The Slap

"Karan, he is Marc, the caretaker of the cottage and the farm and Marc, he is Dr. Karan Kundrra, my husband."

"Hi, I am Silvia, nice to meet you." Before Marc, Silvia introduced herself and forward her hand for shake.

"Nice to meet you too....."  Karan shook hands with Silvia and Teju shot daggers to their entwined hands, but concealed her expressions. She is here to pacify Karan not to get mad on him and make it more complicated.

"Marc, shall we get in?" Teju said bit sharply.

"Please welcome, Silvia get the luggage in of Teju ma'am and doctor sir.

They all walked in and Karan admire the beauty of the cottage, exquisite and lavish wooden cottage in the woods just as his taste.

Marc gave them a small tour of the cottage and showed them the bedroom. "Teju ma'am, Varun sir told me that you are showing up with your husband that's why I prepared this room for you."

"Thank you Marc." Teju said with gratitude smile.

"My pleasure, you both can rest for some time and I think doctor sir wants to take a nap." Marc said, referring Karan's dressing. He was still wearing his night pants and transported in the outfit he wore last night.

Karan looked at Marc then his gaze on his outfit with wide eyes. Teju giggled and the entire scene aggregated Karan for losing his face in front of a stranger because of Teju.

"Teju ma'am, please take rest, till then I will cook your favourite Italian breakfast."

Teju nodded and both walked into a lavishly decorated bedroom. Karan looked at his wrist watch showing 11 hours, IST, that means it's 6:30 am in Switzerland.

"Did you brought my phone or not?" Karan asked rudely.

Teju sensed his bad mood due to recent incident and gave him a small bag. Karan found his mobile, wallet, all national and international credit and debit cards, his all national and international I'ds, charger, laptop, iPad and every stuff which he used to carry during travel.

He took his phone, went to the balcony and dialled Prince's number while admiring the beautiful morning of Switzerland.

"Hey Prince, how is everything in the hospital......." Karan asked several questions about hospital and Prince answered.

"Don't worry about the hospital, we are also doctors here, not quack. Enjoy your time with Teju and don't need to call frequently and ignore your wife, else I will block your number." Prince disconnected the call after threatening him.

Karan was shocked at first then shrugged his shoulder and called Sunita.

"Hey mom, how are you, is everything ok in the house and how is your health."

"Everything is fine here....."

"Mom, I am sorry for leaving you like this."

"But I am not, I wanted you two to spend some time in alone away from the family and work. Now enjoy, treat Teju nicely and don't call me daily to ask this or that, otherwise I will block your number."

"Why are everybody threating me to block my number?" Karan monologued in shock.

Being frustrated he called Aly, the master mind of the plan.

"Hello Lucky, you jerk, were you out of your mind, why did you help Teju in her nonsense plans....."

Karan was cut off by Aly who yelled louder then him.

"What's wrong did I do to help my sister-in-law. It was you who should be blamed, you were not letting go the matter even after her several efforts. I agreed she was at fault to mistrust you, but she is repenting from all her heart. She changed herself from top to bottom, just for you."

"Karan, my SS is a pure soul, she helped me realise my feelings for Riya, she was a cupid between us and I can do anything to help her regardless of your anger. My final verdict, if you call me again or ignore my SS, me too will block your number as everbody, did you hear me?"

Aly vent his anger and hung the call, Karan rendered gobsmacked for long. He couldn't believe his younger brother who never talk back in front of him was yelling at him for Teju. His temper shot again.

Teju touched Karan's shoulder from behind making him turn and the sight of her drove him sulky all over again.

"It's all because of you. My entire family threatened to block my number if I do not co-operate with your idiotic plan. My polite and obedient younger brother yelled at me for you. You turned my life upside down."

Teju was hurt by his brutal accusation, but composed herself. "Karan relax, take rest for some time, you will get better."

"I don't want, just get me fresh pair of clothes for cold, if you got any." Karan ordered and stormed in to the washroom slamming the door behind.

Sometimes later Karan got ready and Teju walked into the washroom. When she walked out, found Karan was scrolling his mobile. She knew he must be checking his emails to get into touch with everbody, otherwise he can't call India coz most of his communication lines are already dead.

Teju was brushing her hairs when Marc knocked and requested then to get down for the breakfast, if they are ready.

Both walked into the dining room, Teju took a seat, but Karan fetched a glass of water, gulped it down in one go, kept the glass with thud and stormed out.

"Karan, have your breakfast first." Teju called him from behind and said in Hindi language.

"I am not starving, you can have it all and leave me alone." Karan too answered in Hindi, rudely, without turning around and stride out.

Teju too stood up without having breakfast, went to her room, opened the photo gallery in her mobile and picked her and Karan's together pic from the party. Tears welled up in her eyes while looking at the pic.

'Karan, why are you punishing me so cruelly. I know my mistrust hurt you, but can't you put yourself in my shoes? Somebody created misunderstanding on purpose and I fall for it as you did 13 years back.'

'Is my mistake so big that you can't let it slide for once and start afresh with me? Why don't you understand your rude behaviour, silent treatment is killing me and I can't bear it........"

Teju thought and cried her heart out still didn't feel better. She stood up in rage and stormed out of the cottage.

Marc saw her moving out without eating breakfast and called her, but she didn't stop. He followed her hurriedly and shocked to see her riding a horse and went into the woods.

"Teju ma'am, please don't ride, stop, what are you doing?" Marc yelled at the top of his lungs but she didn't stop, then he scolded the stable boy to letting her ride on the horse.

Karan was sitting at the back side of the cottage near pond. He heard Marc shouting for Teju's name and hurried to him.

"What has happened, what did she do now?" He was still sarcastic.

"Doctor sir, Teju ma'am is riding a horse when she don't know riding well. Varun sir said specifically to not to let her touch the horse."

"Damn troublemaker, she is driving me insane." Karan mumbled and ran to fetch the another horse.

He followed the direction Teju went and caught her in a few minutes. She was in bad shape, as horse was running fast and she bent to the right side, couldn't stay still.

A few more steps was taken and she got bump on the horse by a long step and about to fall, but Karan reached their, held her from the waist and pulled her towards him. She hugged him, clutching his sweater from back and sobbed.

Karan rode her back to the cottage and stride to their room holding her in his arms and she hide her face in his chest, still sobbing and wetting her sweater by her tears.

Karan made her sit on the bed and yelled again, whereas she was continue sobbing, hiding her face behind her palm.

"Have you lost it, why did you do this? Why don't you think twice before taking reckless step?" Karan stopped then clenched his fist and yelled again. "Will you answer me damn it."

Teju peeked from behind her palm and said in a baritone. "I am already scared by horse and you are scolding me."

"Then why did you climb the horse, when you don't know the riding well?"

Teju sobbed more. "I was upset, because you were mad at me even after my so many efforts to pacify you. Your silent treatment was killing me that's why to get some fresh air I went out and climbed the horse while not thinking straight."

Karan realised he took it too far and she was pitiful.

"I am sorry for venting my frustration on you. To be truth I wasn't upset by you for the divorce issue anymore. I had seen your efforts in the last 15 days and last night decided to call it of and reconcile with you, but before that you abducted me and brought me overseas."

"I couldn't come up with the shock that I slept in my bedroom in India and woke up in Switzerland. It didn't make sense for me to travel overseas without managing my work, my family, with no packing of necessary stuffs. My anger overpowered my senses, making me vent it on everbody."

Karan explained politely holding her cheeks, then looked at her to read her expressions, but received a shock.


Karan was slapped by Teju.
