
sometimes, music is what gives me ideas and feels to write. this chapter and the last were written because i listened to this song!!^^

tw: sexual assault, mentions of self harm



how are you feeling??



im just working rn


you know that was sexual assault, right??

that's illegal

especially in the workplace

especially when you work with kids


i know

i did some research on it and it's a whole process just to report it


so i think im just going to stay silent for the time being




im okay

that's all that matters


yes but :((


it's okay


"can i work in your room?" yoongi quietly asked namjoon, the tall boy nodded, "of course, yoongi hyung" he said, he was eating pancakes. yoongi found it shocking that namjoon was eating breakfast.

yoongi quietly worked across from namjoon. he had been really quiet since mr.jung had forced himself onto the teacher. yoongi didn't feel like talking about it and feared if he talked about it, it would get worse.

"do you want the rest of my pancakes? i'm full" namjoon said, yoongi nodded, taking namjoon's fork to start eating. namjoon stood up, yoongi grabbed his sleeve, "don't go, please"

"i have to go brush my teeth" namjoon said, yoongi shook his head, "no, no, please" he begged, "i'll lock the door" namjoon said, yoongi frowned and nodded.

yoongi impatiently waited, tapping his foot on the floor and biting his nails until namjoon came back. he felt safe with namjoon, he felt protected of anything and everyone.

namjoon put his rubber bands in as yoongi stared at him with a blank expression, "why are you looking at me like that?" namjoon mumbled, yoongi shook his head, he didn't feel like talking.


yoongi drew some blocks on the baord as he helped his students with math, "so these square blocks represent hundreds" he said, writing the number 100 on top of the block.

he was startled by mr.jung opening the door, yoongi's expression instantly changed. he went from calm and relaxed to shaky and tense.

"hi, mr.jung, how can i help?" yoongi nervously said, the man walker closer and with evey step he took, yoongi held his breath.

"do you have extra copies of today's math worksheet?" he smiled, yoongi nodded, grabbing a pile for mr.jung to have. as he grabbed them, he grasped yoongi's hand and smiled, "thanks"

the short boy felt nauseous at the act, mr.jung felt yoongi feel horrible. he wore an big long-sleeved shirt to cover his body.

"you're acting weird, mr.min. your hands are shaking" a student pointed out, yoongi nervously laughed, "i'm a bit cold" he said, "it's not cold" a g>tl said, "but i'm cold. anyways, moving on"


yoongi rocked back and forth as his students worked. he had very confusing thoughts. he opened his computer and clicked on the email website.


to: [email protected], [email protected]

from: [email protected]



he stopped there, too scared of what would happen upon emailing the human resources office for teacher's in south korea and his boss. the small boy shivered, biting the inside of his mouth.

"mr.min! i need help!" a kid said and ran up to his desk, yoongi showed a small smile, "happy to help" he said, pulling up a chair next to him to help.




one of your students mentioned at recess that u were shaking :((

hyung, you have to say something


it's scary

i don't have much evidence, but i put the clothes in a bag in case i do want to submit it

and i did some research and the interview can take up to 6 hours

i think it's best if i just shut up

i don't think he'll do it again


i know it's scary

but your story deserves to be heard




idk i think im just being a huge cry baby

but don't worry about that

worry abt smth else

im fine


are you sure??




yoongi saw as mr.jung entered his classroom again, "your little boyfriend is at recess duty" he said, putting his hands in his pockets as he made his way towards yoongi.

the small boy pulled his knees to his chest, feeling his chest get tight as mr.jung approached him. he hated everything about this.

"i was thinking we could maybe have some fun. i mean, you can't like him that much" mr.jung said, sitting on yoongi's desk. yoongi grabbed his phone and quickly texted namjoon as mr.jung went on about how he was so much better than namjoon.






"it's long, i was thinking we could have some fun" he smiled, yoongi began crying as he aggressively shook his head. he didn't want any of it.

namjoon walked in, he was out of breath from running inside. he stared at the man who had his hands on yoongi's cheeks.

"get your hands off him" namjoon said, taking deep breaths as he remembered the training about sexual assault the school required employees to do. mr.jung shook his head, "watch me kiss him"

mr.jung grabbed yoongi's face and kissed him, but yoongi's lips were uncompliant. mr.jung slid his hands underneath yoongi's shirt and made his way to yoongi's pants.

namjoon pushed mr.jung away, "you can't do those things. you're in a workplace where sexual assault is strictly illegal. well, it's strictly illegal everywhere" namjoon said, "it's not sexual assault if he consented"

"he didn't consent. you need to leave this room" namjoon strictly said, mr.jung put his hands up, "you're the worst" he grumbled.

once the man left, namjoon sat a few inches away from yoongi who was crying in a corner, "what can i do for you?" namjoon softly asked, yoongi shook his head. he felt like he needed to suck it up and teach his students that would be back in like ten minutes.

"i'm here for you and you can talk to me whenever you want to" the boy said, yoongi nodded as he cried.


"welcome back, class" yoongi said as he wiped his tears with a tissue and he sniffled, "mr.min, why are you crying?" a student frowned, "s-sorry" he sniffled, "you have to do the balloon method breathing!"

yoongi covered his face as he cried, he was so embarrassed. usually, he was the one soothing his students, but today it was the opposite and he felt so bad about it.

"you have to take a deep breath! you said like breathing in your favorite smell!" one of his students exclaimed, yoongi nodded as he tried to do that.

