

"Oh my god Carrie! Edwards coming over to my house!" I shrieked into the phone, jumping up and down.

"What! No way!" She squealed out, gasping from shock at the news.

"I can't believe it! I'm way nervous than the carnival date!" I exclaimed, pacing around the room nervously.

"What do I do? What do I say? Ugh this is way harder than I thought!" I groaned, nervously twirling the phone cord.

"I'm coming over right now!" She shouted into
the phone, before cutting the line.


"Oh am so totally going to choke! Carrie why is this super scary?" I pouted, looking up towards her as she swiped the brush over my cheeks.

"Because you're crushing, doll! I thinks it's way adorable?" She laughed, setting down the brush onto the desk.

"You look so amazing Amora!" She squealed, turning me around to look at the mirror.

"Ugh you're a total wizard, thanks Carrie" I exclaimed, leaning in closer to admire her work.

Suddenly then the sound of a doorbell rang from downstairs, erupting an immediate nervous pit into my stomach.

"Oh my god I'm so panicking here! Carrie help!" I shrieked, immediately picking everything up from the desk.

We scrammed around quickly picking up the room, before dashing out of the door and down the steps.

"Alright, so I'm going to be right downstairs ok? Use this if you need any help at all?" Carrie assured me, handing me a walkie talkie.

I nodded nervously taking the device from her and placing it into the pocket of my skirt.

I walked into the living room immediately whipping my head over once I noticed yeah-yeah and Benny who sat at the table in the kitchen.

"Carrie! What are they doing here?" I exclaimed, flailing my hands towards them.

"I know I know, I wanted yeah-yeah to come and then that resulted in Benny coming somehow. I don't even know ok but just roll with it" she explained, quickly grabbing onto my shoulders and turning me away.

I groaned shaking my head angrily when the doorbell rang again, making me instantly forget about it.

I quickly fixed my hair and smoothed out my top before opening the door, instantly meeting eyes with Edward.

"I was beginning to think this was the wrong house!" Edward laughed, leaning against the door frame.

"I'm sorry about that, come in!" I smiled, waving him to follow before I closed the door.

I turned around leading Edward across the living room, when dad of course just had to call out to us.

"Amora! Get in here!" He called out from the kitchen, making me pause in my tracks and groan.

I walked into the room with Edward behind, looking around to see everyone sat at the table with papers scattered around the place.

"What's up pops?" I gave him a sweet smile, hoping to not anger him even more.

"What's going on here?" Dad questioned, lowering his glasses to look at Edward.

"Ugh papa, this is Edward ok we're just going to hang out?" I explained, placing my hand onto Edwards shoulder.

"Mhm, and does this Edward know my rules in this house?" He questioned sternly, narrowing his eyes towards him suspiciously.

"Duh dad, I was just about to tell him relax" I laughed, waving him off.

"What are you guys even doing?" I now questioned, motioning towards the papers onto the desk.

"They're helping me with my work, very smart young men" he explained, patting Benny's shoulder.

Benny and yeah-yeah sent me smug smirks from his compliment, making me roll my eyes at them.

"Wow, how cute you're getting along. Let's go" I shook my head sarcastically before turning around and waving Edward to follow.

"Wait!" Dad called out again, making us both look back.

"If you try anything with my daughter, I have my ledge If you want to slip up you hear me?" He threatened firmly, pointing towards Edward.

I rolled my eyes grabbing onto the Edwards arm. "Bye dad!" I called out, before pulling him out of the room.


I propped my elbows onto the bed and rested my head onto my hands, as I gazed over towards Edward who laid next to me.

He noticed my stare glancing towards me.
"What?" He questioned, with a laugh.

"Oh, nothing" I laughed, waving it off and turning away.

I slowly glanced back over seeing him very intrigued with the movie, so intrigued that he didn't even notice when I placed my hand onto his arm.

I groaned softly before trailing my hand down slowly resting it onto the top of his.

"Oh my god! Did you see that!" He exclaimed, throwing my hand off and motioning towards the screen in front of us.

I slowly nodded when suddenly a sneeze erupted from the walkie talkie that was placed in my pocket.

I closed my eyes and cringed as Edward slowly looked over furrowing his eyebrows from the noise.

"What was that?" He questioned.

"Oh nothing, uh I have to use the restroom I'll be right back!" I held my finger up, before scurrying off the bed.

I dashed into the bathroom, immediately pulling out the walkie talkie.

"Are you freaks listening!" I held it up to my mouth, exclaiming into the device.

"What! No way!" Benny's voice piped up, yet it was clearly obvious to tell he was lying.

"Im sorry Amora, I tried to tell them to not! But you know how these morons are!" Carries voice spoke, with a smack then later.

"Ow!" Benny groaned from the smack I suppose she just gave him.

"Are you smooching up with him yet?" Yeah-yeahs voice asked, with a teasingly snicker after.

"No, what should I do! He seems more interested in the tube than me!" I sighed, leaning against the sink sadly.

"Did you try the 'I'm cold' yet? It would totally get him to cuddle up with you" Carrie suggested, with a happy tone in her voice at the idea.

"Or, she could just kiss him!" Yeah-yeahs voice added after, with a more of a 'duh' tone in his voice.

"Both of those are not good ideas!" Benny's voice exclaimed disapprovingly.

"Yes they are! Do it Amora!" Carrie shushed him, before cutting the line.

I sighed placing it back into my pocket as I quickly leaned into the mirror to check myself before walking out of the room.

Once I laid back down I noticed he was still staring deeply into the screen, not even bothering to look at me.

I let out a light huff before scooting in closer towards him, lightly rubbing my shoulder with his.

He looked at me confused before raising an eyebrow, silently asking what I was doing.

"I'm cold?" I laughed softly, hoping to explain myself.

He sat up grabbing onto the blanket that rested next to us before throwing it over me and looking back towards the screen.

"Thanks" I sighed wrapping the blanket around me before looking ahead.

This is way embarrassing.

"Watch this, this parts good" He whispered, leaning in and motioning towards the screen.

I stared at him being sunken into a trance as I leaned my head back to run my hands through my hair, when suddenly falling backwards and off the bed.

"Are you ok?" He widened his eyes, whipping his head over towards me.

"Oh yeah! I'm fine. Uh can I get you anything? Water, soda?" I laughed nervously, pulling myself back and waving the pain from the fall away.

"You know, I'm actually kinda of tired" he titled his head, sitting up from the bed.

I watched as he pushed himself off of the bed, with me quickly pulling myself up and following behind.

"Uh, I can make you some coffee if you'd like?" I offered, quickly following him down the steps.

"No no, it's cool. That stuff hurts my stomach" he laughed waving it off, as he began to throw his coat over himself.

I slowly nodded as he fixed the collar of the coat before turning back towards me.

"I had fun, you're great" he complimented, giving me a light smile.

"Knock me a little kiss" he leaned in, tapping his cheek.

I leaned in placing a small kiss onto his cheek, before he smiled turning around and walking out of the house.

I watched him walk down the steps before slowly closing the door, and letting out a huff.

I pouted sadly as I rested my back onto the door, wondering what on earth just happened.
