
"you look really cute" namjoon smiled as he saw yoongi in the morning, yoongi looked at his outfit and smiled back, "thank you"

a light yellow cardigan with a white shirt underneath and some black pants, he wore some black and white sneakers gifted to him by jimin. he looked so cute.

namjoon couldn't stop looking at yoongi. he wanted to grab his face and take an attentive look at it. he wanted to take into account every single little feature of yoongi's.

he wanted to look at yoongi's clear skin and admire how pretty it was. it was clear as glass from the products used at night, namjoon noted. he wanted to look at his eyelashes that were constantly curved upwards without effort. he had the eyelashes every girl wants. his lips were plump and pink-reddish. all day, every day, he wanted to look at yoongi's face. every bit of it was perfect, from his skin to his lips.

"why are you looking at me like that? you make me feel butterflies" yoongi nervously laughed, "why are you so beautiful? it's so unfair" he mumbled, making yoongi turn even more red than he previously was.

"stop it" he pouted, pulling the taller boy into a hug. although he was the one that initiated the hug, he was tense.  namjoon noticed and rubbed his back, "breathe, sugar" he said, yoongi melted into the hug and smiled.

"did i do good?"

"of course, sugar"

"good morning, class" jimin smiled, his students began giggling and smiling as they waved, "does anyone know what day it is?" he asked, a student raised her hand, "it's tuesday!"

"that's right! since it's tuesday, what are we having for snack today?" he asked, "we're having animal crackers and yogurt!" she blurted out, "that's correct! but let's focus on raising our hands when we talk"

they had their morning circle which consisted of a daily question. the question for today was ,'if you could be any animal, what animal woukd you be?, he heard many answers. he heard things like spider, cat, dog, and even a roach? 4 year olds were weird.

after that, he headed to the coffee machine that was in his room, it was in the corner of his desk. his desk was almost like a cubicle.

he turned it on and the smell of coffee overwhelmed his nose.

literally overwhelmed.

he looked around his class to see if anyone else was weirded out by the smell of his coffee. however, his class looked fine.

"class, do you guys smell anything weird?" he asked, the students shook their heads, "it smells like your coffee" a student said, jimin waited for his coffee machine to finish.

he put the mug up to his nose and inhaled it. he gagged, putting his hand to his mouth and rushing to the bathroom.

he threw up his dinner into the toilet bowl. he coughed up any more remains and stared at it, feeling even more nauseous.


the dinner we had last night

something was expired idk


why do you say that??

we ate from the same plate??


i threw up

i smelled the coffee i drink every morning and threw up


what the heck

i'll check the expiration date of everything when i get home

i doubt it was the food

because im fine

and i bought the ingredients a couple days ago


ok ty

love you


love you too minnie

jimin felt sick the whole day.

he felt so lightheaded and dizzy. he tried to eat lunch, but that made him nauseous too.

in conclusion, seokjin wasn't a good cook.

"cutie, what are you doing this afternoon?" the new teacher asked yoongi, yoongi glanced at the man standing at his doorway. school had just ended and this man was already here. scoff.

the small boy tried to think of the most boring thing ever, "i'm going to the doctor because i have a sore throat" yoongi said, faking a cough.

"do you want me to fix it for you?" he asked, yoongi almost gagged at that statement, "no thanks, please leave me alone" he said, putting his things in his backpack and heading to namjoon's classroom.

the man followed, "this nerd's room? really?" he scoffed, namjoon couldn't help but laugh, "i'm sorry you don't have a diploma from snu" he smiled.

he could be obnoxious too.

"i'm so sorry you can't deal with the fact that i'm smarter than you. i mean, i see why snu wouldn't even look at your application. i'm just better like that. prestigious college at 16 with a full ride? you could only dream" he laughed, yoongi couldn't help but grin as he saw the look on the man's face.

"daddy's money" he grumbled, stomping his way out of the class and slamming the door shut. yoongi looked at namjoon who was writing something down, "thank you, my love"

namjoon shook his head, "don't worry about it" he said, "are you cold?" the tall boy asked, yoongi shook his head and raised a brow, "are you?"

the tall boy nodded, "i'm freezing. i don't know what they did to the a/c but it's been so cold in here" he sighed, "why don't you bring a jacket?"

namjoon tried to think of a simple way to say, "i have a jacket, but it's a bit too small and has holes in it, but i refuse to buy a new one". he knew he couldn't say that out loud.

"uh, i only have one jacket" he nervously chuckled, "you need to buy some winter clothing! it's been so cold outside! take my cardigan!" yoongi said, namjoon smiled, "thank you, sugar"

yoomgi gave it to him, namjoon smiled as he slid it over his head. the small boy tilted his head seeing it didn't slide past namjoon's face.

"it's stuck" namjoon whined, "where?" yoongi asked, trying to get a better look at namjoon's face, "on my braces" he whimpered, yoongi hit the boy's shoulder, "that's my favorite cardigan!" he pouted.

