Chapter 23 : Changed

Kasity :

We enter the club...

The loud music was echoing in our ears...

So many people.

Areson was walking next to me holding my hand. I let him do it. It's part of the revenge.

"Vodka for me" I say, just as we reached the bar.

"Make it two" Areson says...

How I adore that particular smirk on his face.

After some minutes, while Areson was talking to some guys, a man approached me.

"Nice dress, I can't say it's inappropriate" he says...

He was charming.

"Then you're mistaken" I say and tilt my head to the side.

"Do you dance?" He asks...

"No thank you, I'm not that one night stand you randomly meet at the club, sorry." I tell him and then laugh.

I could tell he was left speechless.

"Well, then just some talking is enough right?" He asks.

"Of course" I answer and we kept talking about random things...

Areson :

While I was talking to some boys, I caught a glimpse of Kasity talking with somebody.

'These people in clubs are dangerous' I think...

I notice she was enjoying the talk with him.

I approach them...

"Hello, I'm Areson Kingstone" I tell him, trying to hide my anger.


"Oh hello, I'm Jason" he answers, a little scared of me, obviously.

"So, is he the lucky guy?" He asks Kasity.

"No" she simply answers, putting on her most adorable devilish smile.

"I'm going home Kasy, it's late" I angrily say.

"Where's the fire?" she laughs, she was slightly drunk.

"Anyway, it was nice to meet you Kasity, probably we will meet again" Jason says and then leaves.

"Good. Did you have to terrify him in this way?" Kasity frowns.

"I'm an independent woman Areson, and I swear if I notice you trying to protect me once again, I'll throw up. Men who pretend to protect their women as if they were made of glass ready to break in seconds disgust me the most" she yells at me and then heads for the exit.

I was left speechless wondering whether she was drunk or right as hell.

We went back at the apartment silently.

"Well, I had fun there, I really love clubs" she says, a lot calmer now.

"Kasity we have to talk" I tell her...

She heads for the balcony and stands there, in the dark, waiting for my explanations.

"First of all, I don't consider you weak Kasy. I have no tendencies to protect you in that way. On the contrary, I believe you're the most powerful woman I have ever met. And I won't compliment your appearance because I know you don't like it. But I will surely compliment your character..." I say, approaching her more.

"Also, I hate you, that doesn't change" I laugh.

That made her laugh too.

"That's too cliché sweetheart" she provokes...

"But a cute one" she continues...

"Now listen, I'll do something that you want me to do too, but we should keep in mind that we're done, because that's what you want right?" I ask her...

Kasity :

And then... He kissed me.

We kissed there slowly...

My hands on his chest and his on my waist.

"So where are you going to sleep?" He asks.

"Bed" I answer...

•The bed is colder when you're next to me
You roll around and turn your back on me
I don't know what to do
Yeah, I don't know what to do
If you're not gonna talk to me•

We went there still kissing...

In the middle of the night...

I wake up. He kissed me in the same way he kissed Victoria and that really disgusts me. I get up and stand by the balcony.

He said we're leaving on Sunday...

Well, I'll leave tomorrow. Alone. I need my time to organise myself and my work.

I start packing my things quietly, trying not to wake him up...

When I was done, I sat down closed my eyes and started thinking about my life...

"Kasy..." he whispered...

"What are you doing there?" He gets up.

"What happened?" He asks...

•We used to fight, we used to make a scene
Now you don't even have the energy
I don't know what to do
Yeah, I don't know what to do
If you're not gonna talk to me•

"Honestly Ares, you could never understand, so go back to sleep" I tell him and get up.

"Why are your things packed?" He asks, still confused...

•No use in lying if we let it all just step out of our hands•

"Areson, you still can't understand?" I ask him, disappointment abvious in my voice...

"Kasity the past two days something has changed" he says...

I didn't expect him to notice this...

"We're good Areson, now please go back to sleep" I tell him, trying not to cry again...

"Kasity, you always say we're good but then you act strange" he says looking away from me.

•Don't say it's nothing, I know something's

You got it written on your face
You say we're good, but then you're strange
What's on your mind? Don't tell me we're fine
Don't say it's nothing, I know something's changed•

"You got it written on your face, so tell me what's going on" he asks me again...

"I'm leaving tomorrow Areson. I'm going home. And I don't really want to meet you again. I'm sorry." I manage to say...

"Now please Ares, let's go back to sleep..." I tell him...

•I'm freezing when you put your hands on me
It's like I'm sleepin' with the enemy
You got a secret or two
Yeah, I don't know what to do
If you're not gonna talk to me•

He was so confused he didn't even try to make other questions...

We went back to bed and I layed my head on his chest...

"Ares, I wish things were different" I tell him...

I was falling asleep... So was he...

I just reached to kiss him once more...

I heard him mumble something...

"I need you" he mumbled...

At that point I didn't even know if I really heard it or I was just slightly dreaming...

Don't say it's nothing, I know something's

You got it written on your face
You say we're good, but then you're strange
What's on your mind? Don't tell me we're fine
Don't say it's nothing, I know something's changed•

Something's changed•



Soundtrack : Changed by Nico Santos
