Chapter 64 : Red Wedding Dress II

Kasity :

"Why is my...why is my dress red...I..." Vanessa kept asking...

Suddenly, she gets up...

"And why am I still laying on my bed, I need to get ready for the wedding." She said...

"What is this why is my dress stained oh my God." She said, panicked...

She started rubbing her hands on the dress so as to remove the stains...

Laying in the silence
Waiting for the sirens
Signs, any signs I'm alive still
I don't wanna lose it
I'm not getting through this
Hey, should I pray? should I pray
To myself? To a God?
To a saviour who can•

"What is this... Is it, is it blood?" She asks, still in shock...

"Oh my God this is blood it can't be washed and I need to go at the wedding I'm late." Only her voice was heard across the room full of people...

"Ugh why aren't you helping me? Help me clean it up." She angrily said as she ran to the bathroom...

"Damn it." She said as she was trying to clean it...

"Whose blood is this?" She asked as she stopped touching her dress and stood still.

"I'm not hurt, I'm not bleeding, whose blood is this?" She asked, frightened.

"And where is Jason? I saw him before, where is he?" She asks, standing still, not moving at all as fear spread across her face.

"Somebody answer me where is Jason?" She yelled...

At that moment her mum started crying so her dad led her out of the room.

"Where is Jason?" She yelled louder...

Nobody answered.

Unbreak the broken
Unsay these spoken words
Find hope in the hopeless
Pull me out of the train wreck
Unburn the ashes
Unchain the reactions, I'm not ready to die, not yet
Pull me out of the train wreck
Pull me out, pull me out, pull me out
Pull me out, pull me out•

Then she ran towards Rebecca.

"Rebecca, where is Jason?" She yelled.

Rebecca lowered her head and looked away.

"Are you kidding me?" Vanessa angrily asks...

"I'm late for the wedding my dress is ruined and no one is telling me what's happening." She kept saying as she ran up and down across the room, while everybody was silent.

"Where is he?" She screamed...

"HE'S DEAD VANESSA. JASON IS DEAD." I yell at her and she freezes...

Underneath our bad blood
We still got a sanctum, home
Still a home, still a home here
It's not too late to build it back
'Cause a one-in-a-million chance
Is still a chance, still a chance
And I would take those odds•

"No what?" She asks...

"No, this can't be happening no..." She said...

At that moment the other people across the room couldn't stay silent anymore...

Their shock was obvious.

Rebecca and the other girls started crying... Their sounds though, were muffled by the sirens from outside...

"What? No..." Vanessa kept saying as she looked at her bloody hands...

"This is Jason's right?" She realised...

"No I...His blood is all over my dress no..." She became upset again...

"No this can't be happening remove this from me no..." She lost control as she starting violently pulling the dress...

"Remove Jason's blood from me." She yelled while tearing her dress apart...

"I said remove this from me." She screamed.

The sirens stopped and her eyes focused on a specific part of the dress.

Unbreak the broken
Unsay these spoken words
Find hope in the hopeless
Pull me out of the train wreck
Unburn the ashes
Unchain the reactions, I'm not ready to die, not yet
Pull me out the train wreck
Pull me out, pull me out, pull me out
Pull me out, pull me out, pull me out•

"This is his ring..." she said shocked, her eyes tearing up as she fell on the ground.

You can say what you like 'cause see, I would die for you
I, I'm down on my knees and I need you to be my God
Be my help, be a savior who can•

"No, you are lying, take me to him now." She yelled.

"I said take me to him now." She kept yelling...

Her mother entered the room and ran to her.

Vanessa kept yelling as we got out.

When we went out I walked towards Areson, Victoria, Alastair, Sebastian and the other boys who were standing there in complete silence.

"I'm sick of you all." I shouted.

"It is absolutely my fault, I should have never allowed you to come to this wedding." I angrily said.

"You are all disgusting people, I should have known from the beginning that something like this would happen." I continued yelling.

"Watch your mouth." Victoria answers coldly.

"Watch your damn mouth before you speak to me like that. None of us is responsible for this." She says with a strict look as she picks up her purse, turns around and leaves with Sebastian.

Still silence. All that could be heard was the sound of her heels, slowly fading.

"How could you let this happen Areson?" I turn to face him as my eyes teared up...

"What now?" I continued asking...

"I'm sorry." He manages to say.

I immediately slap him.

"You're sorry? I don't want to see your face near my family and friends anymore." I say in rage.

Unbreak the broken
Unsay these reckless words (find hope in the hopeless)
Pull me out of the train wreck
Unburn the ashes
Unchain the reactions, I'm not ready to die, not yet•

Without a second thought he turned around and left, along with the other boys.

"Oh my God." I breathe out as I sit on a nearby chair...

"Calm down Kasity." Alastair approached me as he makes an effort to hug me...

"No." I say when I push him away.

"Leave me alone." I continue, as I close my eyes...

"Kasity, your arm is bleeding, it's a glass cut let me..." he started approaching me again.

"Leave." I interrupt him.

Rebecca and Elaine came right after he left.

"Kasity we sent her at the hospital, she is in a lot of shock and you should take care of your arm too." Rebecca says.

"Okay." I said.

Areson :

"Jason Connorel. The man who saved my life. And still I wasn't able to protect him this time." I think.

"Areson." Victoria tries to bring me back as I was driving.

"Stop blaming yourself darling, you are not responsible for that." She says...

"Not to sound conforting or anything, but really, this time we were caught off guard, nobody was able to prevent it." Sebastian comments.

"They shot the glasses so as everybody could close their eyes when they were about to shoot Jason." He continues...

At that moment my phone rang.

"What?" I answer, sounding tired.

"That must have been quite of a show, I should have seen it. Goodbye now, I have to take my snake for a walk." Someone said and they hung up...

I smash the phone on the steering wheel.

"I will blow their brains out. Whoever it is." I angrily say.

Kasity :

I arrive at the hospital...

I notice Vanessa and the girls standing outside of a dark room.

"Kasity..." she said with teary eyes as she hugged me...

"Kasity I saw him, he was..." she says, but wasn't able to finish her sentence.

"I know Vanessa." I answer.

"You are going to be okay." I say as I close my eyes, letting the worst feeling overwhelm me, having realised how dangerous things had gotten...

It's not a game anymore.

Pull me out of the train wreck
Pull me out, pull me out, pull me out
Pull me out, pull me out, pull me out•


Soundtrack : Train Wreck by James Arthur

It's not too late to build it back
'Cause a one-in-a-million chance
Is still a chance, still a chance
And I would take those odds•

Underneath our bad blood, is there still a chance?

It's a one-in-a-million-chance... The things is, is it worth the wait, the tears, all that thinking?