"help me" namjoon pouted, yoongi huffed and frowned as he unattached his cardigan from namjoon's braces. finally the cardigan slid down and namjoon was able to wear it.

"are you going to get me a new cardigan now?" yoongi huffed, "i mean, i could if you actually want me to replace it" namjoon pouted, yoongi hummed, "i'm nice, so you don't have to get me a new one"

namjoon smiled, "thank you"


i checked all the ingredients, nothing was expired

are you still feeling sick??


im really nauseous

and im sooo tired

like im struggling to keep my eyes open rn


you work w a lot of kids, so maybe one of them got you sick?



im going to sleep im actually so tired it's unbelievable


take ur temperature

are u going to work tomorrow??


prob yes

ugh i don't want to go get the thermometer


i can come over if you

should i bring some medicine??

i could ask my mom what can help with nausea

maybe namjoon knows

he used to get nauseous all the time in college

maybe u should go to the doctor??

we could go to urgent care

idk what they would give you for it, maybe just that bright pink medicine that's nastyy

so should i come over??


did you actually fall asleep??

it's been like 2 mins

ughh u prob have an iron deficiency

"do you seriously only have one jacket?" yoongi frowned, "well, i also had a hoodie, but you have it" the other boy said, "sorry" yoongi pouted, placing his head on namjoon's shoulder. namjoon was working on something their boss had sent.

"there's this online store that sells clothes for rather cheap" yoongi said, namjoon hummed, "i'll check it out soon" he said, "stop working" yoongi pouted, wanting attention.

"my sugar wants attention?" namjoon asked, still not looking at yoongi, the small boy pouted, "yes, i do"

namjoon looked at him, "cutie, should we go to my place?" he asked, yoongi shrugged, "if you want" he said, swinging his legs, "can i finish this reality quick?"

yoongi crossed his arms, "fine"

he let the taller boy type some more before he got tired of waiting and let out a long sigh, "almost done?" he asked, namjoon nodded as he bit the inside of his mouth. kim namjoon was a perfectionist. 

"what do you want to do at my house?" namjoon asked, yoongi hummed, "what do you want to do?" he asked, watching the boy type.

"we could go on that website where the clothes are cheap" namjoon said, yoongi smiled, "and you're actually going to buy things?"

"perhaps, i have to check my banking statements first" he said, "you're such a nerd"

"twenty dollars for a shirt? are they crazy?" namjoon screeched as he scrolled through the website next to yoongi. they sat on namjoon's bed.

"but it's cute!" yoongi pouted, namjoon sighed, "it's cute, but not 20 dollars cute" he said, yoongi laid his head on namjoon's shoulder, "not a single shirt you own is worth 20 dollars?"

namjoon shook his head, "nope" he said, "how?" yoongi mumbled, "either seokjin gave it to me or i bought it used and just washed it really well" the boy said, "do your clothes not rip?"

"i can sew" namjoon said, yoongi gasped, "really? you said you were clumsy!" yoongi smiled, "i am, so it takes me a long time. point is, i can do it" he shrugged. yoongi hummed as they scrolled through the website.

"c'mon, buy something" yoongi frowned, "i'm thinking" he said, his hand on his chin, "think faster!"

namjoon sighed, "how do you do this? i can't find anything in my price range" he frowned, "ten dollars is not in your price range?" yoongi asked, the tall boy huffed, "i mean, i can afford it" he mumbled.

yoongi hated seeing namjoon struggle like this. he could see the boy get frustrated as he pushed the subject a little more so he decided to talk about something else.

"how's your class been?" he asked, namjoon bit his lip as he looked at the website a little more, "they're fine, they keep asking if i tiktok or whatever is trending" he said, looking at a shirt that cost eight dollars.

"you do, right?" yoongi asked, namjoon nodded, "it's an okay app, i don't understand the dances"

yoongi shrugged, "same, but jimin is always doing them. he acts like a teenage boy sometimes" he said, namjoon laughed, "he looks really young, but he's the same age as you, right?"

the short boy nodded, "just a couple months younger" he said, hugging namjoon's arm, "can i kiss your cheek?" yoongi asked, "of course, my love"

yoongi placed a small kiss on namjoon's cheek, "i'm so happy to have you in my life" yoongi said, the tall boy hummed, "why's that?"

"one, why wouldn't i be happy to have kim namjoon in my life? two, after experiencing sexual assault, it feels like i have to relearn what healthy touch feels like and know how" he mumbled the second part, namjoon couldn't help but smile.

"i promise to the moon and back to never hurt you. i love you, sugar"

"i love you too"

stay safe and healthy! drink water and eat some food! sorry for any mistakes, i love you all! qotd: was this fluffy enough for you guys?? i hope you did because it's the most fluff you will have for a while!! guys, i don't know what time it is in this book, should it be before or after christmas?? i have some pretty good ideas for before before christmas if that's something you guys would be interested in!!
