me.
"What! But we spent all day together yesterday!" I exclaimed, flailing my hands around.

He rolled his eyes, shrugging his shoulders.
"So?" He questioned.

I cracked a small laugh pecking a kiss onto his forehead before sitting back in the couch, wrapping the blanket around me tighter.

"So, who wants too play?" Luis asked suddenly, holding up a box with a board game.


"Carrie! What is that?" I exclaimed, looking up at her in confusion.

She groaned, rubbing her eyes frustratedly before continuing too act out whatever the hell she was doing.

"Carrie! What- I don't know!" I shrieked, throwing my hands into my hair.

"Amora! I'm going to throw away your favorite red pumps that you wear on extremely special occasions if you don't get this!" She shouted, throwing her hands up frustratedly.

My mouth dropped as I let out a loud gasp.
"You wouldn't!" I immediately sat up from the couch.

"I so would!" She shouted back, making me scoff and cross my arms.

"Guys. Quit talking about shoes we only have like a minute!" Bertram exclaimed, snapping at the both of us.

"Don't talk too me about this? She just threatened one of my children-

"I swear to god woman! We're going to lose here!" Kenny shouted over me, shaking my shoulders crazily.

I scoffed, immediately going dizzy as he crazily shook my shoulders like a maniac, making me quickly slap his hands away.

"Stop saying that. You know I hate when you call me that" I scolded, pointing a finger at him.

"Exactly why I do! What do you want me to do? We're losing here woman !" He shrieked, throwing his arms up frantically as he motioned towards the game.

"Quit calling me woman!" I shouted back, crazily flailing my hands around.

"My apologies then miss Amora!" he mocked, leaning forward and shaking his head at me.

"Thank you. You're finally getting it genius" I teased back, shaking my head with a snicker.

"Genius? Awe thanks Amora!" He mocked, amused smile on his face as he nudged me arm.

"No. No no, that was not a compliment, so don't you dare take it as one" I grumbled, pointing a finger at him again as I shook my head.

We averted our attention away and watched Carrie carefully as she continued to act out and motion things with her hands, shouting possible answers with it.

"Time!" Smalls called out, holding up the small hourglass in his hand.

Immediately we all looked to each other groaning and shouting at each other over whose fault it was.

"Ha! I told you we'd beat you!" Hams laughed, teasingly pointing at me.

I closed my eyes letting out a whine, pulling the blanket over my head, hiding away from the sheer embarrassment I now just felt.

I nearly bet on my life that we'd win. God isn't this just embarrassing.

I listened as they continued too shout and tease at our lost making me scoff and pull the blanket off.

I narrowed my eyes once seeing Benny who glanced at me before cracking a small laugh.

"What Benny whats so funny?" I shouted, throwing my hands up frustratedly.

He let out small laugh, motioning up to my hair. "Your hair" he simply said, shaking his head with a smile.

I scoffed again quickly running my hand through my hair and patting it down before crossing my arms.

"Oh shut up" I muttered, letting out a huff as I slowly slid father down into the couch.

He shook his head with a smile before turning over, laying back and resting his head onto my lap.

I bounced my leg making him groan as his head plopped up and down.

"Ow! What was that for?" He questioned, sending me a sad frown.

"Nothing. Just your big ass head is hurting my leg" I teased, poking at his cheek with an amused smile.

He scoffed, opening his mouth to speak before getting cut off when Carrie groaned and shouted over him.

"God will you shut up freckles!" Carrie shouted over Hams, throwing a pillow to his face.

Suddenly I was handed a mug by Catherine making me smile excitedly once seeing the whip cream that sat on top.

"Alright can we hurry this up! I want to get to the presents already!" Squints shouted over them, snapping in both of their faces.

I cracked a small smile once all of their faces lit up, gasping excitedly.


"Awe Scotty! This is so adorable!" I awed, holding up the basket of my absolute favorite candies and chocolates that he had gotten me.

"Thank you!" I smiled, pulling him into a tight hug.

"You know..I never got a chance to thank you" he slowly stated once we pulled away.

"For..what?" I questioned, titling my head slightly.

"For..you know what. Helping me get into the sandlot. If it wasn't for you I would've definitely never even attempted to go back and I wouldn't have made a single friend" he explained, cracking a small smile.

Immediately my face lit up as I pulled him into another hug. Closing my eyes as I squeezed him tightly.

I pulled away to see a shy smile painted on his lips with a now pink face making me crack a small laugh and rub his shoulder.

"Oh shit-

Carrie paused seeing Catherine who rose her eyebrows and gave her a look, daring her too continue her sentence.

"Uh I mean shoot. I nearly forgot my camera!" Carrie corrected herself, shooting up from the floor.

She quickly snatched her bag and dug through it, pulling out her camera before rushing back towards us.

Catherine stood up offering to take a picture for her before ushering her to go sit with us.

"Ok everybody were taking a picture!" Carrie called out, sitting down back onto the floor.

"You better not make a face again. Both of you!" She scolded, pointing at squints and ham firmly.

I shook my head at the two before getting pulled over and sat in front of Benny in between his legs, as he slid his hands in between my arms, wrapping his arms around me and resting his head down onto my shoulder.

"Benny are you sure you're alright?" I questioned, titling my head curiously.

"Yeah, why?" He mumbled, closing his eyes as he continued his rest on my shoulder.

"Because you're extra touchy right now. What's the matter. What, what do you want?" I explained, crossing my arms suspiciously.

He perked his head up, rolling his eyes with a smile. "Nothing"

"Ok 1..2..3 cheese guys!" Catherine soon called out, holding up the camera to her eye as she looked through it.

We all squished together smiling at the camera before getting a big, bright light flashed in our faces.

"Geez my eyes!" Bertram called out, taking off his glasses on and rubbed his eyes.

"I've been blinded!" Squints shrieked, taking off his own glasses and did the same.

"You already are blind squints!" Yeah-yeah shouted, teasingly pointing at him.

I cracked a small laugh watching them before scanning everyone around the room, smiling happily.

The atmosphere and energy in the room was like no other. It felt homey, loving, cozy. It felt warm like I was home with the people I love, even though none of them weren't related to me at all.

It was still so mind boggling that these were the people I once despised. Although the boys and I do fight like a bunch of wild siblings, especially with those trolls squints and Kenny. I still have grew to truly love them. Granted I would never admit it. Over my dead body.

But the house felt very loving nonetheless. Especially with it just being us.. almost like old times. No Penelope. Whenever she was around it was like that all just disappeared in a second and I would desperately want to leave.

I feel completely awful even thinking it too myself, but I couldn't help but get that feeling from her.

I just wanted to be left here forever and ever and never leave.

Geez Amora gross, since when did you get so sappy?
