

4 months later

"Oh my gosh Carrie! Can you believe we've survived a year of high school!" I let out a breathless sigh, throwing my hands up as I looked over at her.

"Tell me about it. We're already in our sophomore year!" She exclaimed, shaking her head in shock.

We both walked into the building, immediately spotting our new friend at the lockers.

"Hi guys!" William, a new friend Carrie and I made over the summer who waved at us.

"Ugh, I'm totally obsessed with your accent!" I pouted sadly, wishing I had it myself.

He laughed shaking his head before following Carrie and I as we walked down the hall together.

"Hi Mrs. Stacy!" I called out, waving over towards her as she stood in front of her classroom.

She looked over being caught off guard before smiling. "Morning Amora!" She called back out, giving me a wave.

I walked away and over towards my locker, unlocking it and listening in on Carrie and Williams conversation.

"Ugh you're brother is a total douche" I scoffed, turning over towards him.
"Right, just kick him in the balls or something?" Carrie added, shaking her head angrily.

"You guys know I'm way too much of a wimp for that, he's like tons bigger than me" William smiled shaking his head at her statement.

I sighed looking back towards my locker and continued to rummage through it, before feeling a sudden peck at my cheek.

"Ugh Benny! Stop doing that" I groaned, smacking his arm for scaring me.

He laughed before pecking my cheek tons more, making me groan as I swatted him away.

"Alright! That's enough!" I hold out my hand to stop him, before slowly spreading my lips into a smile.

"Actually, wait one more" I tapped my cheek again, leaning in closer.

He rolled his eyes before pecking my cheek once more, making a smile spread across my face.

"Awe, aren't they just the most utterly adorable?" Carrie teased, nudging Williams arm.
"I know, super cute right!" William mocked, as they continued to snicker together.

"Alright alright, I better go before these complete morons tease me for the rest of the day" I groaned, giving them a look before turning back towards him.

He nodded understandably before lifting my head up and placing a kiss onto my lips, making the same instant butterflies flutter into my stomach.

"Ok ok, go away already" I groaned pushing him away, and turning around to cover my now blushed cheeks.

He laughed before turning around walking off leaving me to look back towards Carrie and William.

"I'm gonna go guys, I'll catch you later" I sighed, patting both of their shoulders before walking off down the opposite direction.


"Hi papa!" I called out skipping happily into the living room.

"Hello- oh you're here" he glanced towards us briefly, looking over towards Benny.

"Nice to see you too Mr. Sanchez" Benny cracked a small smile, laughing at his reaction.

"We're going up to my room ok pops?" I stated, with it coming out more like a question than I wanted it too.

"That's fine. Just no-

"Yes yes I know. Ugh dont even go there" I cut him off, waving my hand before motioning Benny to follow me upstairs.

I walked into the room immediately kicking the shoe boxes that laid in the middle of the room under my bed.

"Sorry it's a total mess in here-

"It's ok. I don't care" he cut me off, sending me a smile as he shook his head.

I nodded and plopped down onto the bed, with him smiling at me before following.

"I'm way sad I have no classes with you" I sighed, groaning angrily as I kicked off my shoes.

"Awe, are you going to miss me or something?" He laughed, teasingly poking my arm.

"No as if! I'm just saying. Now we're barely going to see each other" I sighed, giving him a sad frown.

"It's only for a few hours at school. Then after, we can come here or go to sandlot?" He suggested, perking up an eyebrow.

I slowly nodded, cracking a small smile as I leaned back resting onto a pillow.

"Speaking of" he cleared his throat
"How would you feel about, uh meeting my parents?" He asked, turning over and propping himself up too look at me.

Instantly my heart dropped as my head shot over towards him.

He wants me to meet his family? Oh my shit.
I totally got to call Carrie.

"You want me to meet your.. parents?" I repeated, titling my head, not sure if I heard correctly.

"Well yeah, you're my girlfriend of 4 months now after all?" He smiled, making my heart instantly glow.

"Hold the brakes. What took you so long to ask!" I exclaimed, pushing at his shoulder.

"Well, I mean I know how stressed you would get over it. Especially seeing how you worry about- well like everything" he explained, shrugging slightly.

I scoffed, crossing my arms as I shook my head. He does make a good point though.

"Oh fine. Sure, I'd love too" I finally answered, with a beaming smile growing onto my face.

He nodded with a smile before grabbing onto my hand and pecking a small kiss onto the top, making my heart just burst at the gesture.

Slowly I looked up, furrowing my eyebrows in worry as I slumped down into the pillows.

Oh man, this is certainly going to be way stressful.
