
[time skip to beginning of their summer holidays because vickie ran out of ideas]

as the summer began, yoongi and namjoon agreed that it was the perfect time to find an apartment for them to move in together. they didn't have work and had lots of free time. the couple would spend the whole day apartment hunting and had scheduled many tours of apartments.

they arrived at the first place at 9am. the older boy was particularly tired because he wasn't used to waking up early anymore.

"so this apartment has one bedroom and one bathroom" the person who was guiding them said, namjoon hummed as he looked around, "i like it" the tall boy said, yoongi scrunched up his face.

"it's smaller than i would like" yoongi said, "this is the biggest apartment we have for a one bedroom" the woman said, "how much is rent?" namjoon asked, it was his number one priority.

"400 a month, plus a 1000 dollar deposit" she said. namjoon hummed, the monthly rent wasn't bad. he liked that part.

yoongi wasn't fond of the apartment, it was too small, "thank you so much for allowing us to tour, but it's not for us" he said and bowed, namjoon bowed even though he though the apartment was fine.

the second apartment was much better. in fact, yoongi loved it. he liked the size of it and thought it was adequate for two people. there was kitchen island which was perfect for their at-home dinners. the bedroom was spacious and so was the living room to say.

namjoon liked it too, but he scared of asking what the price was. the whole place seemed too big and luxurious to him.

"what's the monthly rent and deposit?" the small boy asked with a huge smile, it was the gummy smile that let everyone know he was happy, "700 monthly with a 1000 dollar deposit" the woman smiled.

the price was reasonable to yoongi. he could almost squeal. however, namjoon felt a million alarm go off in his brain. 700 a month? he would be insane to agree.

"yoongi, not this one" namjoon mumbled, not loud enough for the woman to hear. the small boy frowned hearing namjoon's disapproving tone, "why?" he mumbled back, "just no, let's go"

"thank you for your time, ma'am" namjoon bowed and so did yoongi, but he felt a pout on his face.

the car ride was silence, "namjoon, why didn't you like it? it was beautiful" yoongi frowned, "it was too expensive, sugar" the man said, "no it's not! i pay 700 for my apartment right now! it's reasonable, joon!" the boy sighed, "i pay 300 for mine"

"namjoon, it's not like you're going to pay 700 dollars! we're going to split everything" yoongi said, namjoon knew that, but he still didn't like the sound of it.

he shrugged, "let's just see the rest of the apartments and see if we find somewhere else" namjoon said, yoongi sighed and nodded.

the couple toured some more apartments, but yoongi was still dazed by the second one.

"joonie, i'm still in love with the second one" yoongi frowned, "pick another one like the one with a monthly rent of 300 dollars" namjoon said as he drove, yoongi stared at him, "that one was too small" he mumbled, "okay, then what about the one that was 350?"

yoongi shook his head, "i like the second one, plus it's close to where we work and there's so many stores nearby. it's perfect, namjoon" the man tried convincing, but namjoon wouldn't budge.

"it would be ridiculous for us to spend 700 a month on rent alone. min yoongi, we're not getting that one" the taller one said, "it's like you don't care about the inside of the apartments! all you care about is the price!" yoongi scoffed, "i'm just saying it's a ridiculous price"

"how is it ridiculous? the place is gorgeous" yoongi grumbled, "we'll talk more about it when you realize 700 dollars a month is not rational" the other man said, "take me to my apartment" yoongi mumbled, not wanting to talk to namjoon.

he was mad. they were reaching a milestone in their relationship and all namjoon cared about was the price. it wasn't a bad price! the place was gorgeous!

"you said you wanted to eat after touring"

"that might be too expensive" yoongi scoffed. with that, the rest of the car ride was silent.

namjoon sadly ate a bowl of cereal after dropping yoongi off. he had no other ingredients in his apartment to make a meal other than cereal.

what had happened repeated in his mind like a broken record. he wanted to make yoongi happy. he wanted to see yoongi's bright gummy smile and hear his laughter. he couldn't stand to see the boy sad or angry. however, he found it unreasonable to pay 700 a month for an apartment. yes, the apartment was nice, but the thought made namjoon want to throw up.

for crying out loud, consider the fact namjoon was eating cereal at 2pm because his house wasn't stocked with ingredients to make anything else.


what's a normal price for a 1 bedroom 1 bathroom apartment??


uhh idk i've always has a 2 bedroom 1 bathroom

i'll ask jimin

he said he used to pay 1000 a month

it was a nice apartment so he thinks the price was good

i pay 2000 rn for the 2 bedroom 1 bathroom that minnie and i have


a 1000??!!

what about now? do you guys split expenses?


no, i pay rent and utilities

jimin only pays for groceries and his phone line



did his apartment have a kitchen island and was it spacious??


yess it was nice

why do you ask??


yoongi and i are getting an apartment together and we saw a couple

we kinda argued so i'm a little confused but it's alright

how's jimin btw??


he's doing alright


good to hear!!

i'll talk to you later!

jimin rubbed his stomach that was now bigger than it was a couple months ago. it was harder to move around and do simple things.

