

"Oh my god, I'm super nervous" I groaned, holding onto my stomach as Carrie rubbed my shoulder to comfort me.

We stopped once we walked past the entrance, immediately spotting the group that stood around in a circle.

Once we approached them Carrie gave yeah-yeah a greeting kiss, making me let out a gag and look away.

"Oh don't even act like you're not about to be kissin' up on Edward right now!" Carrie laughed, nudging my arm.

"Oh don't even remind me!" I whined, throwing my head into my hands.

"Guys? Do I look ok?" I asked, motioning down towards my outfit.

"No, you look like you just woke up from a night in the dumpster" Aubrey snickered, motioning down to my clothes.

"I didn't ask you idiot stick!" I groaned, waving her away.

"Really? What do you guys think? From a guys perspective?" I asked again, looking to them desperately.

"You totally look amazing girl! Quite worrying!" Carrie assured, rubbing my back comfortingly.

"What about my hair? Does it look flat!" I exclaimed, fluffing up my hair immediately.

"Or my makeup? Oh, I totally knew that this lip color was not the move!" I whined, bringing my bag up before quickly rummaging through it.

"Amora really, you look great alright?" Benny grabbed onto my hands, stopping me.

I sighed looking down nervously, before glancing at our hands and slowly shrugged them off.

"I'm so gonna puke!" I frowned, looking down to my shoes.

"Well don't, he's right there!" Carrie smiled, placing her hands on my shoulders and turning me around.

My eyes met with Edward instantly making my stomach turn from nerves and my breathe hitch.

"Wow, uh you look amazing" he choked, widening his eyes as he approached me.

I smiled looking down to the ground nervously.
"Thank you" I replied softly, hoping to god that I wouldn't stutter.

He held out his arm for me to link my hand around, before turning us around.

"Hold on hold on" Benny stopped us, turning me back around.

"What now Benny?" I groaned, hoping he wouldn't say anything that would make him want to turn around and run off.

"Where are you going to take her?" Benny questioned, crossing his arms as he eyed Edward.

He's totally just like dad! I did not ask for two of them.

"Uh, I don't know a few rides? Get something to eat?" Edward laughed, shrugging his shoulders.

"Benny! Shut up already" I scolded him, shaking my head.

"Oh, also have her here by 9. I'm taking her home and my mom doesn't like to wait!" Carrie chimed in, smiling to the both of us.

"But have fun!" She added with a smile, giving us both a thumbs up.

I let out a nervous breathe waving to an excited Carrie and a not so happy Benny, before walking away.

"So what should we do first?" He asked, giving me a smile.

"Not sure, are you hungry?" I asked, beginning to open my bag.

"No no, I'll pay alright?" He laughed, grabbing onto my hand to stop me.

I smiled before nodding as we walked off towards a food booth.

I looked down at the fries in the basket, slowly taking a small bite from one. I was way too nervous to even be hungry for anything.

"So, you're new around here?" I asked, placing the fry down.

"Yeah, I just moved here from Wisconsin" he nodded his head, with a light smile.

"Oh, and how do you like California so far?" I asked another question, resting my head into my hand as I admired him.

"It's nice, way hotter than Wisconsin though" he laughed softly, making a smile grow on my face.

"Yeah you are" I trailed off, whispering softly as stared at him.
"I mean-yes! It's very hot here!" I coughed, quickly correcting myself.

He cracked a smile, letting out a soft laugh. "You're cute" he smiled shaking his head at me.

I smiled feeling my face heat up making me look away, widening my eyes to see the boys who peeked their heads out from behind a booth.

I narrowed my eyes seeing squints and hams who both squished their faces and puckered their lips up, mocking and teasing me.

"Oh my god" I groaned, throwing my head into my hand with a whine.

"What?" He asked, immediately noticing my distress.

"Oh, nothing! How's your burger?" I asked, glancing back to see them all giggling with each other as they watched.

"It's great? Uh is there something wrong?" He asked, noticing that I kept looking behind him.

"They're watching us huh?" He laughed, making me pause and slowly nod.

