

"An amusement park! Oh you've got too be totally joking with me right now!" I shrieked, widening my eyes at the three.

"The park is filled with people. Already a major issue. Plus crazy high rides that you could totally fly off and perish to your death!" I continued, frantically flailing my hands around.

"Oh hell no!" I crossed my arms, shaking my head firmly.

"Oh come on Amora! This is our teenage years. We only have 2 more years too enjoy our youth before we turn into complete college freaks!" Carrie wrapped her arms around my shoulder.

"Plus, I heard they sell these really banging looking churros with this like glaze over it? Oh it sounds way mouth watering!" She exclaimed, clapping her hands.

I shook my head, rubbing my eyes as I let out a tired sigh from the amount of bugging I just endured.


"Alright! I better not see nobody wandering off now!" I called out, turning around to the group.

"Yes mom!" They all teased, making me scoff and cross my arms.

"Hey I'm watching out for you here? We are in this totally unfamiliar place, who knows what could be lurking around here!" I exclaimed, motioning towards the crowds of people.

"So, we all move as a group k? If you have too piss or something well then hold it... or just bring someone that's fine actually. But tell me, don't let me freak out once you're suddenly gone" I scolded, pointing a firm finger towards them.

"Also, this baby has just about everything inside. So if you need anything, then come too me duh!" I rambled, patting the bag on my arm.

"Amora, I mean mom-

"Shut up William!" I cut him off, shooting him a glare.

"I'm just saying. We're here too have fun right?" He rose an eyebrow, turning me around.

"I guess?" I shrugged as he wrapped his arm around my shoulder, slowly leading me away.

"Exactly, we'll be fine. No need too be worrying all the time" he laughed, rubbing my shoulder.

"Whatever Will. I'm way not even listening to you right now ok-

I stopped seeing everyone gone except Benny and Penelope who stood, holding in laughters at my reaction.

"Will! You little fucker!" I groaned, whipping back around and smacking his arm.


"Squints where are you going?" I questioned, lowering the map to see him begin to walk off.

"Oh my god for your information mother. I'm going too the bathroom" he muttered, turning around with a huff as he crossed his arms.

"Oh. Yeah-yeah go with him" I called out, bringing the map back up.

"What! But-

"I said go!" I ordered much more sternly this time making him groan before standing up and following behind squints.

I watched until they walked off into the restroom, nodding in approval before turning around and sitting down at the table with Benny, Carrie, Kenny and Penelope.

"This is why I way hate amusement parks. They're so easy too get lost in, especially with this many people too look after it's totally freaking me out!" I rambled, continuing too look through the map.

"You know you don't have too be stressing so much about us. We'll be ok, besides do you really think the guys are that stupid to get lost?" Benny questioned, perking up an eyebrow.

I looked over towards the table where the rest of the boys sat, seeing them all laugh and cheer as ham tried to fit as much tater tots in his mouth.

"Was that supposed to be..a trick question?" I questioned, titling my head as I thought.

"Uh..no?" He replied, knitting his eyebrows together at my response..

"Well then yes Benjamin Franklin. I definitely do" I answered, nodding my hand as I twisted the map around.

Immediately his eyebrows furrowed together, twisting his face into confusion. "Did you just.."

"Yes, yes I certainly did just call you that" I simply replied, nodding my head with a smug smile now spreading onto my face.

"Listen to the boy toots. I find it cute how you're worried about us but, you need to relax here" Kenny added, shaking his head.

"Amora. For one I think you stress way too much about everything, it's totally not good for you!" Carrie frowned, rubbing my back.

I slowly lowered the map looking around to see them all nodding with her in agreement.

"Huh? I certainly know I am not in therapy right now. I'm just being way safe here, do you even know how easy it is too-

"Oh my god! Guys what the hell happened?" I shouted, cutting myself off as I shot up from the seat.

I walked over meeting squints and yeah-yeah who suddenly, weirdly had dirt and mud all over them. I groaned snatching up a few napkins from off a table, beginning to clean them up.

