
Teju was all busy in giving her best to manage these cute little but nagging patients and Karan was peeking at her standing at the door all impressed and immersed in her so deeply as he was a part of that childrens room.

He took steps to get in many times but every time stopped and don't want to leave this sight of Teju

"What is wrong, Karan? Why are you standing here for so long?"

Yuvika tapped at Karan's shoulder from behind making him jolted for a second then he sighed and composed himself.

He didn't answer to Yuvika, just beckoned towards the children's ward through eyes.

"Oh Dr. Teju filled in today in childrens ward. How is she going with kids?" Yuvika asked.

"Check by yourself." Karan said and both looked at Teju behind the glass wall.

She made all the children lie for a nap and telling them some bedtime story all dramatically making many different actions and expressions.

"Hmm, the room is quite silent, seems like she has dealt with them."

"I guess......" Karan said ambiguously.

"Is that so? Then what are you doing here, paying close attention on her work or what?" Yuvika asked and looked into Karan's eyes.

"I had to, this hospital is my responsibility."

"Oh really? When Dr. Rashmi was in-charge of the childrens ward, you never paid any visit, then why now? The person whom you need to keep a close eye you were not bother, and keeping close attention on Dr. Teju, whom you should trust blindly. You are still annoying."

Yuvika walked into ward while blabbering in irritation and Karan scratch the back of his neck.

"How are they doing?" Yuvika sanitized her hands and asked from head nurse in the ward.

"So far, all good. Dr. Teju made them all play games in a disciplined way, made sure everyone will eat their lunch on time, then medicines and injections as well. This was so easy with her support, dealing with these naughty kids. Please appoint such a doctor every day for children."

Head nurse was impressed and relaxed. Their tough job has been managed.

"Sounds good, I like it." Yuvika said and moved to Teju.

Yuvika was taking details of every kid from Teju, checking them one by one.

When both the doctors were engrossed with their patients Karan silently entered and walked towards Preeti's bed.

Preeti won 'Passing the parcel' game and skipped her injection as a winning prize that was irksome for Karan. He was curious to know the illness and injection of the little girl and her pediatrician.

"What the heck?"

Karan's eyes widen in shock to see that there was no injection was prescribed to this little girl. Teju fooled her in order to make her eat her lunch.

"Dr. Teju is beyond my expectations." Karan's sexy sculpted lips grew apart in a big smile and he shook his head in disbelief.

'Even though Dr. Teju is naughty and prankster, she is smart and quick witted and a good doctor as well. The way she was going with kids, and they all were also comfortable with her, I think she can be a good pediatrician.

Karan was thinking while looking at Yuvika and Teju standing alone and stuffing his hands in the pocket. His thoughts were formed in words by Yuvika.

"Dr. Teju, to be truth you are a good doctor and could be a skilled specialist. At first I used to think you can be a best EM specialist when I saw you working efficiently in emergency room, but now I think you are best with the kids." Yuvika said and pressed her shoulder softly.

"Am I?" Teju raised her eyebrows. She get used to picked by Karan in every work of her since she joined this hospital. This is the first time somebody was praising her.

"Of course, you dealt with children so well which really impressed me. According to me you can be a an excellent pediatrician. You can treat children mere by your words and I am not exaggerating."

Teju smiled brightly being grateful, she bowed, thanked her and turned down her advise politely.

"I appreciate your advise Dr. Yuvika, but my dream is to specialise my MS in neuroscience, I want to be a neuro surgeon, a best neuro surgeon. Dr. Teju the best neuro surgeon in the town, I would be please to hear this."

Yuvika smiled and said, "I wish you will be succeeded in your goal."

'Dr. Teju, the best neuro surgeon in the town.'

This line made Karan frowned and also refreshed some post memories again.

Two middle aged man was sitting and sipping tea while talking to their children.

"So Teju, baby what would you like to be when you grown up? Have you ever decide anything yet or not?"

One of them ruffled a little girl's hair while talking to her.

The little Teju tapped her finger on her chin for a minute while thinking seriously, and amazing everbody with her cute antics.

"Hmm, godfather, I think I will be a doctor just like you mom and dad, but at the end I will only go with the selection Sunny will make for me." The little girl seemed to be clearheaded for her future. She will go with her best friend's choice.

Their parents looked at each other in amusement and laughed.

"Good answer Teju. Hmm, so Karan buddy, what will you like to be in the future?" Another man asked to Karan.

"Godfather, I would like to be a neuro surgeon, just like you. I would like to hear, 'Dr. Karan Kundrra, the best neuro surgeon in the town' in the future."

Their parents praised the clear thoughts of their children.

"Then I will also become a neuro surgeon. Dr. Teju the best neuro surgeon in the town."

All laughed loud listening the cute little girl repeating her best friend's line as a talking parrot.

'Dr. Teju, the best neuro surgeon in the town.'

The phrase was buzzing in Karan's ears drowned him in the past and looking at Dr. Teju Kapoor being all shocked and disbelieved.

"Dr. Teju, you want to be a neuro surgeon, just like my Shona." Karan unknowingly blabbered and had glassy eyes.

"Karan, Karan, what are talking, speak loudly I can't hear you. Karan, what is wrong with you?"

Yuvika shook Karan's shoulder after called him few times, then only he got back to his senses looking all puzzled.

"What's wrong?" Karan asked to Yuvika.

"What is wrong with you, what were your blabbering just now?"

Karan obtained that he was speaking something that he shouldn't in front of anybody. It's good that nobody heard him, but people in the ward were looking at him. It was a weird situation.

"Any problem?" Yuvika asked again.

Karan didn't answer and dashed out of the ward with a red indignant face. He felt like he made a fool of himself just now, behind this girl, Dr. Teju Kapoor.

He barged into his cabin slamming the door behind with a thud, he took a glass full of water and emptied on his head.

Water flew from Karan's head to his face, shoulder and chest making him all wet. He shook his head wildly and water drops shattered all around him.

"Oh gosh, how could I do this, why on earth I am comparing Dr. Teju Kapoor to my little Teju. Why there is so many similarities between them when they are two different persons."

Karan blabbered to himself and swept all the literatures on his table to the floor, venting  his frustration on lifeless stuffs.

"Why the hell it has to be Teju only, why she also wanted to be a neuro surgeon like my Teju, why the hell I am getting my Teju's epitome in Dr. Teju Kapoor." He swept his hand again on the table making few more stuff fall on the floor.

He turned the entire cabin upside down in a few minutes, then sat on the chair swamped under his thoughts.

"No, no I can't think like this. Dr. Teju Kapoor has nothing to do with my Teju and me. She is nothing to me, then why the hell she was all over my thoughts sometimes before." Karan hit his fist on the table in irritation.

"I can't go like this, I have to do something fast to chase Dr. Teju Kapoor out of my thoughts and my life." Karan spoke to himself determinedly, then after deciding something he made a call with a smirk.
