The Painful Past

"Why grandpa chased us out of his house, he didn't loved us back then?" Teju asked innocently.

"No dear, your grandpa used to love us the most specially you were the apple of his eye, but he made this decision for me." Sakshi said.


"Post Sahil's birth Sana took only a month long maternity leave for postpartum recovery then started working because Naren was fired from his job for being reckless. Though I tried to support them financially but Sana being self-respected refused any help."

"I knew Sana wasn't earning good to afford babysitter or nanny of her child on top of that Naren's tantrum who drinks daily, that's why I quit my job for some time to take care of Sahil." Sakshi said.

"While taking care of Sahil Sakshi had miscarriage twice and second time when she fell from the stairs her uterus affected and doctor predict that she can't conceive again."

"When Naren came to know that Sakshi couldn't conceive, he started taunting her calling her sterile and bad omen for his child. He didn't let her touch Sahil then. One day dad couldn't stand for his derogatory behaviour anymore and they both had a big fight."

"Dad wanted to through him out of the house but he had to tolerate him for his wife and innocent child. In order to teach him a lesson dad asked us to move out because Sana was pregnant second time with complications and on the bed rest."

"According to dad, that was the time for Naren to take care of his family by own rather than depending on Shashank."

Shashank and Sakshi were telling their story alternatively and the new generation was listening it with wide eyes. They both had gone through so much in their life.

"Then what had happened dad?" Teju asked impatiently when Shashank took a pause of few minutes.

"Your godfather and Shashank build this mansion by their hard earning and we all settled here as a one family." Sunita said while looking all around the mansion and feeling emotional.

"I wanted my dad to come and stay with us, but he refused to leave Sana and her child alone with Naren who was unpredictable even with his family. In greed of asset of Prakash family he had to behave in front of dad. "Shashank said.

"Few months later we got to know that Sana passed away after the birth of her second child. We wanted to attend her funeral but Naren neither let us attend her ceremonial nor let let us see his kids. The resentment he harboured against us in his heart these many years, didn't reduce a bit even after being away from his sight." Sakshi said.

"Then I brought my dad here with me, even though he don't want to, I made it forcefully."

"Few years later at Karan's fifth birthday I got to know that I am pregnant second time and I felt bad for Sakshi, that's why I promised her that my childrens will be hers." Sunita said.

All smiled seeing the love between the family who were not blood related.

"That's so sweet of you godmother, then what happened?" Teju asked.

"Only few months later it was my 5 month we all got the biggest surprise of our life that Sakshi conceived. It was not less than a miracle. All said my unborn child is lucky for the family and he was called Lucky before even born."

"Even in her full months Sunita only took care of me coz of two painful experience in the past. That's why when Lucky born, he and Karan got closer to me and you got closer to your godmother."

Now these were the topics related to women and story took over by Sunita and Sakshi. They both are narrating it with excitement.

"When Sakshi was about to give birth, Karan was the most desperate to see the baby. He already had a little brother in my arms, but he wasn't interested to play with his brother, but wanted a baby girl to flaunt as a girlfriend."

Sunita teased Karan. He crouched his head and scratch his neck.

Aly made a fake pout and said. "Is that true Karan, you forgot your only brother before even you got SS?"

"Shut up Lucky." Teju said with blush.

"Naren's insecurities were getting increased with the time that's why dad put the old heritage land of Prakash family under your name and upon his wish we built Prakash hospital on that land you are lady. Then dad name the hospital Tejasswi Prakash at first which irked Naren to the bones." Shashank told further.

"Later we changed it's name to Prakash hospital after getting affiliated for the college."

"Then what happened dad?"

"Naren tired many times to join the hospital, but dad was the chairman and he didn't let him step in, which only arose his inner fire of jealousy for many years."

"I tried to convince dad to forgive Naren and let him work in Prakash hospital, but dad said he knows his blood more than anybody and people like Naren can never be change. I always tried to help him, but he believed that I am fuelling dad against him, which made his more resentful."