"I thought you guys were just going too the bathroom? Wait a minute please tell me this is just mud!" I shrieked, stepping back in disgust.

"No it's because this dork pushed me into a puddle of mud!" Yeah-yeah exclaimed, pointing towards squints.

"Well you started it and then decided to push me in with you moron!" Squints shrieked, throwing his hands up crazily.

I glanced between the two as they continued to shout at each other, shaking my head with a groan before smacking the backs of both of their heads.

"Can you please for the love of god stop it already?" I shouted, forcefully pulling them apart.

"Oh by the way guys! The bumper cars are open!" Squints called, whipping around towards the group.

That caught the boys attention making them all shoot up and run over towards the direction he pointed at.

"Hey! What did I say-

"Amora, you got to let them go. They'll be fine" Benny snatched me back, shaking his head with a laugh.

"Yeah that's funny, let them go-

I paused widening my eyes once I suddenly came too terms with myself and realized exactly what they were saying.

"Oh my god.. I'm acting like a total 20 year marriage, cardigan wearing mom!" I shrieked, throwing my hands into my hair in panic.

"Yeah, you are" he laughed, nodding his head.

"Well why didn't you tell me!" I exclaimed, pushing at his shoulder.

"Well for one I thought you would murder me if I told you something. Also, I don't know I thought it was cute?" He smiled, wrapping his arm around me.

"Oh wow I am so glad you find much amusement in my freak out" I shook my head, rolling my eyes at him.

"I'm just saying. I think you'd be a good mom one day" he laughed, shrugging his shoulders.

"Ha! That's hilarious. But thanks" I shrugged, wrapping my arm around his back.

We walked down the sidewalk in silence continuing to hold onto each other before I slowly began to speak up again.

"Benny?" I chirped, looking up at him.
"Yeah?" He replied, stuffing his other hand that wasn't around me into his pockets.

"Do you think. That we'd be together.. long enough too have kids or get married?" I questioned, biting onto the inside of my cheek.

"I mean..I know we're still young and haven't been together too long. But..you ever think about it?" I added, tilting my head slightly as I thought.

His face softened as he slowly looked down towards me. "Of course I do. Why, do you?" He questioned, perking up an eyebrow.

"Well duh, I was just asking. That'd be way weird though" I thought, laughing lightly as I waved my hand.

"What would?" He asked, cracking a small smile as he furrowed his eyebrows.

"Having my own children. God that would definitely be a rare sight seeing I hate those little gremlins. Oh but if I do I can't wait until my daughter gets old enough so we could shop, talk about boys-

"Boys? Yeah I don't like the sound of that" he cut me off, shaking his head in disapproval.

"Yeah because it's you. You hate every specimen of the male species besides the boys. And Will" I explained, softly butting hips with his.

"No, I just don't like any guy that I don't trust around you. And in this case with what we're talking about, definitely not my daughter either" he explained, cracking a small laugh.

I rolled my eyes, shaking my head with a smile.
"You're just plain annoying"

"Wait a minute..you never told me what you want to do when you're older?" He questioned, perking up an eyebrow as he looked back towards me.

"Oh. Well, I mean mister pops is a litigator, and those are like the scariest kinds of lawyers. So, I think it's quite in my blood that I can my argue my way out of anything and follow behind him.. except with Mrs. Stacy who you completely got me in trouble with!" I exclaimed, pushing at his arm as I shook my head.

"Oh yeah! I remember that..you know I still have those thirty dollars?" He replied, tilting his head as he thought.

"Why? You could have totally bought loads of stuff with that!" I exclaimed, throwing my arm up with a frown.

"I don't know, I meant to give it back to you. So..what you're saying is I'm going to have a crazy lawyer as a wife?" He questioned, cracking a small smile.

Going? How on earth is he so sure that we're still going to be together in the long run. I mean I hate to say it but you truly never know what could happen. No matter how much I love him the future is never certain.

I rolled my eyes, shaking my head with a shrug.
"I don't know, maybe?"

I shook my head at him, laughing softly before looking back ahead to continue searching for where the boys ran off too.


