q&a answers

sorry if this isn't in the order that it was in the q&a or if i happen to have missed any questions!! although i'm pretty sure i didn't miss any!!


q: would you think of spending the rest of your life (book?) w yoongz?

a: of course! he's like the missing piece to my puzzle โ˜นโ˜น๐Ÿ’•๐Ÿ’•

q: has being with yoongi changed ur perspective of money and believing u deserve certain things?

a: maybe a little bit. i definitely spend more money than i used to, but it's terrifying every time. however, he does make me feel deserving of certain things like food and new clothing. he reassures me it's normal and they are purchases everyone makes.

q: do you think you and yoonie will ever have/want kids?

a: i want kids! i've always loved working with them which is why my degree is in child development and early education. i try to imagine myself with kids and my heart fills with such a big feeling โ˜นโ˜น๐Ÿ’•๐Ÿ’•

q: omg will u impregnate yg

a: i'm not sure, i haven't really talked with yoongi about having kids!!

q: Do you feel you can overcome your money obsession

a: i'm not so sure it's an obsession, but i think it's an anxiety. i think the money anxiety is more useful than not.

q: Dont you feel like you should get a therapist or do you think it will cost to much

a: why would i need therapy..?? i'm a little confused?? however, if i did need it for whatever reason, i do think it would be too expensive unless my insurance covers it.


q: do you think you're beginning to heal? have you noticed namjoon healing at the rate you have or does he still have a long while to go

a: i think i'm healing. i have struggles, i have triggers, but it's all part of the process. since i began therapy, i feel like i've made progress. i feel better about physical touch, but it's still difficult. regarding namjoon, he's healing, but still has a long way to go. he's been on his own for 7 years now? but claims to not be much different from what he lived like in ilsan. at first glance, namjoon is like every other person, but when you observe his mannerisms and behavior, you realize namjoon is still a little boy from ilsan. he does math at the grocery store, keeps a notebook of his finances (which i think it's fine, but the notebook is a little TOO descriptive. there's literally pie charts and graphs in there), and he'll find ways to save money that most people don't think of. for example, he makes his bank text him if he spends more than 25 dollars a day? it's really normal to him.... regardless, i love him.

q: how much do u like joonie 1-10

a: my love for joonie breaks that scale. WAY MORE THAN TEN!!

q: favorite cuddle position w nj

a: i like to face him when we cuddle. it's been really hard for me to have physical contact, so if we do cuddle, i like to see where his hands are so i feel like i can control the situation and i like for him to embrace me. he feels like a giant teddy bear!!

q: Whats it like having namjoon around?

a: it's amazing! he's the best!

q: When do you feel safe and not threatened? Is it mainly with namjoon?

a: i feel safest when i'm covering my body and in an environment with people i trust like jimin and namjoon. yes, it is mainly with namjoon because he knows how to be gentle :(( <33

q: Why did you become a teacher

a: i was bullied in school, so i struggled a lot in school. i never really understoof what was going on in math, science, etc. i always felt stupid. i became a teacher to make sure students didn't feel as stupid as me and they actually understand what they're learning.

q: Do you think you have communication issues? If so what do you think the reason is?

a: i think i struggle to communicate sometimes. i think the reason i struggle with communication is stress.


q: not a question, buy the earth's core for diminie

a: wouldn't he burn to death? you want my babies to die? i'm very offended. my mother will hear about this.

q: why did u care about ur parents opinions so badly earlier on?

a: i still care about their opinions. i care so much about their opinions because my parents are important to me and they've always insisted i follow their opinions. i almost always did?? but now that jimin is having a baby, they're trying not to be so opinionated plus my mom is getting along really well with jimin so i'm glad about that.

q: What are your insecurities

a: i'm scared of not being good enough for the people around me :/


q: how does one become so likable and cute like u

a: mmmm i don't really know!! i just know seokjin thinks i'm really pretty and he loves me a lot and i love him ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ’•๐Ÿ’•

q: Jimin how is your pregnancy going. ๐Ÿ’—

a: it's been great so far! my morning sickness and mood swings have decreased so i'm just chilling. however, i'm really hungry. i always make seokjin make me food!


