
tw: mentions of vomit and sickness

seokjin groaned feeling a small pressure in his stomach early in the morning. he opened his eyes and screamed finding the orange cat on his stomach, digging her paws into his stomach.

the cat jumped off the bed and began meowing at jimin, the small boy stretched his body, "seokjin, she loves you. let her be" he mumbled and pulled his fiance close, "she scares me" he whimpered into jimin's chest, jimin smiled and pressed a kiss on seokjin's head.

yoongi woke up to namjoon's gags from the bathroom. he rubbed his eyes and quickly headed to the bathroom.

"joon, you sick?" he sleepily mumbled, knocking on the door, "i guess" he groaned and flushed the toilet before using the sink to wash his face and brush his teeth.

"so, you're not going to work?" he asked, namjoon opened the bathroom to let yoongi in, "i'm going" he said and pat his face dry before applying moisturizer, "no, you're not"

namjoon sighed, "i don't believe you have a say in this" he said, "is this the example you want to set for your son? that it's okay to work even if you're sick?" yoongi asked, a serious look on his face, "the difference between junho and i is that i have trauma and have to financially support my family whilst he'll have no worries about money because his parents spoil him"

yoongi blinked, "then junho will think it's also his responsibility to financially support his family. what about that?" he asked, namjoon pinched the bridge of his nose, "i don't know. he's 7 months old, i don't need to worry about that" he huffed.

"suit yourself" yoongi said and picked up his toothbrush, namjoon felt mroe vomit rush up his throat and into the toilet. yoongi frowned and held his hair back as the boy threw up what seemed to be cookies.

"you're staying home" yoongi said, namjoon aggressively shook his head and groaned, "i'll be fine. do you not trust me?"

"not when you act like this" yoongi said, "you're mean" namjoon sighed, leaning against the wall. he pulled out some medicine from a cabinet and took it with a glass of sink water.

"see? i'll be fine" namjoon smiled, not earning a smile back, "go to bed" yoongi said, as he brushed his hair.

"i'm going to work, end of debate" namjoon said, wiping the sweat off his forehead. his body was trying so hard to fight off the illness, but he wouldn't take a single day off.

yoongi set his hairbrush down and dragged the tall man to their bed, pushing him on to the bed and tucking him in. namjoon would fight back, but his body felt too weak.

"i'll take junho to daycare so you can spend the whole day resting" yoongi said, scanning the room as namjoon sniffled, "i'm taking your laptop"

namjoon cried into his pillow, "no! i need to work, i'm going to work! i just need to find the energy to get dressed" he sniffled, wiping the sweat off his forehead and tears that were streaming down his cheeks.

"kim namjoon, i'm not playing with you right now. if you dare go to work, i'm taking us to counseling" he huffed as he packed his backpack and searched for his lanyard.

the tall boy whimpered, "my body hurts, yoonie" he frowned, "i'll give you an ice pack, there's medicine in our bathroom for later. i'll bring the trash can here in case you need to throw up. go to sleep, your body needs rest" yoongi said and placed a small kiss on his fiance's forehead even if he was sick.


how are you feeling??



the icepack cooled me down a bit but i'm still bleh

i threw up again


joonie :(((

do u want me to make you a doctor's appointment??



i mean


im fine ykkk

oh gosh i just threw up again


kim namjoon has a phd, so he can find a way to make this right


don't you have health insurance??


mhm, but sometimes there's copay


how much is copay??


about 20 dollars or so idk


do you not have 20 dollars.......??


for you and junho only


don't worry about me, joonie

will you go to the doctors??



my tummy hurts :((

ok ok just gonna take medicine


kim namjoon


actually, it would be like this

Kim Namjoon, Ph.D






Kim Namjoon, Ph.D., B.A.

don't forget my bachelor of arts in secondary education

i was going to get a bachelor of sciences, but instead i got one in bachelor of arts because it was less rigorous so i could focus more on my phd


are you trying to distract me from the fact you're sick????



focus on my brainnnnnnn


i would if you weren't sick


i'm going to be okayyyy


ok joonie




"oh gosh, you look so sick" yoongi worriedly said, dropping his bag and placing his hand on namjoon's forehead.

namjoon shivered under the blanket, he wanted to whine, but that wouldn't help him.

"mom, i'm seriously sick" namjoon sniffled, coughing into his elbow and leaning against the wall.

his mother sighed, placing his hand on namjoon's foreahead, "you do feel a bit warm" she said, "can i go to the doctor?" he softly asked, he felt horrible.

poor namjoon was cold and snot wouldn't stop dripping down his nose, he would wipe it with the rough texture of his long sleeve shirt which would only agitate his nose more.

"you can only go to the doctor if your life is at danger" the woman said and laid namjoon down, placing an additional blanket on him, "what if this is serious?"

she hummed, "i don't think it is. i think the weather made you sick" she said as he looked at the snow falling on to the grass, "it hurts" he cried, "you'll be fine, honey" she said and rubbed his back.

"i-i don't like t-this" he sniffled, "i know you don't. just rest it away, okay? if you really need to, you can take a warm shower to help your nose" she said, the boy nodded, "no doctor?"

"sorry, joon" she sighed and left the room to let her son rest.

"let's go to urgent care, c'mon" yoongi said, taking the blanket off namjoon's body, "no" he frowned, his body shaking because of how cold he was.

"kim namjoon, i'm not messing with you. whatever comes out of my mouth is an order" he huffed, grabbing namjoon some shoes and his winter gear. yoongi thought that the cold weather was what made namjoon sick.

the boy slowly sat up, "can you put my shoes on for me?" he frowned, yoongi nodded and helped the boy get dressed, "what about junho? i don't want him in a clinic filled with sick people"

"jimin and seokjin will take care of him" yoongi said and helped lift namjoon from the couch.

namjoon anxiously sat in the waiting room, biting his nails as he looked around. he wasn't so scared of sickness as he was of expenses.

