

"It's so hot!" I shrieked, plopping down onto the bench with a whine.

"Awe man! I'm totally sweating here!" Carrie whined, looking into the small mirror as she tapped her face with a tissue.

Benny rolled his eyes at us before looking over to see yeah-yeah and squints who both walked onto the field.

"Where have you guys been, we've been waiting forever already!" Benny furrowed his eyebrows, meeting up with them.

"Ah, squints was pervin' a dish!" Yeah-yeah laughed, slapping a ball into his hand.

"Shut up! I wasn't!" Squints groaned, angrily pushing his shoulder.

"Yeah yeah you were! Your tongue was hanging out of your mouth and you was swooning!"
"Oh Wendy Peffercorn, my darling lover girl!" Yeah-yeah teased, pointing his finger at him before placing his hands over his heart.

"Benny, this pop isn't working I'm baking like a toasted cheeser it's so hot here!" Hams whined, waving the bottle of soda around crazily.

"Benny it's like a hundred something degrees out here! I'm way dying right now!" I shrieked, fanning myself desperately to find some cool air.

Bennys face softened once hearing all of our complaints, before shaking his head and groaning frustratedly.

"Fine, vote then!" He spat, making all of us pause with we were doing.
"If you want to be a can't hack it panty waist, who wears their mommas bra! Raise your hand" he said finally, looking to each of us.

We all looked to each other before shrugging and raising our hands, bursting out into agreement.

"Fine fine fine! Be like that then" he called out over us, letting out a defeated sigh.
"So then what are we going to do?" He crossed his arms, shaking his head.

The rest of the boys all looked to each other letting devious laughters out.
"Scam pool honeys!" They all shouted, bursting out into fits of boyish giggles.

I rolled my eyes at them before letting out a huff from the heat as I continued to fan myself.


"Geez Amora, you do know were just at the pool right?" Carrie laughed, following behind me.

"Well obvi, but you must always be prepared!" I defended, plopping the bag down.

"What do you need? Sunscreen, flip flops, extra bathing suit?" I rambled, showing the few things that we're in the bag.

She laughed as we both looked over to see them all shout before crazily jumping into the water and began shoving at each other.

I rolled my eyes slipping off my top revealing the bathing suit underneath, as I looked down beginning to unbutton the shorts.

I bent over slipping the shorts over my legs, before standing back up to see the boys all stopped and staring at me.

I furrowed my eyebrows glancing behind me briefly, before turning back around.
"Quite it you weirdos!" I called out, waving my hand to shoo them away.

"Guys! Hello, I thought we were just playing right now!" Aubrey groaned, waving her hand to get their attention.

They simply blinked still staring with awe, making me let out an annoyed groan and look too Carrie for help.

She gave me a shrug with a small laugh.
"I don't know drown them or something?" She suggested with a shrug.

"Uh Carrie? I'm not trying to go too jail now. Jumpsuits? Barely showering? Sharing a cell!" I rambled, covering my eyes from the thought.

I sighed slowly uncovering my eyes, immediately rolling my eyes once seeing the dogs still with their tongues out.
"Ugh I'll spray you creeps! Stop it!" I threatened, picking up the sunscreen can and pointing it at them.

Immediately they all scattered away before slowly continuing to push and shove at each other.
I shook my head looking back to Carrie who laughed before waving me to follow.

I followed behind her as she stepped into the pool, immediately making me let out a gasp once I felt the water.

"Jesus fuck!" Carrie groaned, looking down to the water.
"This water is totally freezing!" I exclaimed, holding onto my arms as I shuddered.

I watched when Carrie was pulled down by the boys, making me burst out laughing seeing the sight.

I pointed my finger at her holding my stomach from laughter, watching when she shot up from the water and let out a shriek.

Immediately then a hand grabbed onto me, pulling me down into water.
I let out a cough once I rose from the water.
"Benny!" I coughed, wiping the hair away from my face.

"Awe you look like a poor little wet rat!" Aubrey snickered, looking me up and down in disgust.

"Oh I will so beat-

I was cut off when I was pulled down into the water again.
"Rodriguez! You little prick!" I groaned, smacking Benny's chest as he laughed.

I pushed his shoulders sending him back into the water, while I shook my head angrily at him.

He stood up from the water shaking his head as he wiped his face off.
"Geez alright alright!" He laughed, stopping me once he saw I was going to push him again.

"Oh I'd rather be out there! In the warmth! Why is it so cold!" I exclaimed, flailing my hands motioning towards the outside of the pool.

"Awe it's ok I'll help you" he teased, rubbing my arms to give me warmth.