"After 8 years of foundation of Prakash hospital dad passed away. He was never a heart patient, don't know how he got into a fatal cardiac arrest, which couldn't let him survive, even I started treatment in the hospital, but he didn't make it." Sakshi said.

"In his last words, he warned me to be careful for my family specially for Simmi, I was an idiot to ignore his warning and caused the death of my sworn brother."

"What does that mean?" Teju asked with frown.

"After dad's demise Naren came back with remorse and shed so many tears of repentance. Told so many sad stories about him and his kids. At first I refused to let him in the hospital as my dad's last wish, later I forgave him coz of his kids."

"I appointed him in the pharmacy department to test the water, he has done perfect job for more than a year which made me trust on him and let my guard down. Then he showed his true colors and started his evil deeds, he ordered cheap and illegal medicines to make money and put patients life in jeopardy."

"People were badmouthing about Prakash hospital and it's reputation was at stake. Then my savior Rajeev caught all his deeds and called me to report about it. He asked me to see him immediately."

"Don't know how Naren got to know about our conversation and before I could reach Rajeev he killed him. When I walked into his cabin he was already dead."

Everybody held their breath listening such a painful past of Shashank. Then Anand began his side of the story.

"Naren called me on purpose and said that Shashank was doing something wrong in the hospital, Rajeev came to know about it and they both had a huge fight. He asked me to come and stop him, otherwise Shashank will kill Rajeev as he is mad right now."

"At the same time, he made me and Samrat listen his conversation with Anand. Being panicked we all reached to the hospital together and saw police was arresting Shashank for killing Rajeev." Sunita said.

"We were mournful in our misery that forgot Shashank and he too rendered shock by Rajeev's demise that didn't pay heed to defence himself.

The mourning silence prevailed in the room and most of them were crying silently thinking about the loss.

"Shashank requested to see Rajeev last time before his last rites and Police allowed under their supervision because Shashank was not a criminal but a reputed doctor, that's why Shashank showed up."

"Karan was young to discriminate between right and wrong, misinterpreted your dad killed his father and yelled at him and asked police to arrest him. He was a young boy who has seen his father's dead body and couldn't able to think straight, otherwise Shashank was already arrested because Naren informed the police."

Sakshi completed narrating the most dreadful incident of their history with tears. This was shocking for everbody because nobody knew Naren informed the police.

"Yes Teju, Karan was not at fault, he was trapped. And about you, then the truth is he got married to you, to save you from our enemies." Shashank said.

"Back on that day you fought, sever ties, tossed ring at Karan and walked out with me when I had to go to police station to bailed out Shashank."

"But Because of murder charges it was getting difficult that's why I seeked Disha and and Rishabh's help. With Rishabh's high level connection we got Shashank out of the jail in no time."

"Then why didn't you all back home and went to Disha's place?" Sunita asked.

"Because of the nemesis of our family."

"What does that mean?"

"I came to know that Sahil is after our family, keeping eye on us, and to secure your, Karan and Lucky's safety I went far from your guys, but he almost reached to Disha, so I had to moved out of her place too. We planned to move out of the country, but he got to know and planned our accident to kill us."

Disha was surprised listening the reason of Shashank of moving out of her house.

"Shashank, Sakshi you both lied to me to move to the hotel. I thought it was your self-respect that you are going to stay in the hotel. I am disappointed in you both.

"Even I can't believe, you disappear from our life without leaving trace for a trivial reason. Were we one family for the name sake, back then?" Sunita also scolded them.

Shashank and Sakshi crouched their head feeling guilty and Teju clapped in excitement.

"Great job Disha mom and godmother, they both left all of us they deserve great scoldings."

"By the way what was Sahil's problem back then, why he was after us, being so young?" Sunita asked.

"Even I don't know the complete back story, it must be Naren's doing for sure, because he was arrested in charge of Rajeev's murder and both father and son duo were mad at me and my family. I don't know how police got the evidence."

"I know how Naren got arrested." Anand said.
