
yoongi watched as the twin siblings moved boxes from the apartment to the moving truck. the boy was sitting on the sidewalk whilst eating some cookies with chocolate on them.

"can you guys hurry up a bit? i'm getting really cold" he frowned, eunji huffed, "this would be a lot quicker if you did something other than sit on the sidewalk and eat! why don't you lift some boxes" she groaned, setting a box done on the concrete floor.

yoongi sniffled, "y-you're so mean" he cried into his hands, he would pull his knees to his chest, but his stomach was in the way, "nononono, please stop crying. namjoon is literally going to beat me up" she begged, the small boy cried more.

namjoon saw the small boy crying and the girl try to ease him, "what's going on?" he asked sitting next to his fiance, "nothing-"

"eunji is so mean" the boy cried, trying his best to explain the situation through his broken sobs. namjoon frowned hearing the boy.

"here are my hand warmers, i like that you're just sitting here and eating because you're growing my baby. i wouldn't want you to get hurt by lifting boxes" he said, yoongi took the hand warmers and put them on his thighs, "oh gosh, i'm going to throw up" eunji gagged, yoongi frowned, "do you see how mean she is?"

"eunji, apologize" namjoon said, leaning his head on yoongi's shoulder and looking at her, "fine, i'm sorry" she said, yoongi sniffled, "thanks, i would move boxes, but i don't want to hurt myself or the baby" he explained, namjoon kissed his forehead, "you just keep eating your cookies and we'll let you know whem we're done"

he nodded, scrolling through his phone and continuing to eat.


since yoongi hadn't moved any boxes, it was his job to help unpack with the twin siblings. yoongi sat on the floor with a pair of scissors that he slid through the boxes to open.

"oppa, are you still going to buy my medications?" eunji asked as they drank water, namjoon nodded, leaning back on a wall, "of course" he said, glancing at yoongi who was whining.

"i'm tired" he pouted, "we just worked two hours straight, let us breathe" eunji said, "well, i've been carrying this child for 5 months, let me breathe" he huffed, "well, blame namjoon, i didn't impregnate you" she defended herself, putting her hands up.

namjoon grabbed one of the boxes and the scissor from yoongi's hands and began opening them, "you guys whine too much" he said, eunji rolled her eyes, "not everyone was 16 working two jobs"

the tall boy hummed, "at least i was doing something with my life" he said, yoongi stared at them in shock, "both of you grew up in the same house, why are you judging eachother?" the small one frowned, "how else are we supposed to cope?" the girl asked.

yoongi hummed and shrugged, just letting the twins do their thing. he sat in front of namjoon, "rub my back, please" he said, namjoon positioned his hands, starting with the boy's lower back and working his way up.

"do you guys have any ideas for the nursery? if not, i have some cute inspo pictures" the girl said, "no, not really, but i know we have to get it set up soon" yoongi said, rubbing his stomach.

"what if you made it emo?" eunji proposed the idea, "are you crazy?" the tall man asked, "it'd be cute!"

"no, i don't want my child to be emo!" the small boy sniffled. everything made him cry. literally everything. it was unpreventable.

"oh my gosh, are you crying?"

"eunji, one more word from your mouth and i'll slap you" namjoon threatened, "chill, it was a joke. i actually have cute ideas"

yoongi wiped his tears, "w-what are they?" he asked, "a space theme with moons? or maybe a forest theme with bears?" eunji said, "i like the space theme idea, can we do it, joon?" the small one asked, "of course" he agreed, running his hands through the boy's hair.




can i have some money

seokjin's mother

For what?


i wanna propose to jimin

so i was thinking you send me 4000 or 6000??

seokjin's mother

I would never have married your father with a ring so cheap.

I will send you 10,000.

If there is leftover money after you buy the ring, don't bother sending it back.


thank you mom

i love you

seokjin's mother

I love you too


seokjin made his way to a jewelry shop after work, telling jimin that he had to stay late to help his boss. of course, jimin didn't want seokjin to get in trouble, so he didn't complain.

kim seokjin was born rich and lived a rich lifestyle, he couldn't buy jimin just any ring. it had to be the best one, he didn't care how much it cost. that's why he bought a 12,000 dollar ring and left the shop with a huge grin.

he arrived home with a bouquet of flowers and some baby food, "hi baby, i'm sorry i had to stay" he frowned, pressing a kiss on jimin's cheek.

"it's okay, thank you for the flowers" he said, placing them on the table to go find a vase, "i also remembered that you mentioned wanting to get hyejin some baby food now that she's old enough" he said, jimin smiled widely, "thank you"

"today hyejin sat without support" jimin said, showing seokjin a video of the girl giggling while holding her hands out for her father.

seokjin cooed, "she's so cute" he said whilst watching, the small girl began cooing, "da!" she cooed in the video.

"oh my gosh, she's going to start speaking soon" he said, jimin nodded with a smile, "she's such a cutie"


"i made dinner" eunji announced to the apartment, yoongi hit namjoon's arm, "see? your sister eats dinner, you need to regularly eat dinner too" he pointed out, namjoon groaned, rolling his eyes.