"put my socks on" jimin whined, not being able to reach his feet. he felt useless for not being able to even reach his feet. it made his dancer side sad.

seokjin put jimin's fluffy socks on and continued scrolling on his computer. the small boy made his way to the nursery to add some books he had bought for their baby. jimin was one month away from having his baby and the nursery didn't even have a crib. jimin was angered because he had asked seokjin many times to work on that.

"kim seokjin!" jimin shouted, the older boy ran to the nursery, "why isn't there a crib in here?" he asked, holding his stomach. he felt his baby kick, "our baby is mad about this" jimin huffed, "sorry baby, i ordered one a couple days ago, it'll be here soon" seokjin reassured, kissing jimin's forehead.

seokjin and jimin were having a baby girl. the couple was delighted. in fact, jimin cried from how happy he was. all he could do was imagine dressing her in little dresses and doing her hair.

jimin was going to have a small baby shower the following week. it would just be jimin's family, seokjin's family, namjoon, and yoongi. seokjin wasn't really sure it was a baby shower if it was just a restaurant. regardless, jimin was just happy to spend time with his loved ones.

"sit down" jimin instructed, seokjin was taken back by the sudden instructions but did as told. he saw jimin pull out some small plastic hair ties, he couldn't help but raise a brow.

"what's that for?" he asked, "i'm going to practice making pigtails for our little girl" he smiled, seokjin shrugged and let the boy do that.

seokjin squeaked when jimin grabbed a small bunch of his hair, "that hurt! imagine how much that will hurt our little girl!" he whined, a pout on his face as he looked at jimin.

jimin huffed and tried again. the tall boy squeaked again, "fine! then you try!"

the couple switched roles, so seokjin was the one doing jimin's hair. the small boy noticed how gentle seokjin was, he could hardly feel seokjin touching his hair.

jimin began crying. with two pigtails on his head, he pulled seokjin into the tightest hug he could with his stomach in the way, "i love you so much" he cried, the taller boy smiled, "is that why you're crying?"

the small boy pulled away from the hug, still crying, "i'm crying because you're so gentle and i'm not! i'm not going to be able to do our baby's hair! you're going to be such a good dad" he cried into his hands, "i'll let you practice on my head at any time, don't worry" he said, wiping jimin's tears.

"o-okay, let me try again" he sniffled, seokjin nodded and sat back down.


i'm really sorry about our small fight in the car. it's really my fault. i was focusing more on the price than anything else, but that shouldn't have been the focus of our conversation.

our focus should have been to find an apartment we both like.


thank you, namjoon. i'm also really sorry for what i said. i know that you've always been worried about money, so i should have been a bit more compassionate and understanding.

so, what are we going to do?


i would like to offer a compromise


what is it?


let me present my case


ok honey, go on


ok so yk how i pay for some of eunji's medication??




and yk how i have braces??


no i did not know that 😱😱😱😱


well now u know

ok so eunji's medication is pricey and so are my braces, so i'd like us to split the rent 45/55 instead of 50/50 until i get my braces off


that's fair

we could go 45/55 on everything because i know eunji's medication is expensive

i don't have things that expensive

just holly's food

also joon ☹☹ my brother wants holly back


that'd be really nice 😞😞 thank you

wdym "back"? is holly not yours?


holly is my brother's dog



then why do you have holly?


cuz he moved into an apartment that didn't allowed pets

but now he's moving into an apartment that does allow pets so he wants holly back




i know :((

he's picking holly up next week





im really sad about that

so let's change the topic

have you bought jimin a gift for his baby shower?


i've never been to a baby shower so i didn't know i needed to buy one....

what do i get him?


i got him some bottles and baby clothes



i'll get him a stroller??

nvm i just looked up the price


plus seokjin already bought a stroller


yk what seokjin is rich enough, they don't need a gift from me


joon it's an act of courtesy




i called the apartment place and they said we have to pay the deposit and they have to run a background check and we can move in two weeks


ur the best :((

thank you for compromising, joonie

you don't know how much this means to me


love u


love u too

namjoon and yoongi arrived to the baby shower at the restaurant. apparently, seokjin had rented a party room in the restaurant so it was decorated for the occasion.

they placed all the gifts on a table that had a pink tablecloth. yoongi and namjoon stuck together like glue, they knew no one there. well, namjoon knew seokjin's parents, but he wasn't really fond of them.

namjoon looked at the menu, deciding he was not hungry after seeing the prices. he wasn't the one paying, yet he couldn't make seokjin or jimin pay this.


you will order something

if you don't, i'll order for you

namjoon made quick eye contact with seokjin before turning off his phone and putting it in his pocket. it was like seokjin's parental instincts were kicking in.

"usually, baby showers have games" seokjin's mother said, "yeah, but i didn't really want that. i just wanted to get together with my loved ones before having the baby" he said, rubbing his tummy.