q:ayyyy gang gang pull up my g

a: AYEE!!

q: ur cool, how does one achieve such coolness?

a: first, don't go to snu at 16 ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ IM KIDDING i love my brother!! i don't know?? i just have cool interests like hair and clothes ๐Ÿคทโ€โ™€๏ธ๐Ÿคทโ€โ™€๏ธ

q: Do you feel like a burden because of your medical problems

a: yeah, especially since namjoon pays most of the expenses. he always says it's fine and what not, but i know namjoon really well. i know he hates of spending money and he gets really nervous when he does ://

namjoon's mom:

q: what goddamn drug were you on to call your son greedy

a: i wouldn't say i'm a helicopter parent, but i do look out a lot of eunji and namjoon. it's scary to see namjoon doing things we never did. namjoon knows well that christmas is an everyday thing to us but now he's getting gifts for people he hardly knows (his boyfriend's parents). he's not as humble as he was before.

q: For both parents how did you get into the situation to be that poor. Were you always broke if so why have 2 kids.

a: well, namjoon's dad and i went to high school in a very poor area. eventually, we dropped out. our parents didn't value school, so we got jobs. we received very little sexual education and we ended up having unprotected sex, then i got pregnant with the twins.

namjoon's dad:

q: i barely remember u are u a chill person bro?

a: i guess i'm chill? eunji and namjoon say i'm cool!

yoongi's mom:

q: ur cute, how many kids do you have again?

a: thank you! i have two kids, yoongi and his brother, geum-jae! (โ€๏ผพโ–ฝ๏ผพโ€๏ผ‰

q: Fuck me i mean how did you produce yoongi

a: don't say bad bad words! also, i don't really know how to answer your question? however, he's a sweet boy, isn't he? (โ”€โ€ฟโ€ฟโ”€)

seokjin's mom:

q: Why were you so materialistic

a: in my family, it has always been a priority to have money to give our loved ones the best things. for example, seokjin got to go to the best private school, got yearly vacations, etc. it is an important value to us.


q: how could u fuck my boy yoongi up like that??

a: you don't understand. his body is perfect. i don't get how anyone can resist him. he looks so pretty crying.

(a/n: almost threw up writing this)

q: bitch

a: shut up

q: Why did you think it was ok to permanently fuck up someones life? What the fuck is wrong with you?

a: i didn't fuck up anything. i showed him what good touch felt like. i showed him that my body and lips are better than dr.kim's.

(a/n: this was horrible to write too)


q: How about you get you dirty hands off yoongi before i cut them off with your dick

a: no need to be violent. if you want to keep being this violent, i'll be violent with yoongi. trust me, i won't hold back.

(a/n: ๐Ÿคข๐Ÿคข)

yoongi's therapist:

q: Why am i sad (jkjk)

a: well, there are a variety of different factors that can contribute to the absence of our happiness. i encourage you to find small things every day that make you happy :)

seokjin's boss:

q: Do you think every pregnancy is the same just bcs your wife was prego doesn't mean jim had the same experience ( im jk its never that serious)

a: i think most pregnant people experience pregnancy the same way or at least have most of the same symptoms ๐Ÿคทโ€โ™‚๏ธ๐Ÿคทโ€โ™‚๏ธ

vickie (author):

q: why do u like to mentally abuse ur characters so much (i love ur writing)

a: my characters are as happy as can be!

q: Favorite thing abt this book

a: my favorite thing is seeing the comments <33

q: Did everything go as planned for this book?

a: there wasn't really a plan, but i think the book is turning out well!

q: Why do you like being mean to your characters

a: it's fun ๐Ÿ˜˜๐Ÿ˜˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜

q: How do you produce quality work so fast

a: i get bored and i stay up late!!

q: Did you have inspo for this book

a: funny story, i told myself to remember what my inspo was because i knew someone would ask when i do the q&a, but i forgot. it was probably a tiktok.
