The Drunken State


Trio girls started their so called party in a barbecue restaurant with round of pegs one after another eating with equal enthusiasm in the beginning, but later they got into the effect of alcohol.

After few rounds of drinks they all began tipsy and their inner emotions started popping up in their every words.

"Oh, Teju why are you so happy today?" Jasmin asked the same question for the third time and everytime before answering to her Teju laughed gleefully.

"I am happy because I will finally get a perfect guidance of a perfect mentor. Hahaha, thank you so much Dr. PM."

Teju also repeated the same and thanked Prince again which pleased to him, who was listening to them.

Teju, Adaa and Jasmin didn't know that Karan and Prince are on the other table behind them and listening their entire conversation.

Karan and Prince came to have some drink after so long for being relax but unfortunately couldn't do that.

"It's nice to get some time after so long. I am feeling great." Prince said while taking seat just behind the table of three friends.

"Right, even I am feeling blessed today. I think we got out to drink after decades." Karan said while looking at the menu.

"Yes, today I am going to drink a lot and Yuvika will also be late in the hospital. So technically, nothing can stop me today."

Prince took the glass of wine and about to drink, but Karan held his hand to stop him.

"Sorry my friend, it seems like this is not our day. We can't drink today."

Karan beckoned through eyes at the table behind him. Prince turned around to look and beat his forehead.

"These three are already drunk, now at least we have to be sober until the end, seems like we have to work hard tonight." Karan said.

"Hahaha, seems like your Dr. PM is a nice guy unlike my brother, Prince Malhotra, the angry bird." Jasmin also said the same line between laugh and hiccups.

Prince held his forehead, his sister is blabbering under the affect of alcohol. He had never seen her like this before that's why the protective brother inside him was not at ease.

"What the hell Jas is doing. I can't sit still anymore."

Prince was getting up to take his sister home, but stopped by Karan again.

"Hey Prince relax. Just let her enjoy with her friends and you also enjoy this new side of her. What's more you are already here to protect your baby sis from every odd." Karan said while sipping cold drink and relishing with food.

"Enjoy my foot, these three idiots are drunk like hell, what would they do if we wouldn't be here. What if they would have ended up into any kind of trouble? I can't even imagine, it's giving me shivers." Prince said angrily and once again looked behind to his sister.

"Why are you getting annoyed over the matter which hasn't happen? You and me are here and we can protect the girls of our family. Even Teju is there, am I tense like you?" Karan was unexpected cool today.

Prince looked at Karan weirdly with the mixed emotions of annoyance and confusion.

Of course this not the Karan he knows for ages. As per Karan's temperament he could be more indignant till now with the sense of protection for his Teju and turned this restaurant upside down and Prince could have hard time to pacify him.

Just after getting some boost to his doubt of Dr. Teju being his Teju, he is all cool, which he used to be with her.

"What gotten into you my friend? Why are you so cool today?" Prince asked with a teasing smirk.

"I am happy and relax as well after getting the concrete lead about my Teju."

No doubt Karan has feeling of being the luckiest guy in the world.

"Karan, I don't want to disappoint you, but please until you will be 100 percent sure about Teju Kapoor being Tejasswi Prakash please hold your horses. It's just I don't want to see you disheartened later." Prince said solemnly.

He just don't want Karan to have high hopes now and heart broken later.

"It's already confirmed to the level of 85 percent and rest 15 percent will also be a positive result. I have a gut feeling about it."

Karan said with confidence and Prince prayed in his heart for his friend.

"Hope so, but why are you still so cool, when she is drinking insanely."

Prince raised the same concern again, but Karan jerked it again.

"Kapoor family raised her nicely with boldness and confidence. I don't think I need to worry about her for this trivial matter."

Karan and Prince looked at the the girls again who were still drinking and chatting. Adaa is less drunk between the three, seems like she can hold her liquor better then the rest two, Teju was at the second position but Jasmin was completely down and talking the most in the loud voice.

"She is drinking because she is happy, why are you drinking then?" Jasmin fired the question to Adaa.

Adaa first bottoms up her peg then answered, "I am drinking because I am sad, I am pissed by my dad. He wanted a son in law so desperately that fixing the three blind dates in a day. And all those newbie politicians are so annoying, uneducated jerks."

Adaa bursted, out of the blue in the answer of Jasmin's question, then started crying pouring her heart out. Teju and Jasmin were consoling her cutely, struggling to hug her around the table. The entire scene was so funny that Karan and Prince had hard time to control their laughter.

Then Jasmin also started shedding tears crying vigorously, which dumbfounded Karan and Prince.

Teju and Adaa started consoling her.

"Now, what is wrong with her?" Prince raised his eyebrows to Karan.

"Wait and watch, the scene will unfold."

"Jasmin, my darling what happened to you? Were you also fixed into blind dates by a old man, like me." Adaa sniffed and asked, but Jasmin nodded her head in negative cutely.

"I am entangled into treat these patients by my fastidious brother, but I can't do it because I don't want to do it."

"What, me fastidious?"

Prince widen his eyes in shock, he stood up to get hold of his sister but Karan stopped and laughed.

"Relax Prince, let her open up with her friends and consider yourself lucky that you can get to know what your sister thinks about you. By the way she is right, you are too ruthless to her."

"Oh, poor Jasmin baby, she was really tortured by her brother." Teju said while wiping Jasmin's tears.

"Yes, your brother is a Hitler." Adaa said.


Trio girls were sharing their emotions Teju was happy and the other two were sad. The Hitler word suddenly hit Teju's emotions and now she also started crying like the rest two.

"Now what is wrong with her, she was all happy this evening?"

Karan and Prince looked at the girls then each other and shrug their shoulders.

"Teju, why are you crying? You also don't like to treat patients?" Jasmin asked innocently?

Teju nodded in negative.

"Then were you fixed into so many blind dates, like me?" Adaa extended her both the hands at the side to show the quantity and asked.

Teju nodded again in negative.

"Then were you tortured by your fastidious brother, like me."

Teju again only nodded in no.

"Then what is wrong with you." Adaa yelled and slammed the table.

Teju started crying more vigorously. "Hitler, I hate him. Dr. Hitler Kundrra gave me so many punishments."

Now this time Prince laughed and Karan's eyes widen in shock. He can't believe she is discussing him over drinks with her friends that too in her most drunken state. Am I holding a place in her life or nothing to her.

"Dr. Karan Kundrra, your Miss Teju already hates you to the bones because of your so called punishments to teach her lessons. You already made it complicated for yourself."

Prince laughed and made fun of Karan and he only scratched the back of his head.

"Liar she is. She used to enjoy every work given by me and never considered it a punishment and said that she is gaining experiences."

The fact about Teju, Karan said to Prince, the same thing Jasmin said to Teju and slammed her hand on the table.

"Liar, you said you like to work and it's not punishment. Weren't you gaining experience?"

"Of course I was gaining. It wasn't a punishment for me." Teju said with hiccup sniffed cutely.

"Then why these big fat tears rolling down on your cheeks?" Adaa blabbered and took a tear drop from Teju's cheeks on her finger tip.

"It's Hitler, that Hitler Kundrra." Teju said again and cried vigorously.

"What about him?" Adaa and Jasmin yelled in unison being fed up of Teju creating suspence.

"That Hitler is so cute......"