"eunji, do you eat 3 meals a day?" yoongi asked, "yeah, who doesn't?" she chuckled, the small boy stared at namjoon, "i know, right?"

he pushed the boy off the couch and forced him to kitchen to make a plate of what eunji had made.

of course, he ate one off his ryan plates because they produced an unbelievable amount of serotonin in his brain.

"have you guys eaten fruit today?" she asked, the boys shook their heads so eunji began cutting up some fruit for them.

"you eat all the food groups every meal?" yoongi asked, "yeah, why wouldn't i? plus, it's good for my heart" she said, yoongi nudged the tall boy, "take notes," he huffed.

namjoon glared at him, "do you guys not?" eunji asked, grabbing her chopsticks and beginning to eat, "i eat for 2 people so i'm getting 2 of everything" yoongi said, "i eat really well too" namjoon reassured.

yoongi internally frowned knowing that namjoon's goal was always to protect eunji. he was older by a couple minutes, but took his role as the older brother very seriously. he didn't want eunji to ever be hurt.

the small boy sniffled thinking about it, he put his face in his hands and began crying. namjoon and eunji stared at him, "why are you crying, sugar?"

yoongi just sobbed more, eating his food with tears running down his throat, "do you want some pickles? pregnant people love those"

"he likes apples with ketchup" namjoon shamefully said, the girl gasped, "that's so nasty! ew!" she screamed, "stop!" yoongi cried.

namjoon rubbed his back, "it's okay, sugar" he said, placing a kiss on his cheek.


"joonie" yoongi poked the boy's shoulder in the middle of the night, he groaned, "what is it?" he mumbled, turning so he would be facing yoongi.

"i really want watermelon with salt" he frowned, "we'll get some tomorrow" the tall boy reassured, the small boy began talking so namjoon put his face on yoongi's face, "sleep" he sleepily said, "joonie! please!"

"i said we'll get some in the morning" he reminded, "i want some right now!" he cried, kicking his legs in bed.

namjoon sighed, sitting up in bed and putting on some slippers, "you better not leave even a seed" he mumbled, leaving to get yoongi some watermelon.


the couple woke up to eunji knocking on their door at 6am, namjoon opened the door, "what is it?" he huffed, "i made breakfast in case you guys want to eat" eunji said, the tall boy hummed, "yoongi and i will sleep a bit more, but thank you"

namjoon realized that eunji was a normal person. she ate 3 meals a day with snacks in between. she didn't worry about money. at all.

he sighed, closing the bedroom door and flopping back on the bed, "what did eunji want?" yoongi mumbled, namjoon sighed, "she made breakfast"

yoongi lightly hit namjoon's chest, "go eat breakfast, maybe you'll learn a thing or two from her" he huffed, kicking namjoon off the bed, "if i have to get up, you have to get up too"

the small boy whined, but did as told so namjoon would eat.


"this is very delicious, thank you" yoongi said, namjoon wasn't really hungry so he felt like it was a waste of food if he ate it.

eunji nodded, "of course. do you like it, oppa?" she asked, namjoon looked up from his plate, "yeah, it's good" he said although he had only eaten a couple bites.

"for someone who us almost 6 feet tall, you only eat a little bit" eunji said, namjoon hummed, not knowing how to answer.

"what if we get our baby a cat?" yoongi randomly asked, "we are not getting out baby boy a cat" he laughed, taking a sip from his orange juice, "why not?" eunji asked, "cats cost money"

yoongi frowned, "cats are so cute! our baby boy would appreciate having a cat to grow up with!" he said, "maybe in the future" namjoon said, putting food in his mouth.

"you're so lame" eunji said, "i'm sorry for making sure we don't end up on the streets" namjoon scoffed.

eunji rolled her eyes, "you're truly a prodigy, kim namjoon! spending a couple hundred a month is totally going to make us go into bankruptcy!" the woman sarcastically said.

"don't put the sheets in the wash! are you crazy?" eunji screamed, gripping onto the bloody sheets that were in her brother's hands, "no! why can't i put them to wash?" he shouted, taking the sheets back.

"they're stained! it's embarrassing!" the woman whined, near tears as her brother insisted on washing them with the rest of the clothes, "how is it embarrassing? it's just a period!"

"it's gross!" she shouted, "it's not gross! it's natural! i'm a guy, shouldn't you be the one preaching that it's natural? didn't you pass your health class? it's just your body" he tried reassuring.

eunji opened their bedroom door and began shouting, "mom! come look at your genius son! he's such a prodigy and truly has a mastermind!"

their mother walked into the room, sighing as she saw the bickering twins.

"he wants to wash our stained sheets with the rest of our clothes!" she cried, namjoon frowned, "it'll be cheaper if we do it one wash instead of two. plus, i already washed the stain with a but of cold water—"

"namjoon, you can't do that" the woman sighed, "why not?" he asked, tears threatening to fall from his eyes as well, "she feels embarrassed"

"mom! it'll save money! dad will be mad, please! it won't stain our clothes because the stain is almost completely out! plus, eunji and i don't own white clothes!" he pleaded, worried about the scolding his father would give him.

