

2 weeks later

2 weeks filled with completely confusing thoughts and questioning myself every time I found myself staring at Benny.

Gosh, what's wrong with me?

I titled my head, letting out a stunned breathe as I continued to stare off into the distance.

"Amora! Are you even listening to me?" Carrie groaned, nudging my shoulder.

"Totally am!" I snapped out of it, whipping my head towards her.

"Then what was I saying?" She rose an eyebrow, crossing her arms her suspiciously.

"I don't know something about yeah-yeah?" I guessed, shrugging my shoulders.

"Ok that's not fair, I'm always talking about him!" She rolled her eyes, making a smile crack across my lips.

"I'm being serious, I'm listening ok" I assured, waving it off and patting her arm.

She perked up an eyebrow, slowly following my gaze back towards the field where everyone played.

She cracked a suspicious smile, crossing her arms again. "Who we're you just staring at?"

Immediately I scoffed and shook my head in denial. "No one. Pfft what- what makes you think I would possibly be staring at someone"

I shook my head letting out a nervous chuckle before quickly shutting my mouth, realizing I was stuttering too much.

She smirked, slowly nodding and uncrossing her arms. "If you say so"

I rolled my eyes and looked away too see them all run over and immediately take their drinks out from the cooler.

"Finally!" They shrieked, all quickly opening up their pop and chugging it down.

Benny rolled his eyes at them, taking a bottle before sitting down next to me.

"So what now?" Carrie asked, looking to the each of them as she leaned back.

They all looked to each other, shrugging.



"Guys guys! It's on me tonight!" Benny called out over us.

Everyone cheered as he handed each of us a ticket, before they all went to run off.

"Awe crap! I almost forgot!" Bertram piped up, throwing a hand to his head.

"What?" We questioned, glancing to each other before walking back towards him.

"Chaw! I was saving it for a good time!" He smiled, pulling out a white bag to show us.

He pulled it towards his nose, taking in the smell before letting out a satisfied breathe.
"The best!"

"What is it?" Smalls questioned, looking at it with confusion.

"Sheesh Smalls, I suppose you don't even know who the babe is either!" Hams teased, making them all burst out in a laugh.

"It's plug, wad, chewing tobacco!" He continued, holding the bag up.
"Oh, what do you do with it?" Smalls asked, looking around still being confused with it.

"You're killing me Smalls!" Hams exclaimed, snatching the bag from Bertram.

"You chew it Smalls" Benny explained, as he rubbed his shoulders to comfort him.

The bag was then passed around with everyone taking some from it.
It was passed to everyone briefly, before getting handed to me.

I glanced down at it in my hand, letting out a wince. "Ugh, that is way disgusting!" I gagged, moving the bag away from my face and handing it over to someone else.

They all threw it into their mouths, before turning around and taking off again.

I shook my head disapprovingly, turning around once feeling a tap at my shoulder.

I turned around, holding back a smile once seeing Benny who stood behind.

"What?" I questioned, furrowing my eyebrows in confusion.

"You want to.. I don't know go do something else? I don't really want to be near the guys who are going to barf soon" he explained, shrugging lightly.

I looked to Carrie who stood talking happily away with yeah-yeah, throwing my head back with a huff.

I looked back, thinking too myself before slowly nodding.

He cracked a small smile with a nod, motioning me too follow as he turned around and walked away.

I glanced around, sighing as I hesitantly followed behind him.


"Ugh this thing is stupid anyways. Forget it" I scoffed, placing my hands onto my hips as I shook my head in disapproval.

Benny shook his head, rolling his eyes at my behavior.

"Don't be mad because you lost?" he laughed, taking the stuffed toy from the booth vendor.

"Oh as if. This things dumb anyways plus, you only lost because my hand started cramping. That's it!" I exclaimed, throwing my hands up as I explained myself.

"Yeah, sure" he threw his head back, rolling his eyes with a smile.

"Alright, now that game I can totally-

He stopped me by handing me the stuffed bear, making me pause as I glanced back and forth between the toy and himself.

I let out a small laugh, shaking my head as I lightly pushed his hand away.

"I- it's yours. As much as I hate to admit it, you still.. won the game?" I explained, shaking my head.

"It's ok, you can still have it" he insisted, handing the stuffed animal back towards me.

I looked down at the stuffed bear, slowly taking it and cracking a small smile.

"Thanks" I smiled, slowly looking up from the toy towards him.

He nodded with a small smile, making my face begin to warm up as I stared at him.

Immediately I cleared my throat and looked away once I snapped out of it and realized what I was doing.

"Ok so, there's this thing I really want too try over here.. it's fried scorpion!" I admitted, changing the subject as I looked back up towards him.

"Ew! Why would you want to eat that?" He immediately scrunched his face into disgust, shaking his head in disapproval.

"I don't know? it looked interesting so... why not!" I exclaimed, shrugging as I whipped around and walked away.

I looked down at the crispy, fried creature, gulping as I began too question why I even wanted to try it all.

"What? Are you chickening out now?" Benny laughed, once seeing my expression.

"No! I just... why does it look like that?" I questioned, titling my head as I looked down at it.

"If you want to back out it's ok-

"Shut up. I'm not backing out.. I'm just...thinking ok?" I cut him off, attempting to explain why I was taking so long.

I sighed finally picking up the stick, letting out a small wince and closed my eyes before taking a bite from it.

Slowly I opened my eyes too see Benny who stared at me with a smile, as I continued to chew quickly.

Immediately once I swallowed it, my lips curled up into a cringe as I let out a wince.

"Oh no.. no no. That is not ok!" I gagged, shaking my head and setting the stick back down onto the tray.

"Oh I kept picturing that little thing looking back at me as I ate it!" I exclaimed, throwing my head into my hand.

He shook his head, cracking a light laugh as he passed me a cup of water. "I knew you weren't going to like it"

"Oh you know everything, whatever!" I rolled my eyes, picking up the cup and taking a big gulp of the water.

"Here, want to try?" I suggested, sliding the tray over towards him.

He glanced down at, immediately shaking Juan head. "No, I'm actually smart enough to not even attempt to try it. Unlike you"

"Wow..did you just call me.. stupid?" I gasped, dropping my mouth.

"What? I was just kidding!" He immediately apologized, making me scoff and shake my head.

"That was just way harsh Benny" I clicked my tongue, shaking my head as I turned around.

"Oh my god you're so dramatic" he laughed, making me drop my mouth again.

"Ok, stop talking you're just digging yourself deeper here. I'm not dramatic at all!" I stated, whipping back around.

"Yes, yes you are" he nodded, cracking a small smile.

"What? No I'm not... not that much at least?" I titled my head, thinking too myself.

I finally looked back stopping in my tracks once spotting the boys who all were throwing up on the ground.

"Oh my god..those total idiots" I muttered, shaking my head as I pushed myself up from the table.

I shook my head angrily as we walked over to see them all slugged on benches and tables.

I briefly patted Bertram's back before walking over towards Smalls who began to lift his head up from a trash can.

I sighed, reaching into my bag and pulled out a handkerchief before handing it over to him.

"You guys do realize you're supposed too spit that crap out right? Not swallow it!" I called out, shaking my head disappointingly.

I squeezed my eyes shut and let out a gag once smalls threw his head back into the trash can, letting out more puke.

"Alright! I got water. Hey- hurry up and drink some" Carrie snapped, walking over towards yeah-yeah who was about to barf again.

I shook my head keeping my eyes closed and held in another gag, as I continued to rub Smalls back.
