

I blew out a bubble before popping it and slipping the gum back into my mouth.

I hummed to myself as I twirled the lock around, with a small pull before the locker opened.

I rummaged through the many things I had in there, before letting out a shriek when someone placed their hand on my shoulder.

"Carrie! God you nearly just killed me!" I groaned, turning around to see her standing next to me.

"Ugh I'm sorry girl, where've you been? You weren't at your house this weekend?" She questioned, leaning against the lockers.

"Oh, my dad had another one of his little work trips. I don't get why he always drags me along!" I rolled my eyes, slamming the locker door.

We walked down the hallway together, before turning the corner to walk into our classroom.

"Did you do the homework?" She bit her lip nervously, looking at me with a hopeful expression.

"Homework!" I shrieked, immediately whipping my head towards her.

"Yeah I know right! Mrs. Stacy assigned like a whole packet!" She explained, slumping down into her seat with a sigh.

I groaned before sitting down next to her, crossing my legs over another.

I slipped out my pocket mirror, tapping my lips gently too smooth out the gloss that was placed before.

"Can't you leave your reflection alone for once?" Benny rolled his eyes, as he took his sat that was assigned next to me.

"What? Look at myself? well duh of course, why would I not!" I gave him a sarcastic smile, before rolling my eyes.

Suddenly then the classroom door whipped open, revealing the teacher walking in.

"Good morning class! Sorry I'm a bit late" She sighed tiredly, placing her bag onto her desk.

"Alright! Who's done the homework that was assigned last night?" She asked rubbing her hands, before crossing her arms.

The class grew silent, as I rose my eyebrow glancing towards Carrie who gave me the same look back.

"Really? Nobody! Well did you at least study for you're tests today?" She sighed, shaking her head disappointingly.

Immediately everyone eyes widened, looking to each other with panic.

"Mrs. Stacy a test!" Carrie shrieked, raising her hand up.
"Yeah Mrs. Stacy honestly. Assigning us a whole packet and then a test! That is way too much to expect!" I shook my head, flipping the mirror shut.

"Girls. Please relax. This will only be a small part of your grade" She explained, with a tired sigh after.

I groaned throwing my head onto the desk, before she began to hand out the tests to everyone.

"All right! You may start, remember no cheating!" She ordered, raising her eyebrow at us before looking down to her desk.

I sighed looking down at the paper in front of me, having no clue what I was reading.

I glanced over clearing my throat quietly too get Carries attention, she looked up raising her eyebrow for me to continue.

"What is this!" I mouthed, pointing at the paper.
She shrugged shaking her head sadly, before widening her eyes.

She waved me to come closer, making me lean over in my desk.
"Ask him!" She whispered, motioning towards benny.

"What! No way! I'd rather chip my nails!" I whispered back, shaking my head with a gag.

"He obviously looks like he knows what he's doing?" she whispered, as we both looked over to see Benny filling out the test answers.

I sighed before mouthing a "fine" as I sat back up.

I glanced up seeing Mrs. Stacy still flipping through a book, making me glance back towards benny.

"Psst!" I whispered softly, immediately catching his attention.
He furrowed his eyebrows mouthing a "what?".

I lifted up the paper pointing at it, motioning that I obviously needed help.

He furrowed his eyebrows, shaking his head before looking back down to his desk.

"Please?" I insisted, giving him a hopeful pout.

"What no!" He whispered, shaking his head before turning away and ignoring me.

I groaned waving my hand, trying to get his attention again.

"I swear to god! If you don't quit it I'm getting up and snitching on you right now" he whispered angrily, before shooing me away.

"Fine then crap head" I groaned, rolling my eyes before looking at Carrie unsuccessful.

I sunk down in seat, before widening my eyes once I come up with a idea.

"Hey!" I whispered, waving my hand to catch his attention.
I glanced back up checking to see if Mrs. Stacy wasn't looking, before quietly beginning to dig into my bag.

I pulled out a bill, holding it up to him with a hopeful smile to convince him.

"You're bribing me now?" He questioned, raising an eyebrow as he glanced down at the bill in my hand.

"Just give me a few answers!" I groaned, waving the bill at him.

He sighed before taking it and placing it into his pocket, immediately then raising his hand.

"Hey- Mrs. Stacy?" He called out, making her glance up from her book.

"What are you doing you little-

"Yes Benny?" She adjusted her glasses, before closing the book and sitting up.

"Yeah, Amora here is trying to get me to give her the answers" he shook his head, crossing his arms as he gave a smug smile.

"Amora! Really?" She groaned, giving me a disappointed expression.

"What! Of course not I would never! That would absolutely not look good on my transcript" I crossed my arms, sending a glare towards Benny.

"Amora. This is the 3rd time! I'm gonna have to call your dad you know" she sighed, shaking her head before searching through her drawers.

"What! Mrs. Stacy!" I exclaimed, as Benny watched in amusement.

"Oh just give me detention for crying out loud, how about that?" I offered, hoping to change her mind.

"No Amora, everyone get back to work" she ordered sternly, before picking up a pen from her desk.

I groaned slumping down in my seat, as Benny sent me a smug smirk that absolutely boiled my blood.

"You little annoying prick" I muttered angrily, giving him a glare.
"Yeah that's what I thought when you got me thrown out a store" he shrugged, with a sarcastic smile before looking down to his desk.

I shook my head angrily, before crossing my arms and letting out a huff.
