

I groaned resting my head onto the bars, letting out a sad whine.

"I can't believe it! I can't be in jail!" Smalls shrieked, throwing his hands into his hair.

"What are my parents going to think! They're going to kill me!" He exclaimed, pacing back and forth around the room.

"Relax candy ass, they gotta let us go sometime soon!" Kenny shook his head, pulling Smalls to sit down.

"I knew it! I so knew I shouldn't have come, I wouldn't even be here!" I whined, looking down sadly.

"Actually! Wait a minute It's you're fault!" I shrieked, pointing towards benny who leaned against the wall.

"Are you serious right now?" He rolled his eyes, crossing him arms.

"Dead serious! You and you're idiot brain was the reason why we got caught!" I groaned, throwing my head back towards the bars in front of me.

"Oh shut up you big baby! No one wants to listen to you crying!" Aubrey spat, crossing her arms angrily.

"Oh I absolutely cannot do this right now with you!" I groaned narrowing my eyes, as I began to walk over towards her.

"Woah woah! Relax" Benny stepped in front of me, stopping me going any further.

"Bug out Benny!" We both shouted, before sending each other glares.

"Just cool it Amora alright?" He held out his hands to stop me, looking down at me.

"Then tell miss chicken shit, too shut up!" I shouted, pointing at her angrily.

"Me? You're the one who keeps crying about everything like an annoying little crybaby!" She shot back, pointing back at me.

"Just sit over there, ok?" Benny grabbed onto my shoulder, giving me a hopeful expression as he pointed over towards a bench.

"You're not the boss of me" I muttered angrily, smacking his hand away before turning around.

I crossed my arms as I plopped down next to Carrie, who rubbed my shoulder comfortingly.

I leaned my head back resting it onto the wall, before we all looked over to see a man walk into a room.

"Oh! Excuse me?" I called out, shooting out of the seat as I waved my hand to get his attention.

"How long are we going to be in here? Because I so have to get going, breakfast at Tiffany's is gonna be on at 5!" I sighed, grabbing onto the bars.

"I'm sorry miss Sanchez, I'm afraid I'm going to have to call all of your parents first" he sighed, digging through his desk drawers.

My heart immediately clenched as I winced at the thought of dad finding out.

"Ok ok, sir?" I called out, gaining his attention again.
"I by no means am trying to be rude, but this is just absolutely absurd! We just wanted to watch a movie!" I rambled, looking back to see everyone nodding in agreement.

"I'm sorry miss I'm still going to have to call home, no matter the situation" he sighed, shaking his head before looking back down to his papers.

I let a huff looking back to see everyone's face saddened at the unsuccessful attempt.

"Sir, can I at least get something to drink. I'm way parched!" I called out again, crossing my arms.

He groaned before pushing his chair back and walking over towards a cooler. He pulled out a can before walking over and handing it to me through the bars.

I smiled sweetly taking it from him before watching as he sat back down, while slowly opening up the can.

I looked back to everyone, clearing my throat before lifting up the can and taking a sip.

I took a couple sips before letting out a cough and whipping around towards the man.
"Sir what is this?" I questioned, looking down at the drink in my hand.

"Some strawberry drink I don't know, why?" He shrugged, not bothering to look up from his desk.

"Does this have milk?" I exclaimed, immediately turning the can around to see the ingredients.

"I think so why?" He trailed off, now whipping his head up to look at me.

"I'm way allergic!" I shrieked, looking up from the can widening my eyes in fear.

"What! Since-

I cut Carrie off by coughing loudly, making everyone sit up from their seats.

I let out another cough making Benny immediately rush over.
"Ok ok it's fine, don't you have any medicine or something!" Benny asked, grabbing onto my arms and sitting me down.

"Well duh I'm not an idiot- I've just ran out!" I exclaimed, digging deeply through my bag.

"What do we do!" Kenny exclaimed, looking at me widening his eyes.
"She's gonna die!" Smalls shrieked, throwing his hands to his hair.

Everyone erupted into screams, and as they scattered around the room in a panic.

"Oh shit Amora! How on earth are you allergic to dairy!" Carrie exclaimed, sitting down next to me and giving me a worried expression.

"Ugh! My stupid throat feels like it's shutting on me!" I groaned, covering my mouth as I let out a few coughs.

"Well hello! You gonna just let her die here!" Squints shouted, flailing his hands around as he looked to the man.

"Yeah yeah! She looks like she's about to pass out!" Yeah-yeah shrieked, as I continued to act out dramatic coughs.

I let out a few more coughs as I reached for my neck, letting out a painful groan.

"Alright! Everybody move!" The man finally unlocked the door, pushing past everyone.

"Let's go let's go!" He grabbed onto my arm, lifting me up and walking me out of the room.

Everyone quickly followed behind, as I glanced down leaving me to smile smugly to myself.
