Chapter 19 : Ruined Bedroom Dreams

Kasity :

I woke up in the middle of the night...
Areson was sleeping next to me...

His phone was constantly buzzing...


I took his phone and noticed five missed calls from Rivera and numerous messages...

Well, Areson didn't eventually show up so she's mad...

I smiled slightly and went back to sleep...

In the morning...

I woke up and noticed Areson had left...

Maybe he went to meet Rivera...

Areson :

"Good morning Victoria" I say, not pleased to meet her again...

"Where is she?" Victoria asked with a strange look on her face...

"She's non of your business right now" I seriously say.

"If she betrays us all and ruins the deal, she's dead Areson. Remember this. We all know that Damassiel has her own protection organisation... We're not fools." She says...

"Victoria on which side do you think I am?" I say and she smiles...

When my meeting with Victoria was over, I went home and I found Kasity on the balcony with a drink...

"You're back" she coldly says...

"So? Oh wait, I know. Victoria told you she'd kill me right?" she continues and I freeze...

"How did you-" I start saying but she cuts me off...

"Don't worry I'm not impressed. I knew it from the day I met her" she says, takes a final sip of her drink and then stands up...

"Kasy, I will not let her do that" I say, looking a little worried...

"You know Ares, I don't trust you" she whispers and approaches me...

"Neither do I" I announce and she smiles...

"This is just a never ending cycle of betrayal, lies and hazard... Am I right?" She continues, and I have to admit she looked sad...

"Forget about all this" I finally say and put my hands around her waist...

"A second dance?" She smiles...

"Yes" I whisper...

We start dancing...We could notice the glamorous sunset dancing along with us...

We continued dancing until...

The door opened furiously and some masked men came in quickly...

"DON'T MAKE ANY MOVES OR WE'LL SHOOT" they start yelling, pointing their guns at us...

At that moment, someone else came in slowly and ordered those men to grab Kasity...

"Get her and watch him" the only words he said...

Those words were enough for me to finally understand who it was...

"I'VE GOT A WHOLE FUCKING MAFIA ORGANISATION YOU'LL PAY FOR THIS" Kasity starts screaming until they take her out if the apartment...

Then, everything went black...

Kasity :

I was yelling, screaming and fighting but nothing seemed to help me...

"Quiet Ms. Damassiel." A familiar voice says...

"Perez" I say...

"Now, let's make all this clear. We don't trust you, that's all. We trust Areson, but not you. We know you. I know you. It's just YOU the problem here. We know you want to betray us. Unfortunately, now, you can't." He says...

"I have to compliment you" I say with a smile on my face.

"You're better than us, let's admit the truth" I continue...

"Is this a kind of strategy or what?" Sebastian says angrily...

"You'll never figure out my strategy sweetheart" I finally say and then Sebastian ordered his men to take me away...


Soundtrack - Bedroom Dreams by James Newton Howards