"do you think they'll charge us for being in the waiting room?" he mumbled, yoongi looked up from the forms he was filling out, "i don't know, but help me fill these out"

the couple turned in the forms ans just waited. namjoon was picking at yoongi's coat, trying to not throw up again from how anxious he was.

"i like your coat. how much was it?" namjoon mumbled, "it was like 200 dollars. i've had it for a while now, so i might get a new one" he said, namjoon blinked and stared at his own coat that was 60 dollars.

"200 dollars for a coat?" he mumbled,  taking his hands off it, "it was worth it" yoongi said, but namjoon didn't believe that.

"it's a stomach virus. i'll prescribe you some antibiotics" the doctor said, namjoon blinked, "how much are the antibiotics?" he asked, yoongi let out a quiet sigh hearing that.

"they're about 40 dollars" the man said, "is that the generic version?" namjoon asked, "yes, sir" the man answered, "well, thank you so much, doctor" yoongi smiled, bowing as he took namjoon away.

"who?" hyejin asked as she pointed at junho who was on jimin's chest, she had met junho before, but she probably didn't remember.

"junho, uncle joonie and uncle yoonie's baby" jimin smiled, earning a glare from his daughter, "no more me time?" she sniffled, seokjin took his baby girl into his hands.

"uncle joonie is sick, so we have to take care of her for a bit, but uncle yoongi and uncle namjoon will be back in a bit. don't worry" he said, letting the girl lay her head on his shoulder.

"appa? dress?" she asked, "you want a new dress?" he asked, earning a nod from hyejin, "appa will buy you a new one to add to your collection"

"pretty?" she sniffled, "of course, baby" the man said, jimin jokingly rolled his eyes, "she's spoiled"

seokjin hummed, "maybe, but i don't mind" he said, kissing her forehead.

"you're going to feel better soon" yoongi reassured the boy as they drove home. occasionally, he would look at junho who had a teething toy in his mouth.

"this sucks. 40 dollars on medicine and 20 for copay" he mumbled, "it'll be fine, you'll make that money back when you go back to work" he said as he stopped at a red light, "i know, but this is so frustrating. my parents wouldn't have let me to to the doctor for a silly stomach bug"

"then, i think you should do it so you can change that. think about how negatively influenced junho will be if you work even while you're sick. he deserves to know that people take breaks when they're sick or tired. he needs to know about self care" he said, driving with one hand to hold his fiance's hand.

"you're right" namjoon mumbled, leaning his head back on the seat as he sighed, "he needs to learn that normal people go to doctors and eat 3 meals" he said, "exactly, joon"

namjoon smiled a bit, "i love you"

"i love you too, joonie"

jimin giggled as nari jumped on the couch and made her way to his stomach, she laid there and purred.

"if she did that to me, i would scream" seokjin said, "meanie" he smiled, petting her head and holding her tight, "papa! hungry!" hyejin said, tapping jimin's shoulder.

"can you ask appa? i'm feeling really sleepy" he sighed softly, "appa? hungry" she said and jumped on seokjin's lap, the boy tightly hugged her, "i'll make you some food right now"

the older boy watched as jimin peacefully slept with the cat on his stomach. as much as he disliked the cat, he had to admit she was pretty cute.

he loved how happy nari made jimin and hyejin. it was absolutely endearing seeing them interact.

"nari and your papa are sleepy" seokjin said, "papa sleepy. papa sick" hyejin said, as she waited for her food on the kitchen island, "it doesn't mean papa is sick, he's just sleepy. he works a lot"

"appa work?" she asked, "mhm, i work in financing and business" he said, "that?" she asked, "it means i do a lot of math and work with companies" he spoke, forgetting that her daughter couldn't really comprehend things that complex.

she hummed, "papa?" she questioned as she played with the car of her dolls, calmly pushing the car back and forth, "papa is a teacher at an elementary school. he teaches young kids about colors and numbers" he said, she pouted, "me?"

"you're not even 2 years old, so you just go to daycare" he said, "why?" she asked, placing her face in her hands.

"you're two years old that's why" he said, "uncle yoongi?" she asked as she ran her hand through her hair, her vocabulary had significantly increased.

"uncle yoongi and uncle joon are both teachers like papa" he said, "appa no teacher?" she asked, "nope" he responded, "why?"

"i didn't want to be a teacher. i chose my job because it's pretty simple and pays a lot" he said and washed some strawberries for hyejin, "you are very special, hyejin. you come from a very powerful family in south korea" seokjin said even though the girl didn't really understand yet.

"your haraboji works for the government and your halmeoni works as a lawyer at a top firm in south korea. basically, she'll sue anyone who interferes with what she wants to do" he shrugged, "despite that, you need to be humble. just because i can buy you a building, doesn't mean you should go flex it on everyone" he said, hoping the girl would understand some of the things he was saying.

she hummed, "mango?" she asked and pointed to the fruit bowl, "i just cut up some strawberries for you" seokjin whined and showed her the bowl of strawberries.

hyejin frowned, "okay" she sadly said with a pout, which broke her appa's heart, "fine, i'll give you some mango" he sighed, which made the girl giggle.

she had the same pout as jimin. hyejin was basically the feminine version of jimin. they had the same expressuons when they were happy and when they were sad. she had his crescent eyes when she smiled and the same exact pout when she wanted something which made it extremely hard to say no to.

"hyejin, i love you, you know?"

"love appa!" the girl giggled.

stay safe and healthy! drink water and eat some food! sorry for any mistakes, i love you all! qotd: do you think the cat is growing on seokjin?? did yoongi have the right to force namjoon to stay home from work and go to the doctor?? 