"no, namjoon. i'll put it in a seperate wash" the woman said and walked out of the room, closing the door on her way out.

eunji began screaming at her older brother, "you're truly a prodigy! truly!" she shouted, namjoon gulped, "i'm sorry" he said with his head facing the floor.

she angrily left the room, slamming the door as hard as she could on her way out. it felt namjoon feeling stupid.

of course, he knew he was smarter than most 14 years olds. in fact, he was smarter than most people at his high school. however, his parents and eunji didn't make him feel smart. he always felt stupid. he felt like he was always doing something wrong.

trust him, he really tried to be understanding of the girl's situation. he treated her the way he wanted to be treated if he bled on bedsheets, but the logical side of his mind had to kick in.

logically, it would be best for the sheets to be washed with the rest of the clothes. it would waste less energy and less water. additionally, his father wouldn't get angry with him about bills.

he pulled his knees to his chest, beginning to cry. kim namjoon wasn't as bright as everyone said. he was a stupid 14 year old who couldn't understand the world around him.

"why are you being sarcastic?" he mumbled, the memories hitting him like the waves of an ocean, "chill, it was a joke"

"you always think i'm stupid, but i'm not. i-i don't think i am, right, yoongi?" he asked, "i think you're extremely smart and a nerd" yoongi said, trying a find a way to change the topic of the conversation as he saw how uncomfortable namjoon was getting.

"he's a genius, he presented with the superintendent of our district. he's the only reason i've ever seen that woman smile" yoongi said, ignoring the fact that he thought the superintendent had a crush on him.

"he's not that smart, trust me" she laughed, "he tried to wash my period stained—"

"please just shut up" he broke into tears. he was really trying to heal his inner child like his therapist suggested, but it seemed like the whole world was against the idea.

maybe it was namjoon's fate to hurt forever.

yoongi stared at eunji and the crying boy, not really sure what to do. the small boy rubbed namjoon's back and pressed a kiss on his cheek.

"i'm sorry, oppa" the girl apologized, namjoon kept his face in his hands whilst nodding. it was embarrassing to have his sister see him cry.

the rest of breakfast was pretty awkward with yoongi feeding namjoon and eunji eating whilst scrolling through her phone.

(a/n: thanks to chansrroom for this idea! she has a big brain. everyone should go read yeux de chat if you haven't already!!)

"why'd you start crying?" yoongi asked as namjoon worked on his laptop, "i feel really stupid" he said, not turning to face yoongi who was working on something for the nursery.

"why's that? i think you're extremely smart" he said, "i don't want to talk about it, i just want to get my mind off things" namjoon said, "fair enough, but i don't think you should work. do you want to help me do this for the baby?"

namjoon nodded, sitting on the floor next to yoongi who had a bag filled with arts and crafts supplies.

"so, i bought this collage picture frame and i'm putting our pictures and ultrasounds into it. i'm going to write 'i love you' in cursive here and paint a moon and stars" he said, pointing at different places of the picture frame as he talked.

namjoon cooed, "that's so cute" he said, "can you pick what pictures we should use while i paint the moon and stars?" yoongi asked, namjoon nodded.

he stared at all his choices, humming as he chose the cutest pictures of him and yoongi, "we can always swap out the pictures, right?"

yoongi nodded, leaning his head back to fix his hair that was getting in his face. his hair was a lot longer these days, "do you have a hair tie?"

namjoon shook his head, "eunji probably does" he said, "can you help me get up so i can go ask?" he said, the  tall boy hummed, "i'll go ask, you keep doing that"

he went to his sister's bedroom, knocking on the door and patiently waiting for her to open the door.

"do you have a hair tie? it's for yoongi" he explained, "yeah, is anh color fine?" she asked, the man nodded.

he saw her go through her drawers and pull out a hair tie, "here you go. also, i'm sorry for making you cry, oppa. it really wasn't my intention, i was just teasing" she frowned, "it's okay, eunji. i forgive you" he smiled, pulling her into a hug.

"thank you, oppa. also, i'm going to send you some links for the baby's nursery" she said, "okay, i'll make sure to show yoongi"

"help me up, i have to go eat a snack" yoongi whined, namjoon laughed hearing the boy whined. regardless, he helped him up. yoongi groaned, placing his hands on his back.

"do you want a snack too?" he asked, namjoon nodded, "as long as it's not apples and ketchup" he said, "i was going to eat that, but we ran out of ketchup" he said, namjoon gagged.

the boy returned with some strawberries with nutella drizzled on top of them and a fork. he sat on the floor where namjoon was fanning the picture frame.

"oh wow, that's looks yummy" he smiled, yoongi nodded, poking a strawberry and putting it in namjoon's mouth.

"sweet like my sugar. i love you"

"i love you too, joonie"

stay safe and healthy! drink water and eat some food! sorry for any mistakes, i love you all! qotd: was eunji perhaps a little mean in this chapter?? should she be nicer to namjoon??