"is the baby a girl or boy? no one told me" namjoon said, taking a sip from his soda, "it's a girl" jimin smiled, feeling like he could cry.

namjoon smiled back, feeling happy for the couple. jimin and seokjin always looked so happy when they talked about their baby.

he looked at yoongi who was shivering and trying to warm himself up, "oh yoon, are you cold?" he asked, the small boy nodded, "it's freezing in here"

"i have a sweater in my car, i'll go get it" namjoon said as he saw their waiter approaching the table, "wait until we order" the small boy said, the tall one frowned, "okay"

namjoon ordered some chicken strips and fries from the kids menu because it was cheaper. plus, seokjin didn't say he had to order something from the adults menu.

after eating, jimin began opening gifts. he was so happy with everything he received. he sniffled at all the bottles, the diapers, the baby wipes, and every small detail. by the end, jimin had to cry into seokjin's shoulder.

jimin was puffy eyed as everyone finished their conversations. his baby girl would be here soon and the thought was surreal to him

namjoon and yoongi sat in the middle of their new apartment. it was completely empty and they were waiting for the moving men to get there.

"i love this place" yoongi said, laying on the cold floor. it was extremely hot outside so the cold floor felt nice. the tall boy made no hesitation to do the same.

"it's really nice. 6 year old namjoon would have never believed me if i told him he'd be living here with someone he loves so much" he smiled, facing yoongi. the small boy smiled widely, "he better believe it" he said, pressing a kiss on namjoon's forehead.

"i miss holly" yoongi sighed, a small pout on his face, "he's a cute dog" the taller frowned. despite the heat, yoongi pulled namjoon closer to him. he couldn't help but smile as he looked at him.

"you're cute" he told the tall boy, namjoon smiled back and blushed, "you are too"

"jinnie, i also want my pregnancy pillow at the hospital" jimin said as he watched seokjin work, "can you write that down for me? i'm a little busy" seokjin said, the small boy frowned and nodded.

he sat on seokjin's lap, watching as seokjin typed. he thought it was quite sexy how fast seokjin could type.

the older man sighed as he looked at the document he was typing, "can you get me my notebook and calculator? i'm updating this document with the information my coworker gave me, but the numbers just don't sound right" he mumbled, jimin groaned as he sat up and got that for the boy.

seokjin hummed as he did that, running his hands through jimin's hair. he sighed when his work was interrupted by a phone call, he sighed again once he saw it was his boss.

the boy didn't bother to step out of the room and just answered it.

"hello, business representative, kim seokjin speaking" he spoke, jimin chuckled hearing how serious seokjin was. he watched as seokjin's serious expression changed into a worry.

"i can't do that, it's a week before my fiance's due date" he said, his boss argued that most babies weren't born early.

"i don't want to take any chances" seokjin said, his boss insisted he go, threatening his position if he didn't do what he asked.

"i'll be there" he said and hung up, he was mad upon receiving news he had to go on a business trip a week before jimin's due date. he looked at jimin who was crying.

"fiance, really? you haven't even proposed to me! was that your proposal? if so, that was the most anticlimactic proposal i've seen!" he sobbed, seokjin frowned, "i say fiance because i know we're going to get married. this wasn't a proposal" he reassured, jimin still cried.

"i'll get you the prettiest ring and we'll go to the prettiest place" he reassured.

"well now it's not going to be romantic because i know you're going to propose!"

seokjin frowned, "i'll make it as shocking as i can" he reassured, but jimin continued crying.

"now, i'm going to talk about something and i'm going to apologize already" he said, jimin cried harder as he heard that, but nodded, "i'm going on a business trip a week before your due date"

jimin sobbed, "that's exactly what i needed! for you to abandon me!" he cried into a pillow, "baby, i don't want to go, but i have to" he softly said, rubbing jimin's back.

"don't touch me!" he cried, seokjin did as told, "i'm going to give you some alone time" seokjin said, jimin nodded, tears sliding down his cheeks.

jimin pouted as he saw seokjin packing a suitcase. he had just finished crying and now the man was packing a suitcase.

"what do i do if i go into labor?" jimin asked, "i don't think you will" the older man said, "but what if i do?"

"call me, i'll get here as soon as i can" seokjin said, folding some clothes, jimin groaned and flopped onto his side, staring at seokjin, "where are you even going?"


"are you kidding me? that's four hours away!" jimin screeched, "i know" the oldest sighed, "kim seokjin, you better hope and pray this baby doesn't come out of me while you're in ulsan! i will never forgive you if you're not there when i give birth!"

"i know, baby. i really have to go" he said, walking over to jimin, "baby girl, you have to stay in there until i get back" he spoke to jimin's tummy. in return, there was a soft kick, "maybe she's agreeing"

the couple smiled, they were so excited to meet their baby girl.

"i love you, seokjin"

"i love you too"

stay safe and healthy! drink water and eat some food! sorry for any mistakes, i love you all! qotd: what do you think about namjoon's compromise?? was it fair considering namjoon makes more money than yoongi?? by the way, the q&a is still open, so you can still ask questions if you want!!
