Chapter 42 : Deviation

Kasity :

And there we were, holding guns towards one another, looking each other in the eye.

I could tell Areson was surprised, but he will find out soon.

At that moment I laughed.

"Alastair put the gun down." I said. It sounded like an order.

"We agreed on something else." I say and he puts the gun down and takes one step back.

"Then finish it." Alastair says...

At that moment I get ready to pull the trigger towards Areson.

With the corner of my eye I notice Nathaniel walking towards us.

"Guns down or your men will be dead." He says and points towards my gun.

"Avery and John have your men Alastair. Ms. Damassiel put the gun down." He continued...

"Oh really?" Alastair smirked...

At that moment I heard a loud noise and some fire coming out of one entry. A piercing sound. An explosion.

It was so powerful that we fell on the floor while fire and objects were surrounding us.

I saw Alastair approaching me... And that's the last thing I remember.

Areson :

I open my eyes and noticed Nathaniel laying next to me.

He opens his eyes and tries to speak.

"Damn it I'll kill that man myself." He said as he tried to get up.

There was still some fire, less dangerous though.

We got up.

"What if this..." I say and immediately take out my phone to call John and Avery...

"Ares, we're good, a little hurt but good. That was it, that man should be killed as soon as possible." John said, and I could notice the angry tone of his voice.

"He played dirty." Avery said...probably angry too.

"Alright boys, take the others and let's fix the mess he created here, before anybody notices." I say, but then...

I noticed that Kasity was not there. Neither Alastair.

Alastair's car was missing.

"What do you think Ares?" Nathaniel asked me, implying that Kasity betrayed us.

And at that moment I remembered the piece of paper she gave me before.

"I need to go home." I say...

The sun was setting...

"Let's fix this quickly." I add...

~2 hours later~

It was already night by the time we fixed Alastair's mess.

And I got home.

I opened the folded piece of paper.

'Areson, I'm sorry, but I had to. I purposefully joined Alastair, in order to help you. I don't plan to shoot you, instead I plan to shoot Alastair. Yes, I made a deal with him, but I know what I'm doing.'

That's what she wrote. So she did it again. Joined my enemies to actually help me.

But what Alastair did, in fact, ruined her plans...

I sit down on a chair and that's when realisation hit me...

Did he kidnap her? I couldn't even think about it...

I took out my phone to call her... 'Unavailable'...

Kasity :

~The next day, somewhere 600 miles away from Kasity's town~

I open my eyes slowly as the sun rays hit me...
I woke up at an unfamiliar place. A hotel? A mansion? I don't know.

The last thing I remember is the explosion.

I get up and walk towards the door...

I open it and start walking in order to find an exit or anything that could help me.

"Oh, so you're awake." I hear a voice behind me.

"No way..." I say as I turn around...

"What are you doing here Sebastian?" I ask, completely in shock.

"I was about to leave sweetheart, but I can stay if you want me too." He said...

"If only I had my gun here." I say, giving him a threatening look.

•Face like an angel
But she's far from that
She makes up her own rules
She never looks back
She does as she pleases•

"Relax, everything's fine now." He says, smiling maliciously.

"May I know where the hell I am and what happened?" I ask, getting angry...

"I was leaving sweetheart, you can ask Alastair, he must be somewhere here." He says as he walks past me but stops a few steps forward.

"I told you it was never going to work between you and Areson...And I was right." He says...

"Oh go to hell." I angrily say.

He left and I was left alone once again trying to figure out anything that could help me.

I walked towards a door which seemed half open, hoping that somebody could be in there.

I open the door and notice Alastair across his desk, writing something...

"Well, good morning." He says as he lifts his head up.

"Where the hell am I?" I angrily ask.

He gets up and walks towards me.

"You could get out and see, but you probably won't recognise anything because we're approximately 600 miles away from town." He reveals...

"What..." I was left speechless.

"Calm down, there's was an explosion, my mistake, and I carried you to the car because you passed out. And here we are, this is my mansion away from where we were." He explained.

Comfortable enough to think you'll take her
But when she smiles, all her teeth are made of razors
She doesn't care about your words
Or how you'll save her
Where she comes from, there's no saviors
Worry 'bout what you got yourself into
She doesn't like it when you tell her that she's sinful
You better watch your back
'Cause she can see right through you
Knows exactly how she'll kill you•

"Excuse me a minute." I say as I approach him.

"Who gave you the right to kidnap me?" I raise my voice.

"Kidnap you? Oh please, you should be grateful I took you from that place." He says with a smirk.

"Great, you saved me okay now send me back home if you don't want me to steal one of your cars or guns and finish you." I say, emphasising each word I directed towards his face.

"Well, someone didn't sleep well." He said...

"I am not going to hurt you and I can guarantee you that. Now, I think you'd like to calm down and come to eat breakfast with me. You'll find some other clothes in the room you were in. Besides, is there anything that bothers you that much that you desperately want to go home?" he asks...

"Yes I left my oven on." I say as I roll my eyes and head for the room.

I changed and then we went out to eat.

The mansion had a huge garden and it was beautiful I can say...

"You like the view?" He said as he gestured me to sit on a chair.

I laughed ironically.

"You don't know what a view is until you see my Sapphire Royal Estate III" I say.

Make you cry, no point in hiding
She loves the sight, fear in your eyes
She does as she pleases
Cloudy skies, she doesn't mind
She's from the fires, plan your demise
She does as she pleases
She knows that you need it•

"Surprised by the fact that you own it." He says as he sits down too.

"Why, because I'm a woman or because I'm not one of those mafia members like you Areson, Sebastian and Victoria who fight like some fools just to show off?" I angrily say...

"Pathetic." I add and start eating.

"Wow, why are you with Areson then if you do not want to be part of these things?" He asks.

"Sorry, I'm not with Areson, and that's none of your business." I say as I give him a cold look.

Don't even try, you'll never understand her
Waste of your time tryna decipher her demeanor
Losin' your mind, she'll never follow your commands, her
Heart is frozen, full of anger•

"Sure, but I can't help but remind you that night at the ball when he got so jealous over you dancing with me. Nice dance by the way." he said, smirking again.

I roll my eyes and continue eating.

Face like an angel
But she's far from that
She makes up her own rules
She never looks back
She does as she pleases
She knows that you need it•

"Now the real question is...Do you want to go back home?" he asked, his look, serious enough for me to understand that something weird was going on here.



Soundtrack : Lilith by Ellise

Alastair Moreno

Kellan Lutz (Actor) - Picture taken from pinterest (I do not own it).

Sebastian  Perez

Tom Hardy (Actor) - Picture taken from pinterest (I do not own it).