I leaned back into the chair, looking over towards Amora who sat next to me.

I watched as she crossed her arms continuing too carefully watch the guys who all stood around waiting in the line for a ride.

Suddenly her eyes lit up once she was handed a cup with ice cream from Carrie.

She cracked a soft smile looking down at the cup with excitement, sticking her spoon into the ice cream.

"Oh my god Benny look! This one has has brownie chunks!" She gasped, looking over towards me.

I glanced down at it laughing at her reaction from it. "You want some?" She offered, nudging the cup towards me.

I softly shook my head wanting to keep staring at her. "Ugh what a bore suite yourself" she shrugged, sticking the spoon into her mouth.

I continued to stare at her, slowly looking down as I examined her outfit. She wore a pale green shirt and a darker green plaid skirt. With those of course usual white heels that she wears all the time.

I've started to notice that plaid skirts seemed to be her favorite. She wore them a lot. I knew to her it was a very simple outfit, but she still looked incredible to me.

I somewhat knew I already loved her..I just wasn't exactly sure? I mean she is my first girlfriend and I had no idea what it was like to be in love with someone.

Not until the little talk we had today. We talked about our future together kids, marriage. Making me realize that I couldn't wait for all of that with her, even though we're still young and years away from that.

God it almost hurt. Hurt with how much love I have for her. It even scared me because of how she's my first girlfriend and I'm already somehow in love?

I completely love everything about her though. Everything. Her soft dark almost black eyes that could just captivate almost anyone. Her tanned olive skin that I wanted to kiss all the time, too bad I couldn't she would smack me for it.

Her dark brown hair that was straight yet fluffy and soft, though at times it would occasionally have a little wave to it. I loved running my fingers through it.

But it's not just her appearance. I loved even the littlest things she would do.

The way she always clapped her hands and would jump up and down whenever she was excited or happy about something.

Almost like a dog wagging their tail, but of course I would never say that to her.

How she would tease and call me the weirdest, random little names, I always act like I hate it but that's far from the truth.

How she's always wanting too help anyone with anything. Mostly it would be by shopping or helping with relationship stuff but in her mind it's a big deal and to her it's like she's saving the entire humanity.

Although she really is a firecracker and puts up this harsh rough front with everyone. She actually really is soft and sensitive and emotional. And I'm very glad she's comfortable enough with me to let me see that, definitely just at certain times though.

"Benny?" She sang, her voice suddenly coming into hearing as she waved her hand in my face.

I blinked blankly, shaking my head.
"What?" I coughed, feeling my face heat up once seeing she caught me staring at her.

"I've been trying too call you for like minutes now. What the hell are you doing?" She laughed, glancing up from her ice cream cup.

"Oh, nothing nothing" I shook my head, waving it off.

She cracked a small smile eyeing me suspiciously. "Pfft..weirdo" she snickered, shaking her head before looking away.

I sighed glancing away before slowly finding my gaze back over at her. Suddenly getting chills as I watched her. It was like everything she did left me in some sort of weak stare.

"Amora?" I piped up, continuing to admire her.
"Hm?" She hummed, pulling the spoon from her mouth.

I took a small breathe in, licking my lips nervously at what I was just thinking about saying.

"Benny what?" She questioned, looking over once seeing I hadn't said anything.

"I- I uh..

"Uh..spit it out bud?" She laughed, lowering the cup down onto her lap once I trailed off again.

"Amora!" A voice shouted out, making both of our heads whip away.

"Ok ok. Don't be mad but... hams and squints are kind of-

"Shut the actual fuck up Kenny" she shouted, shooting up from her seat.

"We're sorry! They just vanished out of nowhere, please don't kill us!" Bertram added, holding his hands out afraid she would smack him.

"I knew it! You idiotic clowns didn't listen too me!" She shrieked, throwing her hands up as she scolded them.

"Oh come on" she groaned, grabbing onto my hand and pulling me up.

I sighed standing up from the chair with her immediately tugging me away and everyone quickly following behind.