He looked back seeing the boys who were terribly hiding to spy on us, quickly duck back behind the curtain.

I shook my head when Bertram and Kenny bumped into a pair of people, shooting us a smile before rushing back towards everyone.

"They're so annoying, just ignore them" I groaned, shaking my head once I averted my attention back towards him.

"You want to go somewhere else?" He asked, which I answered by quickly nodding.

We stood up walking side by side looking around before he pointed out a ride to me.

"Oh sure, that'll be good since it totally wouldn't destroy my hair!" I nodded in approval as we walked over.

I sat down onto the seat next to him, watching as he reached over to push down the bar to hold us in.

I let out a breathe seeing the ride begin, as I looked down seeing us slowly lift up from the ground.

I looked back glancing towards Edward who was doing the same as me.

"So uh that guy? Is he you're friend?" He questioned, pointing his thumb back.

"Benny? Oh, I wouldn't say friend but I guess somewhat" I shrugged, not knowing exactly how to explain it.

"Oh, if you didn't say that I would've thought he liked you or something!" He laughed, looking down to the popcorn in his hand.

"What! That's absolutely crazy, that would never happen in history!" I scrunched my face up in disgust, shaking my head at that thought.

He laughed softly before nodding and throwing a popcorn kernel into his mouth.

I let out a small sigh glancing down at the ground before looking back to see him already looking at me.

"What?" I laughed, seeing him still staring at me.
"You're really pretty" he breathed out, with a smile on his face.

My face began to heat up watching as his eyes trailed up and down my face before stopping at my lips.

My heart instantly picked up seeing him slowly lean in, hesitantly I followed and began to lean in with him.

Suddenly just as we were about to kiss, we both pulled away when popcorn kernels fell onto our heads. Making us immediately look around to see where it came from.

I looked up immediately spotting a head that quickly ducked back down into the cart.
"Benny! Leave them alone!" Carrie popped her head up, smacking him on the arm.

"Keep those lips to yourself lover kids!" Kenny teased, with everyone lifting their heads to reveal themselves as they laughed with him.

They all made kissing noises before laughing away with each other, making my face grow hot from anger.

"Wow, they're real protective over you" Edward laughed, looking up at them.

"Yeah..and I have zero idea why!" I groaned, giving them an angered look.

Squints pointed towards his eyes before pointing at the two of us, making me shake my head disappointingly with an eye roll.

"Can you bozos leave already!" I shouted, flailing my hand around to shoo them off.

"Sorry toots no can do, Benny doesn't want-

Immediately Kenny was smacked across the head, with Benny who shook his head at him.

I groaned shaking my head before looking back to Edward, as we finished the ride with tons of creepy eyes on us now.


I looked towards Edward as we walked back to the spot we met up at.

"I've got no idea what's up with them" I explained, shaking my head angrily.

"I'm real sorry, they totally messed this whole thing up" I sighed, giving him an saddened frown.

"No no! It's fine, it was kinda funny actually watching them try and hide" he laughed.

"They thought they'd be covered if they hid behind a stick thin pole" he joked, shaking his head with a laugh.

I slowly nodded, cracking a small smile still not being happy with what happened.

"Really, it's ok I had fun!" He assured me, laughing lightly.

"But, it looks like they're waiting" he shook his head, nodding his heads towards the direction behind me.

I turned around seeing them all standing around, immediately turning away once they noticed I was looking at them.

"I better go, I'll see you tomorrow" he said finally, slowly stepping back.

I nodded looking down to the ground as I dug my heel into the grass.

Suddenly I slowly looked up from the ground immediately meeting eyes with him.

He leaned in pecking a small kiss onto my cheek, that instantly made my heart stop and I felt like I was about to black out in that very second.

I cracked a light smile feeling my anger wash away, as I stared up at him.

"See ya" he flashed me another one of his dazzling smiles before walking away.

I watched him walking away feeling like I nearly just got the wind knocked out of me and I couldn't no longer breathe.

Instantly a wider smile grew onto my face as I turned around, letting out a squeal as I jumped up and down from happiness.
