The Prank

Teju was back to her usual chirpy self, laughing with her friends Adaa and Jasmin.

The trio was sitting in cafeteria and having coffee.

“Teju, you are a stress buster. How do you switch your mood from angry to naughty so fast?” Jasmin asked in astonishment.

“To tell you the truth, I rarely get angry, I just like to be happy, laugh and have fun around. Lately, Dr. HK is annoying me on purpose and picking on me for no reason.” Teju said calmly while sipping her coffee.

The group of three of the girls had a good time and after getting refreshed with the coffee they were lingering in the lounge when they collide with Dr. Prince.
Jasmin’s happy, chirpy face changed into a nervous one like a scared kitten. She took a step back and tightned her palm on the sling of her bag.

“Jasmin, your working hours were over long ago, why didn’t you go home? What are you still doing here?” Prince asked sternly.

He always treats his sister strictly, so that she will never lose her focus in life, and Jasmin was also obsequious.

Jasmin lowered her lashes, licked her dry lips, and replied meekly, “My car had broken down this morning on the way to the hospital. Teju helped me and offered a lift. I called another car to get back home, I am just waiting for it.”

Prince shook his head and said, “Alright, by the way, you made good friends in the hospital. Teju is a good and intelligent doctor. You will learn many great things in her company.”

Jasmin exhaled a deep breath. Her brother was unimaginably nice to her just now, which is rare.

Prince walked past the girls and was going on his way when Teju called him from behind, “Excuse Dr. PM.......”

Adaa and Jasmin looked at each other in confusion.
‘Now, what is Teju up to? Hope she wouldn’t do anything stupid.’ Adaa crossed her fingers.

“Yes....?” Prince turned around and raised his eyebrows.

“You are Dr. Prince Malhotra, a famous and leading surgeon, Dr. Yuvika is one of the best pediatric in the town and Dr. Anand Malhotra is a famous doctor as well.”

All looked at Teju weirdly, not getting what she wants to do. Teju didn’t bother about others and continued.

“Group of famous and leading doctors under one roof and Jasmin’s family as well. She can learn the entire medical encyclopedia from her family. She doesn’t need me, in fact she needs love, a friendly atmosphere. Just once try to be her friend rather than her elder brother, she will not only learn from you but also share her feelings. Give it a try, it’s a request, you will definitely see a different Jasmin. And pardon me for crossing my limits.” Teju said boldly and bowed her head respectfully to the last line.

“No, it’s ok.” Prince came out of the shock and uttered. He never thought in this way and nobody ever told him.

After Prince was gone, Adaa smacked on Teju’s shoulder and chided. “Teju, are you out of your mind? Don’t you want to complete your internship at Prakash hospital peacefully? Who gave you the right to school, Dr. Prince, on how to behave with his sister?”

“Shut up AK, don’t exaggerate. I wasn’t wrong.” Teju said carelessly and walked from there. Adaa and Jasmin hurriedly followed her.

“Teju, Adaa is right. Why don’t you just mind your own business? Don’t push all the seniors doctor of the hospital for no reason.”

Jasmin tried to make Teju understand, but she didn’t give a damn about anything.

“Both of you stop making a mountain out of molehill.”

Adaa knows Teju is very strong headed and will not listen to anybody. She held her wrist and pulled her towards the exit door.

“Let’s call it a day. I must take you home before you create another fuss.” Teju pulled Adaa back, jerked her hand and started scratching her left palm.

“No, I am not going home. My left palm is itching.” Adaa beat her forehead in annoyance.

“Not again, please,” Adaa said helplessly.
asmin scratched her head in confusion. These two friends of her are very mischievous.

“Hey guys, now what does that mean? Adaa, why are you worried if she has an itch in her palm?”

"Jasmin, you must know that Teju is a big prankster. Her left palm only itches when she doesn’t do any prank for a long time and until she will does one, she will not be at ease."

Jasmin’s eyes widen in shock. Teju is too different and her habits are weird.

“Please stop her from doing any pranks in the hospital.” Jasmin said hurriedly.

Adaa looked at Teju who was rubbing her and, drowning in some deep thoughts. Perhaps making plans for a prank.

“It's too late, now nobody can stop her and you also don’t dare to meddle in her matter of prank, otherwise you will be her prey for that another prank. I just wish she will not do anything to Dr. KK.” Adaa said helplessly.

“Oh my God.” Jasmin mumbled.

“I got an idea.”

Teju’s eyes were lit with mischievousness, and she clicked her finger. Then she dragged her friends to an isolated corner and before they even say anything, she shared her idea of prank with the both of them.

“No ways, we will not let you do this.”

“Yes, we will not allow you to do such a horrible thing.”

Both of her friends denied but Teju was way more stubborn then anything can imagine, she made her friends agree to her plan.

To execute the plan, Teju put on a Burkha, an Islamic outfit which covered the woman from head to toe and only eyes were visible behind the veil. Then wore a dark shade to cover her eyes and walked into the hospital with confidence.

In front of the hospital’s main door, there was a display board written all senior doctors’ name with their position in hospital.

‘Dr. Karan Kundrra, the dean,’ was written at the top.

Teju brought a stepladder from the back side of the hospital and nobody had seen it in the dark.

She climbed the ladder and pasted a look alike sticker at the name of Karan and made it Dr. Hitler Kundrra.

Then she sneaked into the hospital and pasted another sticker of Hitler at the door of his cabin.

After doing this outside of the cabin, she sneaked in and found the nameplate on his table. She had a third sticker, which she pasted on it.

Teju boldly changed Dr. Karan’s name into Dr. Hitler Kundrra and sneaked out of the hospital.

She planned the entire prank at night to hide it from everybody and to not get noticed by surveillance camera.

Finally, Teju called it a day from her naughty acts and went back home. She sat on the couch in the living room, kept her head at the back post. It was a hectic day. She became entangled in an argument with Karan twice in a row, but in the end, she had taken her revenge.

“Did you do a prank at the hospital?”

Varun Kapoor’s voice jerked Teju from her thoughts. She straightened her back and looked into Varun’s suspicious gaze.
