Teju Is Missing

"How did you get to know about the lead Karan and Sunita Kundrra have and what was that?" Naren Prakash asked to his son Sahil Prakash

Sahil brimmed in proud. "I have my sources, in order to search for all of them, I had my men to follow the entire Malhotra family and recently got to know that Sunita Malhotra paid a visit to Disha and Varun Kapoor. Later I found that Disha and Rishabh Kapoor bailed out uncle Shashank 12 years ago.

Naren Prakash hit his forehead in annoyance. "Holy shit, how can I be so nonchalant about this matter. How did I miss that Disha and Sakshi were so close all their life, who else could be their savior. How can I be so ignorant."

"Dad relax, you will get nothing by cry over spilt milk. It's good that I was following Kundrra family and got an important piece of information." Sahil said with self proud.

"You idiot, I asked you to find them before Karan Kundrra and you are doing nothing, just following Kundrra family? Do you want to get defeated again, you dumb head." Naren Prakash chided and Sahil was offended.

"Excuse me dad, at least I am doing something, working hard for you. It's not that I failed and end up got sentenced like you."

"That's was not enough, you fool......" Naren Prakash yelled again.

"Dad, watch your mouth. I am the only one you can count when you are in prison."

Naren took few deep breath to calm down. He need to coax Sahil to work harder and get result fast.

"Sahil, listen to me, go to Kapoor mansion and try to dig every single information about Shashank, Sakshi and Tejasswi. Even a tiniest bit information will be useful, but get me Tejasswi anyhow. This time I want her in front of me before Karan Kundrra, did you get it?"

Sahil nodded and went from there. The next day he was standing in front Kapoor mansion in disguise, but he had to think for the way to get in from the security door.

Sahil stood there for long while thinking, how to get in, when a car stopped near about him and he overheard telephonic conversation of the driver.

"It's Mrs. Modi speaking. Yes, I have already spoke to Mrs. Disha Kapoor about the job and she asked me to send the candidates for interview in an hour. Do arrange their safe journey to Kapoor mansion."

The driver discontinued the call and drove of and Sahil got the idea to pass this security gate.

"Yes, who are you and what are you here for?"

A security guard stopped Sahil and asked him while looking at her from top to bottom.

"I am here to see Mrs. Disha Kapoor for the job interview. Mrs. Modi sent me here." Sahil lied flawlessly as he planned.

The security guard looked at him weirdly then told about him to their security head who was standing in the guards cabin. He also looked at Sahil from top to bottom, then made a call.

"Mr. Kapoor, we have a visitor here and seems like he is in disguise."

Security guard reported sincerely about his suspicion.

"What made you think, he is in disguise?"

"He said he is here to see Mrs. Kapoor for the job interview."

"But, mom is out of town and the interview is going to conduct by her secretary that too for middle-aged widower women."

"That's right sir."

"Great job......"

Varun complimented the security head for being alert and reported him.

"Thank you sir, but what should I do with this guy, shall I chase him away or inform the police."

"Send him in....."


"Send him to my visitor lounge, I will conduct his interview."

Varun knew, if somebody wants to barge into his house in disguise then even if they will chase him away, he will keep on trying. So it's better to grab him at the first chance they got and find out his motives.

"So, Mr. Amit Rai, what kind of job you can do?"

Varun asked from Sahil glaring him from head to toe then his fake CV with a smirk.

"I can be a helper or cleaner or I can drive for you or your family members." Sahil said confidently.

Varun is a foresighter and experienced man. Sahil's every gesture and posture is proving that he is not a poor or needy who lied to get a job. Obviously he has some ulterior motives.

"Do you know how many people are there in my family?" Varun asked the next question.

"No, I didn't....." Sahil nodded his head in no.

Varun released a sigh.

"But sir, if you can't hire me for any reason, you can recommend me to your friends and relatives who visits you."

"Alright, I will try to get you a job, just leave your details and contact number." Varun said and stood up and Sahil was sent out by the staff.

Varun looked at the fake CV of Sahil with hatred and said, "Mr. Amit Rai, don't ever try to fool me, Sahil Prakash."

Rahul called Disha and told her the entire incident which made her flew back home immediately.

Disha was tense, pacing back and forth in her study room. Rahul stopped her, held her both hands and nodded his head. Disha sighed, took her phone and dialled an international number with trembling hands and put it on the speaker.

"We are in trouble, they all have serious doubt about it. Few days back Sunita Kundrra and Anand Malhotra paid a visit, they were so adamant. Now Sahil Prakash barged into my house in disguise. Thanks to heaven Varun got to know about him and dealt with him."

The person on another side of the call said something which changed Varun and Disha's face expressions, specially Varun, who was not in the favour.

"Are you sure about it....." Varun said immediately.

"Yes we are......" The other person said.

Disha sighed and beckoned Varun to not to say anything further.

"Airtight, Shashank and Sakshi, I will go as per your plan, don't worry. In every circumstances Teju's security comes first, nothing else matters.

"Now what to do mom?" Varun asked helplessly.

"Tightened the security around Teju for now." Disha said and stormed out of the room.

The days had been passed and nothing happened. Everything was fine for the couple of weeks. 15 days later, suddenly one day Teju was missing.

Everyone was tensed in Kapoor mansion and calling Teju pacing here and there.

"Where are you Teju, you said you will be back in an hour from the spa, I shouldn't let you go alone." Dhanya repeated the same line she already did multiple times in last one hour.

She called Adaa and got to know that Teju didn't show up in the spa.

Now this is shocking.

Teju said that she is going to spa, but she didn't go. She never lied. This can't be her prank.

"I think we should contact to the police."

Varun fetched his phone to call the police commissioner, but recieved a call from an unknown number.

An hour later the Kapoor family marched into Kundrra mansion with indignant faces. The entire Kundrra and Malhotra family was present in the living hall of Kundrra mansion except for Karan.

Disha, Dhanya bows their head out of courtesy, but Varun pulled a long face, because he was tagged along to visit Kundrra mansion forcefully by Disha.

"Hello, Disha, Mr. and Mrs. Kapoor......" Sunita said softly followed by everbody. The Kapoor family were welcomed.

"Sunita and Anand what is all this, what is going on? Why did you call us here?" Disha asked.

"Disha, let's talk peacefully, please have a seat first." Anand said and everbody made them way to couch.

"No, need....." Varun showed his head and said rudely.

"No need to show fake courtesy. Neither we are in such relatioship to exchange pleasantries nor we are here to sit and talk peacefully."

"Varun please take it easy, no need for you to be so rude." Dhanya mumbled in Varun's ears.

Varun exhaled a deep breath and looked at everbody. They all were staring him with wide eyes.

"Mrs. Kundrra and Mr. Malhotra, please tell me when I am asking nicely, where is my sister, where is Teju?" Varun was again going to lose his shit. He was overprotective and some how over possessive for his sister.

Dhanya held his hand to not let him lose his temper again.

"Teju is missing since morning, she went out for an hour and now it's already evening and no sign of her. We can't even connect thru her mobile. I was going to inform police, but I got a call from your son. Karan Kundrra asked me to reach Kundrra mansion, if I want to see my Teju."

At the end Varun couldn't keep his composure and raised his voice.

"Mrs. Kundrra, please tell us where is Teju, my entire family is worried for her." Dhanya immediately interrupt.

"Dr. Teju is here with me....."

They all turned towards the entrance door at the source of voice and shocked to see Karan and Teju were dolled up in bride and groom's attire with flower garlands.
