A Trip To Past

Teju composed herself, stood properly, then pushed Karan's hand from her waist harshly.

"Don't you dare touch me. You were my childhood friend, how could you be so monstrous? You not only made by dad arrested in fact got married to me forcefully, when you got me after so many years."

Teju was heart broken, dejected feeling like betrayed by the person whom she consider the closest, once upon.

She walked to Varun with tears in her eyes, held his both hands and said, "VB, back then when we registered our marriage, you were asking, why did I do this? I had to take that step because Karan Kundrra extorted me, on the name of Jasmin."

Jasmin crouch her head feeling guilty. Varun held Teju's cheek by one hand and said, "We all knew everything, dear."

Teju frowned being bewildered at first, when she registered the fact, shock was understatement for her. She rendered silent for a long and looked at every one in the room then at last her parents.

Their expressions were saying it all. She was back stabbed by everyone altogether.

"Oh, so everyone knew about it, still nobody stopped him. Mom, dad how could you do this to your daughter." She was disappointed the most in her parents.

"Yes, we let him do this because he got married to you to save you from your enemy otherwise your life would be in jeopardy."

Teju didn't believe, and thought, they are cooking up a story.

"Ahh, what nonsense are you talking dad, how can marriage save my life? And who the hell are our bloody enemy? I am not getting, what is all this going on?" Teju blabbered in frustration and once again held her head which was spinning.

"Teju, please relax, stop taking stress." Karan held her from shoulder being concern.

Teju saw his face, jerked him again and screamed. "Don't touch me, how many times do I need to tell you."

Karan gained temper by her obstinacy. He held her shoulder tighter than before and made her sit on the bed forcefully.

She wiggled but he didn't let her go and scolded. "Stop being obstinate and mulish already and quite down. Now listen to godfather and godmother, then make decision about this marriage, did you hear me?"

Teju nodded her head with grumpy face. Karan let go of her seeing her obedient nod and Shashank and Sakshi sat either side of her.

"Teju, don't take stress, we will disclose everything to you." Sakshi said.

"No mom, first let me know the name of our bloody nemesis."

"They are Naren Prakash and his family." Shashank said with deep greviances.

Teju thinks for a while and registered this name. "Naren Prakash? Do you mean uncle Naren? But why and what is his problem with us?"

"Yes, Naren, your uncle and my younger brother." Shashank confirmed and crouched his head.

"And why is he after us, what is his problem?"

"It's nothing, he is just jealous and insecure from us to the level that he can't see us happy. Being blinded behind his insecurities and resentment he killed Rajeev."

Sakshi's voice turned heavy and she squint her eyes with Sunita and Shashank. Tears rolled down from their eyes reminiscing the brutal murder of an important member of their family.

"What? That's horrible." Teju blabbered, got another big shock of the day.

"Since that day I am ashamed of myself for being elder brother of a monster like Naren. He killed my sworn brother, snatched Sunita's life partner and father of these kids when they were young and innocent."

"But dad, this Sunny said you killed godfather and made you arrested. I pleaded him so much, but he didn't listen to me."

13 years back when Rajeev was murdered and Shashank was arrested it's all registered in young Teju's innocent brain and more painfull thing was Karan had done that. In a dreadful and miserable situation he was not by her side but against her.

"That was all Naren's trick. He trapped Shashank and Karan. He proved Shashank guilty and being young to understand his plot Karan fell in it." Sakshi said and Karan crouch his head in remorse.

"I made the biggest mistake of my life when I accused you. I deserve punishment."

"Karan I told you million times before, it wasn't your fault. Now forget that and move on."

Teju looked the guilt and remorse of her family members and felt sharp resentment towards Naren.

"Why the hell he was jealous from us to the level to wanted to kill all of us?"

"It's a personality issue, I was always obedient son, hard working and focused towards career, whereas he was disobedient, lazy, careless towards the life that forgot right or wrong. My dad always used to praise me and asked him to be like me which made him envious from me."

Shashank begin the flashback story with the help of Sakshi.

"Me, Shashank, Rajeev, Anand and Disha were together in the medical college, but Disha dropped out after first year and got married, whereas we four formed a unique bond and got famous as fantastic four in the college. We all were good in studies and do group studies often, most of the times at Shashank's house. That's why dad used to like all of us so much, in comparison of Naren's Vegabond friends." Sakshi said while thinking about the old days.

"I have completed my MBBS with 90% score, held second position in the college and the next year Naren also passed medical college but with 65% scores which made dad compared his results to mine. He was not serious during academics and used to do vagrancy with his rouge friends that's why dad started disliking everything about him and always scolds him."

"We all completed our intership from the top most hospital of the city, Anand applied for lectureship and everybody moved on, but Naren couldn't able to get any job after completing his internship from a shabby hospital because of his below average grades."

"In every aspect Naren left behind from Shashank because of his incompetence and careless attitude which made him feel inferior, envious of Shashank, cherry on top, dad's constant scolding made him prejudice and resentful towards Shashank's every dear ones." Sakshi said.

"Me, Sakshi and Rajeev were working together in the same hospital but always wanted to start our own hospital and that's why saving money to get our own land depth free. Another side Naren was nagging dad to charity his heritage land in the prime location of Mumbai City to build his own hospital."

Shashank took a pause reminiscing the past then continued. "My dad scared of taking risk for Naren, after all he was never serious about his life or career. He just wanted to compete with me."

"Two years later me and Shashank got married and few months later Rajeev and Sunita tied knot. We all started our new life together and shared a close bond."

"Six months later one day suddenly Naren got home with his bride after registering their marriage secretly because his bride Sana was 2 months pregnant. Dad blew up in anger for such kind of run away marriage before making it on a card."

"Later only we came to know he took this step out of jealousy and insecurity to produce the first heir of Prakash assests before me and Shashank. He gone nuts behind his insecurities and greeds."

"However though he was luck to got Sana as his wife, who was a kind, warm hearted and sensible woman. She even tried to make Naren understand, so that he will mend his ways but poor she, had a worse luck to got Naren as life-partner." Sakshi said with remorse, thinking about Sana who had gone through so much after getting married to Naren.

"We were in joint family, that's why me and Shashank were taking care of many things which made Naren more reckless. He was not even bother for his newly wedded wife who was pregnant, let alone the unborn child."

"I still wonder, how did a beast like Naren trapped a simple and innocent girl like Sana. How he made a most skilled nurse of the hospital he was working fall for him so harder to get married. Poor she, being a self-respected woman worked till the last date of her delivery." Shashank said being mad at his own brother.

"Sana gave birth to a baby boy and named him Sahil."

"But mom, I don't remember I had any cousin, let alone this Sahil." Teju asked.

"You couldn't remember because when you were born we were not together in a joint family anymore." Sakshi answered.

Then Shashank detailed the story.

"After few years of Sahil's birth, when Sana was pregnant second time my dad chased us out of the house. He asked me and Sakshi to leave his old house and make our separate living."

Shashank got emotional while reminiscing the day he had to leave his dad. He was cried his lungs out, back on that day while departing from his role model.
