
“Thank you so much doctor, you saved my child.”

The slum woman kissed the back of Teju’s palm and said in gratitude.

“It’s alright madam, it’s my duty as a doctor.” Teju said.
As the daughter of a social worker, she had learned to help the needy and poor. And after being a doctor, she takes it as her job to help others.

“No, it’s not, Dr. Teju.”
Karan couldn’t take it anymore and spoke angrily.

“It’s ok Karan, Dr. Teju.......”
Dr. Yuvika tried to ease the situation before the spread of fire, but Karan interrupted her.

“No, Yuvika, it’s not. Dr. Teju, this is a reputed hospital, not any naturopathy clinic. You can’t use any means of treatment, rough home remedies on every patient you encounter in emergency.”

Karan was furious with Teju for again not following the rules of the hospital. Same mistake twice in a row.

Even though the patient was saved, he can’t accept this trend of breaking rules no matter what was the reason.

“I know you were only trying your best to save a patient, but we have certain rules, protocols that everyone should follow, and I will not tolerate any mistakes.” Karan said sternly.

“Karan, I think you are taking it too far. Everything is fine. As a doctor, she has done a great job.” Yuvika said.

“I can’t wait for any case to worsen, to teach these interns is the basic duty as a doctor, rules and protocols of the hospital. Yuvika, doctor’s duty is to save life, so we need to be very careful and sure in our every step, there is no room for mistakes, coz we can’t get a second chance to rectify it.”

Karan’s big lecture irritated Teju. She knew, even though Karan is talking to Dr. Yuvika, but this long lecture of rules and protocols is for her.
How could Teju let it go without refuting, when she was sure she was not wrong?

“Very correct Dr. Karan, doctor needs to be very careful and sure, but I guess they need to be very fast as well when it comes to emergencies. Allopathic, homeopathy, naturopathy or Ayurveda, these all are just the way of treatments, to be used at the correct time in a correct way, with fruitful result.”

Teju placed her point politely yet boldly and continued, which was not pleasing to Karan.

“Dr. KK and Dr. Yuvika you are such an educated, reputed and highly qualified doctors. I don’t think you have missed the book written by Dr. Yan Sam-Pa, famous cardiologist of Japan. He told in his book, ‘the fastest way of treatment in any situation is your common sense and the most important thing is, how you use it.’ Isn’t it?”

The way Teju proved her point with the example of a book written by a famous doctor on medical situation was very impressive. She amazed everybody, including Karan.

It surprised Karan after listening to Teju’s knowledge at such a young age; it showed her dedication towards her work. For a once he thought she was unbeatable, but the next moment he made his face hard stone.

“The famous book of Doctor Yan Sam-Pa is a delight of doctors and nice to hear that Dr. Teju has such deep knowledge.”

Dr. KK is praising an intern that too whom he was reprimanding a few moments ago. This is a shock for many staff members, but for many young female staff a reason to be envious of Teju, who worshipped Dr. Karan as a God of Greek in their heart. Especially Rashmi’s tail was on fire.

“Even though you saved that kid’s life, I don’t find it correct. You will get nothing in your life by breaking rules; you did the same mistake twice in one day, which is not tolerable. Do you hear me?”

Karan appreciated Teju’s knowledge before in a flow, now he rectified his mistake. It was like cold water on the fire of many female staff member’s hearts, who were burning since Karan praised Teju.

Teju was stunned seeing Karan change his colors so fast. ‘Huh, this man is impossible. I thought he got my point, but he barely moved on from his so-called rule book.’

Karan had already moved from there after lecturing, but Teju called him from behind.

“Excuse me Dr. KK, if you really want to talk about rules, ouch........”

Adaa thought Teju could pick a fight again and land herself in trouble, that’s why she stomped on her foot and hijacked her words.

“Then we got your point and all interns will keep it in our mind.”

“What is wrong with you, AK?” Teju yelled and jumped on her foot after the crowd dispersed.

“Why the hell do you have to argue with Dr. KK? You did your job, saved the child, he didn’t like it and lectured you, now it’s over. Please don’t exaggerate the matter.”

“Why shouldn’t I? He can’t always school me his so-called rules of the hospital without knowing the reason behind.”

Teju said while looking at the direction Karan went. She too walked behind him despite of her friends’ struggle to stop her.

Once again, Teju stormed into Karan’s cabin without knocking and didn’t bother with his reaction.

“Again, now what is the problem with Dr. Teju?”

Karan exhaled a deep breath. No point in getting frustrated with this girl for the same thing.

The way she barged into his cabin was already proving her frustration and making his eyes spark in triumph.

“Why does Dr. Karan have to teach and reprimand regarding rules and regulations only to me? Why are other staff members of the hospital an exceptional? You conveniently blamed me in the morning also for not treating a snake bitten patient with anti-venom, but don’t tell me that you don’t even know the reason behind.”

Teju spit out, which she held inside in the morning in the emergency ward. There was no supply of anti-venom and many other drugs in the emergency ward, which was not her fault.

“What does that mean?” Karan raised his eyebrows in question.

“Don’t act, Mr. Dean of the hospital. You must know what is going on in your hospital, don’t pretend to be oblivious.”

Teju was fuming. She can’t believe that today the supply of drugs was late from the pharmacy department and Dr. KK didn’t get any report about it.

Now Karan also lost the last bit of his patience and chided, “What the hell are you talking? Either elaborate or leave. Don’t waste my time.”

Since he met this prankster girl, he is getting jittery and now this absurd riddles of hers was driving him crazy.

“I can’t believe being the dean of the hospital you don’t even know that today the drugs supply for the wards was so late that we were running out of stock of anti-venom in the emergency ward. To take out the poison from the patient’s body, I had to use a natural way and save a life before I could receive the anti-venom. Dr. Karan, you can’t pick and chose.”

Teju spilled the entire truth she was holding in since morning. When the entire fault was the management of the hospital, why did Dr. Karan scold her and there is no way she will take it silently.

“How could that be?” Karan said in bewilderment. His hospital can’t commit such a big mistake.

“It’s better for you to find on your own how this can be. After all, you are the dean.” Teju said ironically.

“Such a big hospital and zero in management.” Teju mumbled the last line and stormed out of Karan’s cabin without listening to his reply.

Adaa and Jasmin surrounded Teju outside the dean’s cabin and shot their question in concern.

“Teju, what is wrong with you, why did you go after Dr. KK?” Adaa said.

“Teju, mend your ways, why are you picking a fight with Dr. KK for no reason? Do you not want to complete your internship peacefully?” Jasmin said.

“Guys, I didn’t do anything. I was just helping my patients, irrespective of the way. It’s Dr. HK, crossing my path again and again to find fault with me. And JM, regarding my internship, nobody has the power to stop Teju Kapoor.”

Even though Teju’s face was red in anger, she was still pompous in her way.

“Who is Dr. HK?” Jasmin asked in confusion.

“The dean of the Prakash hospital, Dr. Hitler Kundrra.” Teju answered and Jasmin started laughing like a maniac.