"Ew! No not from you!" I shrieked, immediately stepping back and smacking his hands away.

He let out a small laugh before we both looked over to see the boys all slowly beginning to huddle together, making us follow behind.

"What the hell are they doing?" I asked standing next to Carrie while she shrugged.

"Wendy Peffercorn" Squints hummed, pointing out into the distance.

I held my hand over my eyes to block the sun, looking up to see a girl who sat up at the lifeguard tower.

"Wow, she is pretty" I nodded my head, holding up my hand as I looked at the girl in awe.

"Aw man!" Benny breathed out, as they all stared up at her.
"She don't know what she's doing" Timmy shook his head, with little tommy repeating after.

"Yeah she does, she knows exactly what she's doing!" Benny shook his head, continuing to stare up at her.

"Oh c'mon! Pfft she's not even that pretty!" Aubrey scoffed, crossing her arms as she shook her head in disapproval.

"Yeah-yeah I swear to god I will beat you if you're-

"I'm not looking! I swear!" Yeah-yeah cut Carrie off, immediately covering his eyes.

I rolled my eyes growing tired of watching them drooling, making me whip around.

I swam over towards the side of the pool placing my hands onto the concrete as I began to pull myself up, yet stopping once my eyes spotted a familiar boy.

I slowly sunk back down into the pool, staring at Edward who was now walking into the pool and laughing away with a pair of boys.

I crossed my arms over each other onto the edge of the pool, and rested my chin onto the back of my hands.
"Wow" I whispered in awe, admiring the stunning boy.

I felt like Ariel seeing prince Eric for the first time in the little mermaid from the boat.

Except now it was me who was drooling over some boy from the pool.

Wait a minute. Ariel, Eric.
Amora and Edward?

A and E! Holy shucks it's totally meant too be!

I continued to watch him sit down at a chair, before his eyes trailed over stopping once they landed on me.

"Amora! Oh my god who are you drooling at!" Carrie exclaimed happily, making me finally look away.

Immediately Benny's head whipped over, furrowing his eyebrows once he registered what she had said.

"What!" He shouted, making the rest of the group look over.

"Shut it Carrie, as if I'd be drooling over some stupid-

I trailed off once I looked back to see Edward still looking at me, once he noticed I looked back he gave me a smile.

I went to return it when my arm was pulled back.
"What the hell are you doing?" Benny groaned, dragging me back into the pool.

"Ugh let go! What are you even talking abou-

"Squints!" I was cut off when everyone screamed, crazily running out of the pool.

Immediately benny and I followed behind, making me let out a gasp once I seen squints who was laid onto the ground.

The other lifeguards pushed us all back as they helped Wendy up, with her immediately rushing towards Squints.

She kneeled down quickly beginning to do mouth to mouth, while we all looked at the scene completely horrified.

"C'mon squints! You can do it buddy!" Smalls encouraged, hoping he would wake up.

"He don't look too good" Bertram breathed out, looking down at him with horror.

"Yeah yeah he looks like a dead fish!" Yeah-yeah added, shaking his head nervously.

We all continued to watch when suddenly squints eyes fluttered open, smiling wide at us.

"What the?" I furrowed my eyebrow, looking down at him in confusion.

Once Wendy came back up he quickly closed his eyes again when she began to blow air into his mouth.

We all let out gasps when Squints placed his hand onto her head, holding her head down on top of his lips.

"You little pervert!" Wendy spat, once she managed to break free from his grip.

"Oh he's in deep shit!" Timmy shouted, as we all stepped back nervously.

Wendy snatched his arm pulling him up before dragging him along the concrete, with us quickly following behind.

She threw him out onto the grass placing her hands onto her hips before yelling a "Stay out!"

We all scurried away quickly grabbing the towels that were laid out, before bursting out into questions for squints.

"Guys! He planned that!" Hams shouted to us, widening his eyes.
"Been planning it for years" Squints called out, smiling proudly to himself.

I shook my head being shocked about the events that just took place, before continuing to dry myself off with the towel.

I glanced back over feeling my heart stop once I noticed Edward who stood leaning against the fence from inside of the pool.

I stopped what I was doing and watched when he gave me a smile and a wave.

A smile grew onto my face with me returning him a wave before getting pulled away.

"Oh my god Benny, will you stop it!" I groaned, seeing him be the one who was pulling me away.
"We have to go already. Everyones leaving!" He rolled his eyes, dragging me behind him.

I shook my head before glancing back seeing Edward still at fence.
I lifted my hand up to give him a wave before feeling a tug at my hand making me groan and look way.