"i'm not feeling that well, so we're just going to play an educational game and then a worksheet. sound okay?" he asked, his students nodded.


yoongi sat in his apartment, his only companion at this time was holly who was sleeping. he caressed the dog's fur as he cried.

he felt so incredibly guilty. he didn't feel like himself. if he did feel like himself, he felt dirty and disgusted. the boy had brushed his teeth and showered in scorching hot water to get the feeling off, but it was still there.



boss said you're taking a vacation??

are you okay?? :((


i'm okay


pls lmk what i can do for you


ok, but im fine


yoongi went to sleep, figuring it was the only thing that could help him. it was a temporary break from his racing thoughts and flashbacks.

unfortunately, the peaceful sleep was interrupted by a disturbing nightmare of what had happened. he felt like he could still feel mr.jung's touch on his body. he woke up screaming and shaking.

holly sat proudly next to yoongi as he looked for potential danger. the small boy cried into his knees. he hated this feeling so much and wouldn't wish it on anyone.


jimin walked into the apartment with some ice cream, "i brought ice cream!" he announed, standing there for a bit, but heard no movement.

he hummed, yoongi's car was outside, so he knew the boy was home. jimin walked into yoongi's room, quietly opening the door.

jimin frowned seeing yoongi was quietly crying into his pillow, "hi hyung" he softly said, yoongi just cried even more. as yoongi's best friend of years, he knew something more had happened than the kiss, even if yoongi hadn't told him much.

"is this about mr.jung?" he whispered, sitting on the corner of the bed and not looking at yoongi. yoongi cried a bit louder, "i'm sorry, hyung. it's not your fault. i'm not going to force you to talk about anything, but if you do want to, know that i'm here"

yoongi just kept crying. it was like the boy had an infinite supply of tears, jimin just frowned as he saw this.

"i brought ice cream" jimin mumbled, yoongi sniffled, "please" he whispered, "okay, let me turn on the light so we can eat properly"

yoongi nodded even though his eyes stung with the light. he picked at the skin around his fingers as he waited for jimin to come back.

"here you go. what else can i do?" jimin smiled as he sat across yoongi, the boy hummed, "nothing really, just don't touch me at all" he mumbled, eating his ice cream.

"got that, min. do you want to talk about it?" jimin asked, yoongi shook his head, "i'm trying to think of anything besides what happened"

jimin nodded, "well, if it helps, a kid threw up on me today" the man sighed, "it was gross, it was right after snack time so i wasn't wearing an apron anymore and it was filled with animal crackers and yogurt"

yoongi weakly smiled, "that's so gross. sometimes kids throw up on the floor, but not me" yoongi said, "usually, i would tell you to shut up about vomit, but this is working, so thank you" yoongi mumbled in a soft tone.

"don't thank me for telling you about throw up. anyways, it was all over my pants and some on my shirt, i started crying. seokjin's job is more flexible, so i was crying as i called him to bring me clothes. he laughed at me, can you believe that?" jimin scoffed, the small boy shrugged, "a bit, yeah"

jimin sighed, "anyways, how's your life going?" he asked, yoongi stared at him, "i'm going to give you a minute to think about what you just asked me" yoongi mumbled, jimin gasped.

"oops sorry!" the boy pouted, "he grabbed my back" yoongi whispered, he wanted to talk about it to someone, it seemed like jimin was the best candidate, "i'm listening"

"a-and, he tried k-kissing me. he touched my pants, h-he tried to pull them d-down. he kept grabbing my face" his voice quivered, "i-i think the only reason nothing more happened is because n-namjoon came in to stop it. i had texted him that i needed help when mr.jung was g-going on and on about how much b-better he was than namjoon" he sniffled, his whole body shaking. jimin frowned, "i'm glad you feel safe enough to talk about this with me"

yoongi sniffled and nodded, "and i'm taking a week off work" he mumbled, jimin's eyes widened, "hyung.."

jimin wasn't fond of a struggling yoongi taking a break from work because the last time yoongi did this, he ended up calling jimin about how his thighs were burning and he didn't have bandages to cover his bleeding thighs. as much as yoongi denied it, loneliness made everything worse.

"i know you don't think it's good for me" yoongi mumbled, "it really isn't, especially after an event like this" jimin frowned, "i'm going to be just fine"

"that's what you said last time! do i need to remind you of what happened? i was going 80 miles per hour in a 60 because you were scared! you didn't know what to do, but you didn't want to call the ambulance! it was four in the morning! it doesn't do you any good!" jimin shouted, "stop shouting!" yoongi whimpered.

"hyung, you can't be alone for a week" jimin said, "i'll be okay" yoongi said, the other boy aggressively shook his head, "no, no, i can't risk that again"

"well it's that or going to work with mr.jung" yoongi mumbled, "you can't stay alone! i'm taking a week off to if that's the case" jimin said, "no! please just let me be alone!" yoongi whined, almost crying.

"no! i can't do that!" jimin said, yoongi began crying, "please jimin" the boy begged, "yoongi hyung, i don't want you to get hurt"

"please" yoongi cried, he couldn't promise jimin he wouldn't hurt himself because nothing was guaranteed, "min yoongi, i can't do this. i'm staying here until you go back"

yoongi cried, he just wanted to be alone. it was all he was asking for, time alone, "please, minnie"

"you have to understand where i'm coming from" jimin said, "i'm going to be fine. i'll text you" yoongi sniffled, holding a stuffed animal close to his chest, it was the only touch he didn't mind.

"you can text one thing and be doing another. i can't leave you alone"

"just trust me, i have it under control"

min yoongi was a liar.


stay safe and healthy! drink water and eat some food! sorry for any mistakes, i love you all! qotd: what should yoongi do to help himself feel better about what happened?? do you think jimin has the right to not want to leave yoongi by himself??
