The Messed Up Room

Karan came back home after 3 surgeries in a row, being all tired in hope to get some rest, but got irritate seeing the condition of his room.

The entire room was filled with Teju's luggage and uncountable stuffs. Her accessories was shattered all over the floor and she was doing something with her bag keeping it on the bed.

It was complete mess and Karan hate it. He get used to live in a neat and clean room and likes to keep everything tidy. He rubbed his temple and loosened the knot of his neck tie.

"Mrs. Kundrra, may I know how will you arrange this mess?"

According to Karan's temperament, he should be furious and chided Teju, but he held himself because he got married to her and brought her in his life, so he should be patient and adjust with her.

"Don't worry, I will organize everything. I am pro in this too." Teju said without lifting her head from the bag and bragged about herself.

"Huh, pro my foot. Why moved with these many stuff to other's house." Karan said with frown. He hates when Teju don't take anything seriously.

"How many times do I need to tell you, it's not other's house but mine too and these are my daily necessity stuff, I can't live even a day without these things." Teju said while fetching a pair of casual from her bag and zipped it again.

Karan looked at Teju from head to toe as she is insane then the boxes full of her unnecessary stuff.

"These many things for day to day life, from which planet are you? I can understand books and clothes are essential, but these many accessories, on top of that box full of soft toy and a big one, are you a kid?" He pointed towards the bugs bunny lying on the mid of his bed royally.

"You don't know Mr. HK, these are my friends, my companions and him......." Teju pointed at the bunny toy, picked it and embraced it in her arms.

"He is my sweetheart. I can't sleep without embracing him in my arms, that's why last night I couldn't able to sleep peacefully.

Karan thought that she is a biggest liar, he ever encountered. She was in deep slumber when he carried her to the bed and she didn't even wiggle in sleep.

"Oh, my sweetheart did you miss me last night, I missed you so much and couldn't even sleep without you, you also didn't sleep without your Teju, right?" Teju was talking to the toy childishly.

Karan shook his head with a soft smile seeing her antics and said to tease her. "Bunny sweetheart don't believe  your Teju, she is lying. She slept peacefully last night without you and when I picked her in my arms to move her to the bed she didn't budge at all."

Teju squint her eyes in embarrassment and stuttered. "Th.... That was because I was extremely tired of all the melodrama and marriage."

"Whatever, but you shouldn't lie......."

Karan smirk seeing her awkward. He then dawdled into his room while saving himself from Teju's luggage as he is walking over undermines. He kept his bag at the corner of the table which was full of Teju's stuff.

He dawdled again to his cabinet to fetch a pair of night pants, but as he opened the cabinet the big roll of his clothes fallen over him, a roll fallen on his head from upper shelf and few clothes landed on her foot from the bottom shelf, raising his temper to the sky height.

Teju put her both the hands on her mouth in fear and guilt making her big doe eyes bigger, but it was too late. Now, no gain to cry over spilt milk.

"Mrs. Kundrra........" Karan's roar echoed in the entire mansion and Teju squinted her eyes.

"Is this the way you organized my cabinet in the morning? You made it worst, shattered everything. You need to learn to keep your words."

Even though Teju was startled by his furious yell and indignant face, she tried to explain herself.

"HK, listen to me first, it's not like I don't want to do, but I was in a rush in the morning, so stuffed it like this for the time being. I promise I will arrange everything as it was before."

Listening Karan's loud scream Sunita and Aly barged into their room and was dumbfounded.

"Don't make fake promises, you only know to goof around, doing pranks and childish thing, you can't be serious for......."

Karan was interrupted by Sunita who couldn't take, Teju being scolded.

"Enough Karan, why are you dragging the matter for no reason. I will make everything arrange by servants. You can relax."

"No mom, this is done by her, so she will rectify her mistake and clean all the mess."

Karan ordered and pulled a pair of night pants to get change and in this process few more clothes fell on his head, covering his face.

Teju squinted her eyes again in fear, Karan pulled the clothes from his face, stare Teju angrily and dashed out of the room.

Sunita didn't like Karan's behaviour because of his anger and she scolded him from behind.

"What is wrong with you Karan, why are you so ruthless? Mend your ways, otherwise......"

Karan stopped turned around and showed his palm to his mother and cut her of. "Mom, not again. Please stay out of it."

He turned and stride towards the guest room. Sunita was calling him to stop, but he didn't obey.

"SM, please don't get indignant on HK, it's my mistake I will rectify it. I will organize the entire room as it was before."

Karan heard, what Simmi was talking to Sunita, but he didn't believe her anymore.

The next Morning Karan woke up lazily and obtained that it's not his room, but the guest room. He got upset again recalling the reason of him sleeping in the guest room.

His room was all disarrayed last night and he has no mood to see that mess again, but he has no other option than getting into his room to fetch the outfit for the hospital.

He dawdled to his room reluctantly, but surprised to see the room all neat and tidy. Even though few changes has done but it's not disarrayed anymore.

A new medium sized glass cabinet was introduced to his room by the side of his study table which has books arranged inside neatly and at the top shelf of the glass cabinet all her soft toys were looking quite beautiful. All her makeup related stuff was placed at a corner of his large dressing table nicely.

The look of his room is quite satisfactory, but he don't the condition of his cabinet from inside.

He slowly opened the door and took few steps back to save himself from unseen attack of clothes. He was surprised to see it was organized well, but in less space which was looking bit stuffy. The space was saved from his clothes for Teju's clothes which was also shelved neatly.

Karan then opened the next cabinet usually contained his books and accessories, but in place of his books Teju's accessories like purses, watches, jewellery and sandals were arranged there.

Samrat was bit astounded to not to see his books, then turned to glass cabinet and found his books was also arranged in one shelf. He breathed a sigh of relief. Now his room is again back like before, just with little space for Teju. It's a simple adjustment.

'Is it done by this goofy girl? Not possible, she can't do this alone. Perhaps mom made it organized by servants.' Karan thought and looked all over his room and frowned again.

The big bunny toy was still lying in the middle of the bed like a royal king and such a big stuff can't be placed anywhere else in his room.

Karan was staring the bunny, not pleased with his presence in his room and noticed a piece of paper under bunny's little palm.

He opened and found it was a letter from Teju, he read it loudly.

Dear HK,

I arranged all your stuff neatly as you want and sorry it can't be like before because I made a little bit space for me and my stuff."

"Is this called little bit?" Karan mumbled to himself while looking at the large cabinet which was actually quite needful into his room because of Teju.

He held his thoughts and resume the letter reading.

I apologize for this, but I was helpless. I updated your cabinet nicely and if you want you can thank me for this, because you are welcome.

As always loving and charming.

Karan shook his head in disbelief after seeing her letter full of herself. She will not going to change.
